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Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country
Week 2 draws to a close. More shit I remember off the top of my head from today.

-- Maternity/Childrens hospital bombed in Mariupol. I rather wish I hadn't clicked that link
-- It seems, some of the humanitarian corridors remained open. People are getting out.
-- The situation is still getting worse. Food and other supplies are getting low
-- An Orchestra plays upbeat music in Euromaiden square in Kyiv
-- A military band plays 'Don't worry, be happy' in Odesa. (I heard it on the radio and may be misremembering)
-- Chernobyl has lost all electrical power.
-- Cooling pumps for the spent fuel pools will stop. Not great, but not terrible. The fuel is old enough - natural convection should keep it happy.
-- Station staff are still forced to reside at the station. At least one engineer has run away into the zone to hide.
-- Slavutych - the worker's town - is still in Ukrainian hands, but is effectively locked down. 2 days food remain
-- Russia claims evidence of special military operation by 'Euromaidan Regime' to seize Donbass/Luhansk found in Ukraine
-- Documents refer to government as 'Euromaidan regime'. (I think - did I misread that?)
-- Russian casualties at somewhere between 5 and 8% of initial capability.
-- About 55% of Russia's total military capability is now committed to this
-- The rest probably only exists on paper. with some lad growing fat off their salaries and maintenance fees
-- Starbucks, Coke, Pepsi and a bunch of others finally pull out of Russia
-- Converting Rubles to foreign currencies now heavily restricted, until at least September. (Wonder if this is the reason)
-- It's unlikely the economic 'discomfort' itself will force Russia to the table - the oligarchs know which cock they suck. It only affects actual human beings.
-- But it may prevent them from paying civil servants, soldiers and suppliers in the near future.
-- Russia bond status, official Junk
-- Ukraine bond status - not junk.
-- Ukraine ceases all food exports until the war is over
-- This is going to make things uncomfortable in Europe with bread and grain prices going up in the next week. But worse everywhere else.
-- Back here in the parish, excise taxes on fuel were dropped by about 20 cent a litre.
-- Ten minutes after tax cut announced, but before it came into effect tonight, the local filling station added 20 cent a litre to the price of petrol. (Fucking scumbags need to be arrested for profiteering.)
-- Inflation might hit 10% this year. Driven mostly by fuel. Anything that needs a tractor to till is going up in price
-- Fucking Green parties. We all knew they were in Putin's pocket. But here we are.
-- I'm working out how much untaxed kero' I can add to the car's tank without killing the injector pump.
-- Putin gunning the gaslines as a 'sanction' may be a secret positive. Nobody in Germany has to take the blame for making the hard choice.
-- For the time being, the gas still flows
-- The Liveline (Radio show featuring the salt of the arse) this afternoon was a shitshow of farmers complaining about prices, farmers insisting we return to subsistance farming, and farmers who understand economics and business and why 'just planting wheat' won't work getting shouted down by the pig-ignorants.
-- The Government here have been quietly considering worst case scenarios - such as fuel/electricity rationing and food supply issues.
-- China is still rodgering itself with the fence - but accelerating food and fuel prices, Europe and America not buying its shit will hurt it a lot more than Russia will.
-- CCP's legitamacy is based on stability and the steady increase and maintenance of living standards.
-- EU sanctions on Russia will fuck that too as collateral damage. Increasing food and fuel prices will make China sad.
-- Metal prices and raw material prices are going unstable which is causing problems in the market.
-- When it comes to economic war, the EU can afford to loose a lot more than Russia - the EU makes a lot more shit that sells internationally, for a start.
-- In Russian terms, we have reserves.
-- Like a whole herd of cats frightened by a loud noise in the room, the EU acted quickly and with aggressive vehemence. The cats may be getting a little bit - catty again now that the shock has worn off.
-- The saga of the Polish Migs continues, with nobody really wanting to take responsibility for moving the damned things
-- Dancing a line between hurting the bear, and provoking it into a retaliation.
-- The Russian army continues to grind inexorably through Ukraine.
-- They may have learned to defend their convoys
-- Or that bright-spark tank-commander will be demoted for independant thinking.
-- Bayraktar still drops in on fuel tankers - but the 'leaks' are getting fewer and fewer.


One thing I almost missed

Irish government has issued a response to the whole Gategate thing

One thing I forgot, but shouldnt have

--Ukraine maybe issues stamps to commemorate the Russian Warship, Go Fuck Yourself
--The crew of the Go Fuck Yourself could not be reached for comment - having been sunk by unguided artillery a day ago.

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.

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RE: Russian lawmakers authorize Putin to use military force outside the country - by Dartz - 03-09-2022, 02:16 PM

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