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prevent bodyhopping/astral projection/etc.: Hoist the Colors
prevent bodyhopping/astral projection/etc.: Hoist the Colors


This one might actually go the opposite direction if Doug first heard it in context of the movie or if used when afloat on a body of salt water, but generally the first verse is what grabs me the most out of this, "the king and his men took the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones." The target of the song cannot body hop, astrally project, use puppet-style mind control, manifest as a ghost apart from their remains if killed or already dead, etc., at least for the duration and possibly until an "unbinding" condition or spell is cast. Situational, but when you want that effect you really want it.

It might also render them as immortal as Doug has power available for his metagift to draw on to enforce, with the repetition of "never shall we die?" Perhaps that part, and/or a "freedom of movement" effect ala the D&D spell (from "where we will, we'll roam") is only when on salt water. Whichever, that's definitely only for the song duration, though the linked version is decently long as songs not by Iron Maiden or Dream Theater go at 4:30 not counting the spoken intro.
‎noli esse culus

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