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Alas, the perfect title for this one has already been used: Quote:"Sangnoir's ALIVE!? Dive, my Hawkmen!"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:"Raven, huh? Met the guy once. Great to hang with, but never let him arrange your social calendar." "Ain't that the ever lovin' truth, brother."
Just how would Doug react to the knowledge that each one of those girls has got their hooks in Zeke in one way or another? I know he's had experience in dealing with Chris Angel's issue with his two paramours, but I'm pretty sure he's never personally known someone in with a harem of seven.
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That... would be material for something bigger than a nanostep.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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For a cop, the guy was polite, friendly, and understanding. In my experience, that was unusual, but certainly welcome, for the moment. He'd even accepted my explanation that I'd been disoriented by traveling between dimensions, and torn up the ticket he was about to give me for having my bike in a section of park that was off-limits to motor vehicles.
Then again, the fact that he'd then called my in explicitly as a "dimensionally displaced person" told me that this particular part of the multiverse was a bit more experienced - and hopefully mature - about such things than some places I'd visited. Of course, that meant there was paperwork involved, but you can't have everything.
"Thanks, Sergeant Schweickert, I really appreciate this," I said, as I rolled the bike up onto the towing hitch he'd hooked to the back of his patrol car.
"Don't worry, son, we get this kinda thing all the time."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Heh. Gryphon would say, "Great. Another mouth to feed."
Bob: I'm thinking more of a stagger. Doug would only be there for few days - long enough to get a feel for the insane world that is Zeke's, and maybe pick up a somewhat nifty trinket or two. (You know how Zeke's an engineer and a mage.)
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"We have an Incoming Wormhole! Closing the Iris, sir!"
"General, its a Nine cheveron address!"
"I do not think the iris will be effective, General," came the observation that draged all eyes up and through the glass into the gate room proper, where the shimmering disk of an event horizon had formed in FRONT of the gate, and its protective iris! The troops in the room proper snugged their weapons in tighter as the disk started to deform, then spat out its content, a man on a very human looking motorcycle, save that it hovered a few inches off the floor. He wore a grey helmet covering his head and gray cycling leathers, but from the way he was slumped forward certainly appeared to be unconcious. The cycle drifted slowly and uncontrolled down the ramp, and behind it the wormhole even horizon vanished with an unchareteristic audible 'Pop' as soon as the rear tire had materialized.
"Well," Col Jack O'Niel opinoned as the vehilce bumped up against the wall of the gate room and stopped. "Shall we see what sort of trouble has come to dinner?"
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Oh, boy, what with my errands and chores today, you guys are spitting these out faster than I can do anything with them! Quote:"Thanks, Sergeant Schweickert, I really appreciate this,"
The only thing wrong with this is that I've already got a blink-and-you'll-miss-it UF ref queued up for an upcoming Step. (Gryphon declined to let me bring Doug into the UF-verse officially.) Quote:Bob: I'm thinking more of a stagger.
Go for it, then. I won't include your passage in the Nanostep document because of that, and, well, it's just too big. Quote:"Shall we see what sort of trouble has come to dinner?"
I'd love to see what they think of his results if they gene-type him to see if he's human... And I'd love to see the face of a Go'uald who realizes Doug doesn't need props to do the kind of stuff the snakes fake with tech...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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I know Gryph's declared a moratorium on new UF contributors (and asking for an exception will only annoy him and make it less likely you would be accepted in the unlikely event that the moratorium is lifted in the future), but does anybody know if that position extends to fanfic of UF? That is, treating UF like any other source work and announcing at the outset that your story isn't canon or even apocrypha. Blargle. Ignore this post, nothing to see here, move along...
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Oh, I notice no one's guessed #13: -- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Aunt Billie! *glees*
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:Oh, I notice no one's guessed #13: What, we have to post our guesses? Okay.
I'm pretty sure about three of these...
#25 (posted by ECSNorway) #26 was mentioned in the first chapter of DW XIII #27 is easy #28... I'm not sure... but could it be... All-Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku-Nuku --
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Foxboy Wrote:Aunt Billie! *glees* Well, Doug is from a Hollywood family. It stands to reason that he would have some sort of relationship with some of the "royalty" of that town. They might even consider him one of "their" superheroes, since his identity is public.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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as of May 17:
19) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
20) BlackAeronaut's fanfic whose title I forget.
21) Portal
22) Diskworld (and Doug just got on the Librarian's good side by knowing the difference between and ape and a monkey)
23) the old Flash Gordon movie
24) Undocumented Features (gotta admit, Doug wouldn't even stick out much in New Avalon,
25) Stargate SG-1 (Jack and Doug trading wisecracks, the baddies would be driven nuts.)
26) No clue
27) The Wizard of Oz
28) No clue
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Timote Wrote: as of May 17:
26) No clue Kaleido*Star. And yes, this was the "more than that" Doug muttered to Eimi about when she ragged on him for (rather aggressively) acquiring the Kaleidostage from Yuri Killian just to give it back to Kalos. Timote Wrote:28) No clue All-Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku-Nuku Rob already guessed them, but I'm just confirming.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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I was surrounded by groans as the lightning stopped, my field deflecting most of it away from us. Not enough to stop us from nearly being thrown from the edge, but enough for us to get up faster than we would have.
"Have an electric personality don't you?" I muttered.
"Ray." Winston ground out, "When someone asks if you're a god, you say yes!"
"Ray did the right thing." I told him as the rest of the Ghostbusters lined up beside me. "Most gods I know of would take offence at that."
"So, what's the plan?" Venkman asked.
"Defeat Gozer, close the Gate, rescue the possessed, and paint the town with our victory celebration." I said. "Plan 17B, in other words."
"I like that plan."
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“What?” The genuine surprise in the leader’s voice was almost refreshing. At least that meant that the aliens weren’t actually trying to invade.
“We goofed! We erred! We misinterpreted the data at hand!” The tallest alien moved in front of his leader, stepped with each term, emphasizing his statements.
“I told you so!” the pilot shouted from his control station.
“Let me explain the whole situation in a nutshell: There are five of us, and four billion of them!”
“Four billion and one,” I found myself saying out loud. Again, much like before, the aliens all freaked out. This time, the pilot joined in. I stood up, keeping the little girl behind me. The tallest one had produced a weapon and had it trained on me. So far, that was the most competent thing I’d seen any of them do. “Give me that,” I snarked, yanking the gun away from him. “You’ll hurt yourself, but not me. Look, I can see that you’re just trying to leave, so, you let the girl and the old man go, and I’ll do what I can to help.”
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Okay, now that's obscure. If it's what I think it is, the pilot wears shades and talks like Nicholson. And the little girl will eventually know Unix.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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That's one I recognise as well. Of course, Doug's going to have to do something about the ship's 'political officer'.
"Die Earth scum, die Earth scum. I'm gonna carve that on your tombstone!"
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Two weeiners! Spaced Invaders. I think Doug will like the way the "Political officer" is dealt with. On the other hand, he might start offering a "Trinitrotoluene" award to others in the future.
And it's "Prepare to die, Earth scum."
ETA: If obscure is bad, I won't add the other one I've been thinking of doing. If it's good, I'll see about getting it written up when I get home. I think Doug would have a great deal of sympathy for the two people involved.
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Obscure is not bad. Obscure is fun.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Heh. Loved that movie, as cheesy as it was. Loved the part where they mistook the corn silos as missile silos.
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I actually made the VernDroid as a tanker for a very short time. He didn't click, so I dropped him. I love that movie.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
By this point, I'd had it.
"Okay, look. I've been to some weird places, all right? But this takes the cake, the pie and the whole fudge creamsicle. The entire town is surrounded by one of the strongest wards I've ever seen, nobody seems to care that some of the townsfolk are animals that can talk and wear clothes, I'm being stalked by a creepy guy with a ridiculous hat who keeps leering at me, and you and way-too-young-to-wear-that-dress just had a ballet fight. So tell me: what's the freakin' story here?!"
My question asked, I folded my arms and waited for an answer.
A moment later I got one.
I slapped my face and dragged my hand down it before replying.
"Right. Let's get you some water. And some clothes."
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On my way home, I had an idea for another, obscure one. MonkeyFist says this is less obscure than the other idea, so I'll post them both:
I cautiously approached the book that the red-speedo-and-bandolier clad man dropped. I couldn’t imagine what it had been that freaked him out so thoroughly. It was an old book, sure. But, it looked like the world had ended here a century or so ago, so the fact that the book was still in one piece was, frankly, amazing.
I reached the book and could see the man and his cronies were off a ways away. He was talking with them, rather emphatically. I picked the book up and wiped the new dirt from its cover.
The Wizard of Oz.
I didn’t think anything would surprise me after crossing the police checkpoint blended in with a group of punk kids. Hell, I didn’t think that would work, but it did. The three of us made it to Tower Bridge without a second glance from the police.
The hawk-faced man from before was in his chamber and only mildly surprised to see James and I walk in. But, the pilot guy caused his jaw to drop and his eyes to well up with tears. The raven he was tending twisted and moved toward the three of us.
James didn’t have time to introduce us before, and, honestly, I didn’t care who the pilot guy was. In the ten minutes I had known him he was a quick-thinker and good on his feet. But, the hawk-faced man knew him. It was obvious, almost like he hadn’t seen him in years. There were several awkward moments of silence before the hawk-faced man said the pilot’s nick name: “Biggles!”
Now it was my turn. My jaw hit the floor. “You’re shittin’ me! He’s Biggles?”