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Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
True enough.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
Hi. Tsubomi, can I ask if you can send me the papillon rose raw on my streamload account? I've been looking for this series since I saw it on a web site and it seems I have no luck. I would really appreciate it if you could. I hope you can help me.
oh, merry christmas and happy new year to you guys here.
Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose
I don't know if Tsubomi's still reading this topic; I haven't seen her around in over 10 days.
Good luck, though. Have you tried her website or emailing her directly?

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
XP hey just cause I don't post doesn't mean I'm not nosey to see if anyone else is posting.
That and goodness, with the way I check my bandwidth stats do you think I wouldn't notice how many people are checking this thread? XD Bugger... stop looking at my icon you people! *Swats you all with a rolled up newspaper.*
XD Kidding, view view... yes indeed view, kill my bandwidth! I wanna get past 2 gigs this time. Got 1 gig last month WEEEE...
(Course the huge monkey image gallery on my site MAY have caused that...)
Anyway... it's amazing how many people contact me saying they want the episode and then don't leave their Streamload username... or was that the person I handled recently... hmm... '.' Curious. *Thinks.* Well if it was then enjoy or whatnot.
Going on, if anyone is curious, noooooo the official site hasn't updated... XD Maybe they're wanting to wait an exact year or something... I'll be old enough to drink probably by the time they update. (Not that I don't drink already. XD I love my fiance. He's 27! XDD)
I was able to fix most of the lyrics on my site thanks to some nice people who gave me some help on the forum... ^.^ Also kinda secured the fact that I am the one that has done the romaji for them as far as that site is concerned. Now to wait for their stupid test, hopefully pass it, then have the lyrics there with my beaaaautiful name and site link in the credits. *Happy sigh.*
-.- Still need to do Everlasting Love someday though... dammit...
On another note... I'm trying to convert the vocal songs to a likable ogg format and I'm gonna upload them to both of the Yahoo groups partaining to Papillon Rose. So anyone that doesn't have them yet can try to get them XD course you'll either need a program to convert ogg to mp3 or just one that can play ogg files. I'm doing ogg cause it saves room, would like to use it for my site but meh... must figure out how it all works first.
Oh yeah, and I'm gonna be splitting the karaoke portion and Papillon Rose portion of my site up (can't spell can I?) meaning one of them isn't going to be at simple old anymore. '.' I'm thinking the karaoke one, just for the fact that so many people depend on the simple link for my Papillon Rose site. ^_^
Oh yeah! And... .> Since it's a new year, I'm gonna have to start job hunting again soon... which is a pain. You have no idea how much I have to do this year... websites, wedding plans, job hunting... >.< BARGH... I don't even know anything about weddings~! XD And I have to do that all by April... ~.~ Not fun... But my point about the job hunting thing was that probably after my first paycheck I'm gonna contact Pinkco and see if they still have any of the Papillon Rose OVA DVDs left and buy a copy for myself! I know... that's like $50+ for 30 minutes of bouncing boobs and such, but it would be something I'd like to say I own... .> And I wanna see if it has any extras or pretty menus...
XD Happy... I babbled... now I go away until I see lots of bandwidth being taken by YOU PEOPLE...
I say that in a loving way. *Huggles all.*
*Twirls around.*
Whew... Whew... Whew...
I love how fast I can upload things. *Hugs her cable modem thinger.*
La la la, one more community to go. But for now, anyone that's not a member at this community but wants the songs may wanna join...
Go to the files section and click on the folder that says about vocal songs. If too many people have downloaded them wait a while or...
Go here!
Same thing about the file section and folder, once I upload it.
Also take a look at my PREEEETTTY new layout for my message board. (Had to redo the whole d@mn thing cause a hacker recently hacked into a bunch of servers, thusly messing up my message board, guestbook, and even my index page.) Message Board
Check my posts in it for even more pretties...
Ah I wish there was more I could update my site with. Too bad I didn't get the old book when it was around. (Long-o time ago and such.)
And whoo-hoo, an estimated 9 out of 104 visitors added me to their favorites! XD I'M A LOSER!
I wish I had the old bandwidth thinger again, it was so much easier to understand...
o.O... And for some reason, somewhere... on a Spanish forum there is a link to me... .> Haven't figured out where yet...
Re: *Twirls around.*
.> .> Someone's looking at my icon...
*Sniggles.* Sorry, little tipsy.
Anyway... it's amazing how many people contact me saying they want the episode and then don't leave their Streamload username... or was that the person I handled recently... hmm... '.' Curious. *Thinks.* Well if it was then enjoy or whatnot.
Sorry. I was asking first if its ok with you, thats why I didn't give my streamload username outright. Don't want to be demanding. Gomen ne~ ^^;
And make that 10 of 105 users that added your site as thier favorites. ^_^
On an offtopic note, yes finding a job is a pain. I'm curently doing so myself... and I'm in a lot of pain. >_<
Oh, and if you're interested, you might want to order your papillon rose dvd on a japanese site. I get my mangas directly from japan, with saves me a bit of money from shipping. If you can go through a japanese site(And I bet you can), you might want to consider ordering it here: They got loads of stuff there at competitive prices. (sheesh, i sound like a promoter >_
Bob, thanks for your reply to my post. Emailed Tsubomi and finally got to watch papillon rose. Am now waiting for the second installment of the series. ^_^
I don't know if its just me, but I find the "event" in the last part of the show with the cat and dandylion kinda... icky. *shivers* >_<
And now for some rants:
*curses ezboard for deleting this post just because I didn't have a subject* >_<
now what did we learn today kids? SAVE you rpost before clicking on Add Reply... especially if you post is a long one. [Image: laugh.gif]
Re: ...
Oh! I hate that ez-board thing... it's like... you'll get done posting some huge thing then it'll either time out or say something about not having a subject then when you try to go back your post is gone...
*Stabs ez-board.*
EZ must stand for something besides 'EASY'...
Going on, so it WAS you. ^.^ I figured as much.
And, does that place actually have the DVD? That I knew of, Pinkco was one of the only places to get it from... I think that and some play Pinkco links to... I was just playing with Paint Shop Pro 7 trying to make the layout for my lone karaoke site... well I'm wanting text going two ways but I want it to be spiffy and transparent on the image I'm using... -.- so I was putting it in a new image, making it a transparent .gif and then trying to make it a transparency on the other image after pasting it there...
Now a few seconds ago I thought...
Well maybe it would work better if I just put the text on that image...
>.< It comes out transparent to BEGIN with...
~.~ OMG I'm spacey...
Re: ...
Bob, thanks for your reply to my post. Emailed Tsubomi and finally got to watch papillon rose. Am now waiting for the second installment of the series. ^_^
I'm not waiting, but I won't refuse to to watch it if it should cross my path.
I don't know if its just me, but I find the "event" in the last part of the show with the cat and dandylion kinda... icky. *shivers* >_
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: ...
'.' maybe there won't be naughty kitty things in the second episode...
Maybe it would be a dog next time. -.-
Thank you - but are they work-safe?
I love how fast I can upload things. *Hugs her cable modem thinger.*
La la la, one more community to go. But for now, anyone that's not a member at this community but wants the songs may wanna join...
Go to the files section and click on the folder that says about vocal songs. If too many people have downloaded them wait a while or...
Same thing about the file section and folder, once I upload it.

Thank you for sharing these six excellent songs, I've had them looping in random order for a few hours now. (Actually, for the past hour, they've been less than half the playlist, but...)
I'm glad you used Ogg Vorbis instead of mp3 -- Ogg Vorbis really is technically superior.
Anyone who has trouble listening to Ogg Vorbis audio files, just do a google search for "ogg vorbis".
Considering the subject matter of LSPR, I have a question about these audio files : are they work-safe if you have colleagues who understand Japanese?
--Indexfiles aka Index aka J.W. Harris
Re: Thank you - but are they work-safe?
Index, I don't think Tsubomi is actively reading the board any more. You might want to email her directly.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: Thank you - but are they work-safe?
[Image: eyes.gif] Hmm...
Seeing as how I always thought the Knights of Ramune Fresh opening song was adorable but turned out to be extremely perverted...
I'd have to say no.
Response to the question about listening to them at work.
Just as a safety precaution I wouldn't, seeing as what anime they come from.[Image: indifferent.gif]
Work-safe? Probably not
Thanks for the warning, Tsubomi.
Too bad, my five year old son really likes the songs. :-)
Re: Tsubomi not being around...
Well. Okay. I was wrong.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
X_x *to the five year old son thing*
I suppose that isn't bad in a sense, music is music, and when you can't outright tell what is being said it's not so bothersome if they're talking dirty. (Like how rap pisses me off yet I can stand listening to some dirty Japanese songs. X.x I don't always know what's being said, so it isn't exactly assulting my ears.)
[Image: roll.gif] More power to those who don't know what it means liking it.
But if it had the chance of getting you into trouble, then it's not good. @_@
I'll see if I can find someone who can translate the songs so we can all know for sure.
Or hey if any of you know someone who can that won't be like "You're a dirty pig!" if they're dirty, then that would be cool.
And I actually haven't been paying attention here.
I just happened to finally look at my 'most recent visitors' thing on my website info (which shows when my icon here is viewed) and noticed activity from here.
Lucky too since I hadn't looked at that in over a month![Image: embarassed.gif] [Image: laugh.gif] [Image: eyes.gif]
Re: oh...
Well, one way or another the timing was perfect.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
You have been checking the official website lately right?
Did you see the few new things they have up. They actually have a lot up, like new song lyrics, but seeing those involves digging around their directory folders. Basically the site is incomplete at the moment.
I can't wait for song clips of the new songs, actually I can't wait for a new soundtrack with full versions of the songs. I want karaoke versions too dammit!
But this seems to be another bogus thing which is saddening, some pretty images and songs is about all it seems we'll be getting... again.
I'm currently working on transliterations of the new song lyrics and I'll have them completed 100% once I have full versions of the songs since I don't exactly trust the kanji workups on the songs since sometimes what is written isn't what is being sung.
And on that note, I finally finished all of the lyrics for the original six songs.
For those that haven't seen them, they're here.
Re: '.'
No, I haven't checked it recently. I'll have to go take a look tonight. Thanks for the heads-up.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
[Image: roll.gif]
For those that can't figure it out, or reach this too late in the month to even see it listed on the first page of news stuff.
For anyone who can read Japanese here's another page.
Announcement is supposed to be made next month then maybe soon we'll see another official website.
Whoops haha I got too excited and forgot what my username was here when I posted that last thing ahaha.[Image: embarassed.gif]
Re: O.o
Something else to watch out for, then... Thanks!

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Okay a little more information so you don't assume you'll be waiting half a year or more ... like with most other things we've seen from Papillon Rose...[Image: eyes.gif]
The TV series will be starting in December apparently and will show on WOWOW's channel. I don't know about raws of it unless L33t-Raws decides to do it (believe me, I'm gonna beg...) and no idea who might end up picking up fansubbing. I'm going to be buying the DVDs so really this only effects me personally on the speed issue of when I see the episodes.
And next month a radio show will start that will be up on the Akiba-BB website I assume since all the links for that least there. I'm hoping they release this radio show on CD sometime because otherwise there's probably no way any of us are going to get it.
Good way to keep up to date as always is the Livejournal community where I am spamming every little bit of information I can find.[Image: roll.gif]
Re: ^_^
You keep forgetting that you have a registered account here, Koneko...

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03

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