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[STORY] Winter
[STORY] Winter
[Time: Shortly (and we mean *shortly*) before the SOS-con announcement.]
Somewhere, a man placed a call to a company located in Washington.
High above the paciifc ocean, someone answered...
"Winter Media Services, how may I help you?" As I spoke, the van's computer took my words, remodulated them into a rather chirpy female voice, and scrubbed the background noise. The overall effect was... well, moderately disturbing for me to listen to, but it presented the necessary image.
"Just one moment... Yes, Mr. Howard, your order is on schedule for pickup this friday, barring any unforseen circumstances."
"You want to expand your order by 30%? I'll need to check with production on that, please hold on."
At this point, I would normally put the line on hold for long enough to make them think I was actually doing something, then respond affirmatively. But before I could do that I was interrupted by a flashing red bar on the left of the windshield. I read the message, sighed, and reopened the line.
"I'm sorry, but we're already at full capacity for the rest of this week. ... Yes. Yes. The additional units can be ready next thursday. ... Yes. Thank you for choosing Winter Media Services!"
As soon as the bar indicating an open groundside call vanished, I sighed. "Okay, Irene, why exactly did you tell me to *not* do something that would make us more money on this deal?"
A window opened off to the side showing Irene's blue-haired visage. "Someone called a Convention."
I was unimpressed. "So?"
"So, you couldn't do the larger order and still make it to the con on time."
Irene's ears twitched. "Look, an out of schedule Con probably means something unusual is going on. And last time I checked, you seemed to care about that sort of thing. And besides, there'll probably be some more of those obscure-stuff panels you like so much. SO STOP ACTING LIKE IT DOESN'T RELATE TO YOU ALREADY!!"
I winced. "Okay, okay, just stop yelling... We -will- have time to do the original order first though, right?"
"If we don't waste time, we should be able to finish up and get there before the rush. I'm already warming up the machine."
"Just don't forget to open the garage for me."
"Very funny. Irene out."
I checked over Irene's timetable while heading back to the Hofwell's Field. She was right, we could manage it, but the timing would be tight. So instead of taking a break (or a nap) the way I usually do after a trip downside, I started unloading my cargo immediately.
When I unloaded them from the van, they looked like seamless blocks of plastic. In a certain sense, that was even what they were. As each one slid into it's place in the machine, it's sides melted away, leaving behind a more delicate structure that supported it's contents while leaving them accessible.
And you know, it's not even the weirdest way of transporting blank discs I've run into. Proof that not everything bizarre needs to have plotdevite behind it. Admittedly, I like my method better.
Once that was finished, I went back to the van for the master discs the customer had sent us, while Irene started the motors that set the side panels in place.
A monitor labeled 'Irene only' lit up, showing Irene watching curiously as I put the discs into the read drives. "So, what is it this time?"
I checked the paperwork that was in the zip-folder with the master discs, then frowned. "I have absolutely no idea."
"Well, I guess I'lll find out soon enough. Loading..." Irene's eyes closed, then slowly slid open, her arms spreading wider as an imaginary wind ruffled her hair... then suddenly stopped. "Eeeeewww!"
"Look at this!" Irene put an image up on the auxillary monitor.
I stared at it for a moment, tilting my head to look at it from different angles, trying to figure out what the heck I was actually looking at. Then, all of a sudden... "Eeeewww!!"
"Do we really have to do this one?"
I sighed. "As a professional dvd replication service with a reputation to maintain, Winter Media Services must provide it's best effort on even distasteful jobs, until and unless someone gives us an excuse to set the law on them... and can you take that off the screen please?"
"That's easy for you to say. *I'm* the one who has to run the duplicator here."
"Um... try not to look at it?"
"Fine. But you'd better really appreciate this," she said, and scrunched her eyes shut.
I quickly turned to watch the exterior monitors. Normally Irene is fully aware of everything around the Field regardless of what her icon looks like, but when she makes that face, it usually means she's not seeing anything for the duration. I didn't really expect anyone to ram us; most people pay closer attention than that in the inner system. But there was no reason to take chances. Besides, looking the other direction would soon be very uncomfortable without sunglasses. Yeah, even though the machine itself is light-tight.
The overhead lights went out. Strange light patterns flickered across the walls. It looked a bit like what a few hundred photocopiers in a disorganized heap might project if they were all set off at once. I've never really understood why; the machine doesn't have that much in common with them. It doesn't really have that much in common with dvd drives either, really, despite being made from parts from them.
The lights turned back on, and Irene opened her eyes again. "... Eeeeeww."
I sighed and brushed the side of the monitor with my hand. Distracted from her indignation, Irene rubbed up against the side of the screen and purred.
One run down, four more to go... It was going to be a long day.
Re: [STORY] Winter: Worst Case Scenarios
[Time: Unknown. Not sure if this is such a good idea, but I knew the scene wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it down, so I wrote it down.]
[Terminology note: "Hot storage" refers to an area of Irene's memory that would be destroyed if something crashed her personality. Basically the most secure storage she has available.]
Morgan walked in the door, looking a bit pale. It wouldn't really be noticable on most people, but on him, the man with the perpetual blush, it was startling.
The television on the counter lit up, and Irene peered out at him from it. "Ah... is something wrong?"
Morgan sat down at the table and sighed, but didn't otherwise respond for a moment. Then he said, "Irene, search the old archives for the phrase 'bio-support plasma'."
Irene blinked. "Okay, I'll look..." Then she screeched and disappeared from the screen.
Morgan walked over to the tv and looked at it. It still showed the background of Irene's 'room', but Irene herself was gone. Then he tried bending down, and as the view panned up he saw Irene clinging to a ceiling fan. "... My neck will get a cramp if I have to stand like this for very long."
Irene sweatdropped and jumped down. "... You didn't make this up, did you?" she asked, sounding a bit nervous.
"No. Just something I read about on an old webpage, that I wanted to figure out how it would work, so I'd know how to fight it. But what I'm wondering is... could this stuff be made using plotdevite?"
"... I can't rule it out," Irene responded after a few moments consideration. "We couldn't do it ourselves; neither of us is that good with biologicals. But the basic possibility is there."
Morgan shuddered. "Okay. Move that record and anything related you can find to hot storage. Hopefully we'll never have to think about it again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go wash my brain out with bleach."
A few minutes later, as Morgan was digging through some boxes, he heard Irene scream "PLASMA GRENADES!?!?" He shrugged and kept digging. It looked like they were both going to need the bleach...
Re: [STORY] Winter: Worst Case Scenarios
hmm bio-support plasma doesn't ring a bell, but the reaction makes me think of the blood explody stuff from Blade.
Poor Irene there is definitly a downside to being able to directly hook up to the internet. I'm guessing she avoids 4-chan like the plague.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: [STORY] Winter: Worst Case Scenarios
hmm bio-support plasma doesn't ring a bell
Not surprising. I didn't come up with the concept, but I did make up that name. Didn't stick around long enough to find out what that webpage called it, never saw it again.
The concept is similar to the Chainsman Institute's "Delta Latex" (NSFW? Maybe? I'm not sure? If their website is even up?), but there's some notable differences which makes me pretty confident that whatever it was I saw, it wasn't written by those people.
Poor Irene there is definitly a downside to being able to directly hook up to the internet.
I have got a bit of a running theme there, don't I? She doesn't actually have to perceive everything she works with though, except for certain kinds of operations. And in both these cases, it takes something *special* to bother her. (I, the author, cannot even guess at what they were looking at in this first story. Except whatever it is, it's not illegal.)
Given the origin of the name Irene though, I doubt most of 4chan would bother her...
-Morgan, notes it's time to go to work. >.>
"Thyme, thyme, thyme, see what's become of me..."
Re: [STORY] Winter
Man, it must be nice to have a delete fuction for your brain. Us meatbags simply have to live with the images forever. Some things, you just don't WANT.---------------
Being the Mariner hitting coach is like being the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.
-Poster on
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Re: [STORY] Winter
*Irene blinks*
*Irene appears to ponder this for a moment*
Irene: Please, Miss Author, may I have a delete function for my brain? *flutters her eyelashes charmingly*
Irene: .
(I think not being able to use normal computer techniques to modify ones functioning might be one of the signs of a genuine AI... in the stuff I write at least. '.' Mirami can't even *find* any of her system files...)
Video: Large group dance scene from "Happy Feet".
Audio: "Beautiful Oblivion", Eve 6
Re: [STORY] Winter
[I felt like getting this part written down, even though I haven't quite finalized how I'm going to do the stuff leading up to it.]
[This is a text message sent by Irene to Morgan, after he has been at SOS-con for a while (on the first day). Hofwall's Field is in a nice friendly orbit nearby, but for uncertain reasons, Irene can't actually use voice communications with him unless he's aboard the Nanbara's Luck.]


You didn't ask me to monitor public communications to see if I could learn anything about the purpose behind this con. But you should have, so I did it anyway. And you know what I've found?
Zip. Zero. Nada. If anyone's said anything solid over an open channel, it's one I don't know how to listen to.
I -have- been picking up somewhat more encrypted traffic than I would expect for a group this size. Naturally, I'm not trying to decrypt any of it. Love and devotion will only carry me so far, and besides, if they're using enhanced scramblers there's no way I'd figure any of it out -this- year.
I'd say I hoped you had better luck finding something out on your end, but I'm still not convinced that you actually care.

[Hmmm. I ought to do a character profile for Irene sometime...]

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