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[META] Perceived Setting Assumption Contradiction
Re: Why you don't need explicit waved weapons
Well, as has been stated before, one of the things that I was picturing in general was the Reavers preying on larger things. In null G, with determined passengers, you could pack a lot of people onto something the size of a van, which would make a decent boarding craft for larger stuff. There's also something to be said for the element of surprise; pre-con, how many people are going to be focusing that in-depth on sensors that some people here and there would fail to notice a ship creeping up into grappling range from a blindspot?
I kinda like the semi-nerfing of the 'wavium hulls, in that it does make some of the high-grade hardtech weapons usable.
On the points that kestrel404 brought up... 'Fire and Forget' I just don't like; it's internally consistent with stuff that's been posted in the setting, sure, but... meh, y'know, generic comments about the sheer kinetic energy involved and what it could do against the mundanes. 'Wave your .44 and use HV bullets' is... well, whether or not gooping conventional firearms would work, it's overlooking the actual main reason firearms aren't loaded with more propellant, which is that anything with much more muzzle energy than a 50 calibre sniper rifle is liable to maim or kill the shooter. So, to use the example, even if you could make an elephant rifle firing a half pound of steel shot at mach 5, you'd only really be able to fire it once because the recoil would drive the stock through your shoulder and out your back. [Image: wink.gif]
I *really* like 'Slow down so we can catch you' though, and the basics behind 'Platemail seems to be popular this season' occured to me too... though it should be noted that most plate is of steel not much thicker than that in car bodies, so it's not going to end up *that* bulletproof.

Messages In This Thread
Re: [META] Perceived Setting Assumption Contradiction - by The Hunterminator - 01-17-2007, 06:35 PM
Re: [META] Perceived Setting Assumption Contradiction - by Sirrocco - 01-18-2007, 04:03 AM
Re: [META] Perceived Setting Assumption Contradiction - by Kokuten - 01-18-2007, 04:36 AM
Re: [META] Perceived Setting Assumption Contradiction - by Sirrocco - 01-18-2007, 07:48 AM
Re: Why you don't need explicit waved weapons - by KJ - 01-19-2007, 03:55 AM

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