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[Submission] Jeph Antilles and Starbug 1
[Submission] Jeph Antilles and Starbug 1
Jeph Antilles

Description: He's about 5'11", with an average build. Has longish dishwater blond hair colored hair and a
clean face. He normally wears jeans with some geek shirt or another under an overly baggy leather jacket that's seen a lot of miles, as well as wireframe
glasses. He sometimes runs either overly excited or angry, depending on the stimulus of the time, when he's not neutral.

Notable Mundane Attributes:

Close to the Vest: A penchant for 'playing it safe', or at least as safe as you can when dealing with
Handwavium technology.

High Society: Likes to interact with everybody.

'Wavium Abilities: None.


Get a Life: Occasionally gets in over his head in social situations, also known to be socially inept.

Excitable Boy: Known to get over excited in certain situations, sometimes bordering on manic with sufficient

Why Can't We Get Along?: Considers some of the more vocal and active conflicts between factions to be somewhat
incomprehensible, not to mention aggravating.

Faction: No primary, but is known to assist many of the existing factions when asked.

Preferred Transport: Starbug 1.

Known Associates:

Myk-El Miller: First mate on board his personal vehicle, Starbug 1. His best friend from the 'Danelaw, and
accidental Fenspace refugee. He is fen, but coming into space was not his first choice.

Nene Romanova: Jeph's personal assistant android, based on the blond from the Bubblegum Crisis television anime.
Exceedingly computer savvy, exceptionally bubbly when the mood strikes. She had a thing for Jeph, despite him being the closest thing to a parent she has.

R2-G0: Plucky red and white astromech droid. Based on the R2 series from Star Wars, 'Geo' is even more
technically minded than Nene, although rather strong willed and unwilling to spare anyone's feelings with his honest, intelligent opinions. Fortunately, he
doesn't speak in anything other than droidspeak, but Jeph seems to be able to understand him perfectly.

Vehicle: Starbug 1

Base Hull: Custom (three deck mining hauler)

Drive Type: Speed (gravity drive)

Drive Rating: .05c

Owner of Record: Jeph Antilles

Flag of Record: Jupiter Mining Corporation

Home Port: Jupiter (Serenity Valley, Ganymede)

Purpose: Personal transport/cargo hauler

Launched: October 2008

Crew: Jeph Antilles (Commander, pilot)

Myk-El Miller (Co Pilot)

Nene Romanova (Communications, Engineer)

R2-G0 (Support Droid)

Faction: None

Status: Active

Auxiliary Craft: Cerulean Edge ('waved Saturn SL), Skyjumper ('waved Mini Cooper S)


The last big 'wavium project Jeph had before he was forced into exile from the 'Danelaw, it started life as a handful of scraps and three large
industrial tanks. The ship was designed after the (in)famous vehicle from the old Red Dwarf show, which shows in its quirks. The ship made a hurried departure
from Earth in October 2008, caught up in the hysteria from the launch of Ptichka during a test flight.


Just Let Your Hands Work The Controls As If You Were Straight:

The first launch from any hangar facility will result in Starbug clipping the edge of the doorway. Starbug will suffer no damage, and neither will any

Smoke Me A Kipper:

At least once a week the kitchen food recycling facility must be used to make a vindaloo dish. Should this not be done, any further food will be bland and
unsatisfying until a vindaloo dish is made.

A Long Afternoon Slob:

No matter how much effort is applied, one of the cockpit seats will always have bits of nut shell, masticated toenail clippings, and other such debris working
its way out of the crevasses.

Known Crew Quirks:

Myk is not a willing passenger, having been on board during the abortive test flight. However, he's taken as well as most fen to life in space.


Starbug 1 is based on the version of Starbug that appeared in the 6th series of Red Dwarf, since this provides the best internal setup for long hauls.

"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor

Messages In This Thread
[Submission] Jeph Antilles and Starbug 1 - by LynnInDenver - 08-27-2008, 04:12 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 08-27-2008, 01:32 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 08-27-2008, 03:31 PM
[No subject] - by LynnInDenver - 08-27-2008, 07:20 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 08-28-2008, 12:40 AM

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