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Good-bye, England, we loved you well...
goodbye England
I don't know where the story that started this thread was found, but here is some video and articles about what's being taught in the Mosque in England.
A set of reporters took hidden cameras into supposedly moderate mosque in England and taped the preaching and speakers along with collecting printed material and DVDs.
Edited: Removed a "roll eyes" smile somehow include in the paste of the URL.
I'd like to know the starting stories source, but I also believe what was describe is very possible from personal experience.
The first incident happened in 1984 the second day of classes in my first semester of attending a university the first time.
I arrived very early for my second class of Logic and this time placed myself by a friend who shared several of my classes.
The professor had not assigned seats and I was one seat off from where I had been in the first class.
The first I knew of a problem was when this Arab student started screaming at me in Arabic and slamming his hands on the desk I was sitting in.
He screamed at me mostly in Arabic for what I was later told was over a minute and then finally in accented, but quite good english yelled about me taking his clearly choosen seat.
I remember shrugging and moving back a seat.
After which he placed his books and took the seat and I thought it strange he was willing to turn his back to me.
At the time I personally thought he was high, but later found out he wasn't.
I will note half the class didn't show up that day and the professor was late coming in to class.
Report it?
You must be joking the Saudi Center was supplying MILLIONS of dollars to a southern university.
New local students were given orientation lectures and warnings that spent quite a bit of time explaining that we better not anger or insult the Saudi's.
A semester later he apologized for the names he had called me and partially explained his reasons for the incident.
In his terms I had no right as an infidel to take the seat he had clearly picked in the previous class.
I was a infidel worth only serving him, taking his seat was an afront to his place before allah.
Why did he become my friend? He later mentioned that I didn't back down, didn't look scared and didn't seem to hold his actions against him in class.

Was I scared YES!.
I clearly remember palming a pencil from a pocket and getting a firm grip on the neck of the lite jacket I'd just taken off.
I also remember the relief when I didn't see a weapon and was quite relieved that in spite angry look and the shouting and slamming of hands he was now backing away from me shouting and waving empty hands.
Thinking he was High I treated him like I would any half stoned bully from my highschool days and held my ground ready to act, but trying to not to give hint of what that action would be.
(Yes I'd had some martial arts training mostly focused on self defense.)
He was one of the Arabs friends that eventually mentioned to me about the extreme hatred and contempt many moslems have for anyone that isn't moslem.
At the time I was to nieve to really understand.
The second incident occurred a couple of years later just before I dropped out of the university for a few years to work.
I was renting a room, while I attended the university. The woman's husband I had rented from had once been our churches pastor before moving to the town with the University.
One night the pastor's wife a head nurse of over 20 years experience came in so mad she could chew nails and I noticed a little scared under the anger.
I was unused to seeing her scared the Pastor had also been a retired Paroll officer and his wife had years of personal experience with jails, prisons and dangerous men and situations.(I think she had worked a few years as a nurse in a jail or prison before going to work for a doctor.)
I found out from her what happened a few weeks later.
This is what I was told.
A Saudi Arabian from the local campus Saudi Center came in and had a checkup before heading back to Saudi Arabia.
The doctor finished the examination and the Pastor's wife who had been the Doctor's head nurse for over 15 years came in to deliver a message.
The Doctor left to act on the message and she remained to finish the paperwork.
The Saudi Arabian sitting on the examination table on the other side of the room dropped his billfold at some point during the paper work and said "WOMAN!" very LOUDLY and pointed at the billfold.
When she returned to the paperwork instead of picking up his billfold the man said "WOMAN!" again when she continued the paperwork he rose and started at her with a look that she said angered her.
(It also scared her but she didn't say that you could see it that day and the day she told me what happened.)
Another doctor at the clinic came in before the man reached her and the Saudi Arabian pulled up short.
The Pastor's wife describe the look as being comparable to a very angry man about to whip a dog.
In my second try at the university in the early 1990's I described the incident to a fellow Arab engineering student who had become a good friend and engineering study partner.(I was introduced to him by the Saudi Arabian from the first incident above.)
He told me that it was within the man's right to whip the woman for disobeying him and it happened regularly in his country and other Moslem nations.
In fact the law would have been likely to do the whipping for him in Saudi Arabia.
I don't believe the Arab friend who explained was from Saudi Arabia, but from one of the nearby nations.
On another note most of the Mosque mentioned above in the report from England were put in by the Saudi Arabians, which is the same group who had a Mosque near my university in 1984, in the early 1990's when I returned and it still exist there today.
I would not be surprise to find the same messages preached there as are being taped with hidden cameras in England.

howard melton
God bless

Messages In This Thread
Re: Good-bye, England, we loved you well... - by CattyNebulart - 01-25-2007, 09:41 PM
goodbye England - by hmelton - 01-26-2007, 07:41 AM
Re: goodbye England - by Kokuten - 01-26-2007, 08:11 AM
Re: goodbye England - by CattyNebulart - 01-26-2007, 09:52 AM
Re: goodbye England - by Ayiekie - 01-26-2007, 08:35 PM
Re: goodbye England - by Kokuten - 01-26-2007, 09:36 PM
Re: goodbye England - by Ayiekie - 01-26-2007, 10:54 PM
Re: goodbye England - by Kokuten - 01-27-2007, 01:08 AM
Re: goodbye England - by Black Aeronaut - 01-27-2007, 04:56 AM
Re: goodbye England - by ECSNorway - 01-30-2007, 03:31 AM
Re: goodbye England - by Black Aeronaut - 01-30-2007, 09:46 AM
Re: goodbye England - by Ayiekie - 02-01-2007, 08:29 PM
Re: goodbye England - by Morganite - 02-03-2007, 07:13 AM
Re: goodbye England - by Black Aeronaut - 02-08-2007, 10:58 AM

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