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Inactivity Kicks
Inactivity Kicks
As of 4/13, the following group members have exceeded 120 days of inactivity:
Terrence King (147 days)
Warlock Wolf (136 days)
Lincoln Memorial (133 days)
If you play any of these characters, and you do not wish them to be removed from the Legendary, please log in at least momentarily with them to reset their inactivity counters sometime in the next couple days.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Inactivity Kicks
*waves* Yeah You have full permission to kick Terrence knight out of the roster, things are not looking good on the CoH front right now heh heh. Namely computer issues at the moment ^^'' Hopefuly I'll try to contact someone in the future if i can get things up and running. But untill then he'll just have to be a loner again *grins* fortunatly thats something he's used to heh.
Re: Inactivity Kicks
Okay, then...
Terrence Knight and Warlock Wolf have been kicked.
I didn't kick Lincoln Memorial because, well, I think it'd be a shame if we lost him so I'm exercising group leader prerogative and granting him a little more grace period.
I've also kicked Denebola, who was our only 0-prestige member, and had been inactive 43 days. Any mercy shown Lincoln Memorial was stolen gleefully from Denebola.
Mirrorguardian Naoko, you're our next candidate, in a week or so.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.

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