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I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
But I don't have the energy to search for it and I'm curious as to what our little slice of the game's overall community thinks.
So. What powersets would you want to see added to the game?
Most of mine, whether oddly or not, seem to be heroside, for scappers or tankers... which is apropos, as that's the lion's share of what I play.
So, the simplest on my list would be the exception to that rule - Pistols, as a Blaster set. Yes, the exact same sort that Thug/* Masterminds carry. Only, you know, with trick ammo and such. Explosive rounds, trank darts, etc. Gun Kata, anyone?
Next easiest to add would be Greatswords, as a Tanker secondary power. Sort of like what Lost Headman Swordsmen already carry, only reskinned and with expanded animations and such.
More complicated, requiring building animations completely out of whole cloth, would be a new Tanker Primary: Shield. Y'know, big flat metal round thing. Stops bullets and such just dandy. Maybe you can throw it, certainly you can conk some inconvenient so-and-so over the head with it.
Finally, trickiest and likely to be the most fun for those who think like I do, Scrapper primary: Two Swords. Which'd be exactly what it sounds like.
Ja, -n

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
I believe the plan is for Pistols to be a limited-range scrapper set, like Spines.
Or at least, that's what Statesman said ages ago.
Other powersets that have been bandied about:
-Quarterstaff (scrapper)
-Shield (scrapper - confirmed)
-some sort of armor set (ie Iron Man-like, with lots of utilities like Dark)
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]
Re: I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
I want growth and shrinking. And maybe some kind of phasing.
(Growth would probably be unusable or limited in indoor missions, but just imagine the effects outdoors...)
With those, the original Mike Maxwell, Biggest Man on Campus, could become a reality... and the Lincoln Memorial would really live up to his name. [Image: smile.gif]
"We are not two men... we are TEN men!"
Re: I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
I probably read the official forums far too much for my own sanity. [Image: wink.gif]
More complicated, requiring building animations completely out of whole cloth, would be a new Tanker Primary: Shield.
I believe the plan is for Pistols to be a limited-range scrapper set, like Spines.
Unfortunately, neither of these are going to happen, at least not anytime soon. And it's unlikely the second ever will. I'm too lazy to dig up the exact posts, you understand, so take my word on it, but the devs have said as much.
The reason why it's unlikely we'll see a Shield defense set'll be too expensive to animate. That's what CuppaJo reported a while back. Apparently Cryptic did plan it...but labour is money, and according to the devs, if they added a Shield set, it'd be the game's single most expensive set to date.
There wasn't much further explanation, but player speculation is...well, if they wanted to do it right, the shield would have to be shifting around to block incoming attacks and stuff, and it'd have to flow with attack animations...well. Again, speculation, 'cause we don't know what she meant.
(Mind, that's for Shield defence. I don't think they've specifically spoken to nix Shield offence.)
Positron has confirmed that Pistols will not be a scrapper set, largely because they don't want to add any more scrapper sets with significant ranged attacks. I can't remember the exact words used, but I recall Spines was mentioned in passing, with the implication they kinda regret it.
Mind, as this proves, Cryptic does have a track record of changing their minds, based on changes in technology, staff, the game, so there's hope.
Personally, the powerset I'd like to see is some sort of 'energy' melee for Scrappers. I don't mean the EM set that Tanks and Stalkers have, mind... what I mean is, I want a Scrapper attack set that involves, I dunno, bright special effects of some sort. Psionic melee, light melee, whatever. Even if they just port Elec Melee from Brutes, I'll be happy.
-- Acyl
Re: I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
Welp, I had a thought.
What about doing Shield as a power pool?
The basic 'Shield' power is a toggle power and a defensive buff, a big one, but it only covers about a hundred-eighty degree arc, centered around the direction the toon is facing. If you make it relatively large, like a hoplite shield rather than a buckler, you can probably look rather decent with only two new animations for that - 'block left' and 'block right'. Endurance cost should be low, but that's balanced by the fact that any two-handed animation causes the power to be turned off and put away before it can even start. One-handed attacks, like the SS pool's Jab, would be modified to only execute using the right arm - I think this should be fairly simple, if it hasn't been programmed for other reasons already. The storage and activation animations are simple reversals of each other - they're sort of medium speed, not particularly fast or slow.
The other starting power... I dunno, honestly. Maybe a melee bash with a chance to knock down? Sort of a body-check motion.
The level twelve power would be a throw - so-so range and accuracy, but good damage.
And the level twenty? 'Folding Shield'. If you've ever seen one of this sort of fan, or the first episode or two of Escaflowne, you can probably picture how this works. It's just like the starting shield power... only its activation animation is almost instant, and it switches itself back on automatically.
That comes to... six animations, assuming none of those exist already, one of them extremely simple, and two new renderings. How many of each do the other powersets use?
Ja, -n
(ETA: you could even cut it to four if you narrowed the shield's effective arc...)

"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Re: I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
I would like to see the weapon sets be translated for Brutes. Battle Axe and Broadsword in particular.Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: I imagine there's a thread like this on the CoH forums
I'm kind of surprised that they're not doing shields as a defensive set. They've had basic shields in the game for a LONG time (the Council Ascendants in the Striga arcs), and very cool ones, I might add.
Oh well.
Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers

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