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How JPub/Paradoxe tries to get all the Souveniers
How JPub/Paradoxe tries to get all the Souveniers
Of all the things in the game, the *one* thing that I'm strict on trying to get on all my characters is
souveniers. Here's my guide through the first few levels, where it's tricky. Thing to note - unlike OpMegs leveling guide, often times you *don't*
want to level or get XP too fast. Soloing is your best friend.

First off: [/url][url=] Very old and
out of date, but really useful.

5-9: The only thing to get here is the first two Hollows arcs. Do them. If you're lucky, you can *sometimes* trigger the Frostfire mission before you hit
7, which makes doing him a cinch if you come back after a couple levels. If you end up with him at 7, it's no big. After triggering his mission, I tend to
go work on getting the Negotiator badge for giggles.

10-14: Here's where things get *tight* and awfully tricky. First off, you have three souveniers on the main contacts and a badge mission. You also have two
more contacts in the Hollows. Go try and get the Spelunker badge ASAP. Then work on Julius. Then finish the other main line contacts. Then finish off the
Hollows - if you're lucky you can get a CoT Trial team going.

15-19: I work on getting Plague Stopper and the final mission of the Vahz Plague arc ASAP, but that's because I'm cheap and like to overpower EBs. You
have two other mainline contacts, but I usually leave them until after I finish off the Faultline Arcs. By the time you're done the last of these you
should have barely jumped over the L20 mark. If not, there's two other untouched contacts for you to bug.

20-24: No kids, it doesn't get easier. Scurry over to Striga, and get Stephanie Peeble's Ring. You'll want it to finish off the Faultline arcs,
which you should do next. Then Do Long Jack. If you're diligent about only fighting when necessary, you should be able to then do all four main line
contact arcs *and* the two badge missions.

25-29: Whee, still tight. Personally, I do Striga to get it out of my hair, then Croatoa because it's always fun. Then I do the mainlines. At this point, I
sometimes run low on XP, so you can probably kill more guys on your way. Each contact should do about 2/3 to 3/4 of a level for you. You might also want to go
visit some Ouro arcs too.

30-34: Okay, first off, clear off Croatoa. You have FIVE main Arcs, and two badges. Do them. You can also run some more Ouro, and it migth be a good time to go
harrass the Midnighters.

35+: Motherload time. At this point, you not only have the mainlines, but you have a *lot* of alternates. There's PVP Zones, there's Cimerora,
there's Rikti War Zone, there's more Ouro at various points. Go run one of the alternates if you're low on XP. Also, at this point you can more or
less team/TF freely, because you'll want the XP.

So. Yeah. That's what I do. It's why it takes me so damn long to level.

When I'm not being distracted by other shiny games.

Edit: Why is my BG colour on all my posts so goofy?
I've taken to using Ouros for mission badges, although that has problems. The Hollows reworking really makes the earlier badges easier though.
Ouro is a good way out, but there's a distint difference in the satisfaction you get from completing an arc at the appropriate level vs when you've
been crippled down to the appropriate level.

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