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So yet again, the gods of computers have struck me down in a mighty blow, sunday night, when I dc'd because of a crash, my computer desided it was going to
die right there and then, now I'm on my roommates computer for now,only to let people know while my system is out for repairs I may be back by
friday/saturday if they use stock parts, or if they have to order something in I'll be a few weeks offline..gods I hope not, I'm already going through
withdrawls *shudder* So if anyone has wondered where I've been..since I usualy log on everyday *grin* now you know, so Terr is MIA till I can get online
again. *Smirk* If you need an rp reason, use your imagination..either he's lost (most likely) or captured (yeah right, I can't see most factions
haveing what it takes to capture and hold him, but even if they did..heaven help them when a rescue team comes..cause last time I checked..terr has a few
friends ^_^)

Anyways, I hope to see you all again soon but for now, this will probably be my last message till I can get my system back so take care and fight the good
fight *grin*

He's not lost, really.

He's just wandering the Warrior's cave, happily pounding them over and over and over....

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
"Cheer up, we'll have you good as new in no time, and with the overcrowding problem in the Zig, you'll be out on probation in an hour!"

"No, please, no, don't send me back there, you don't understand, he just keeps punching us!"
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
*coughs* seems like my starter post on this may have been..unneeded, since last night roomate rememberd about his old computer he had stuffed off to
the side quite some time ago when he got his new system and has loaned me the old system untill mine has returned, its not nearly as good as mine, but
least it works, and it can run CoX so I suppose I'll actualy be able to show my ugly mug online once more *grin*


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