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Rich Fantasy Lives
Rich Fantasy Lives

That waitress at Pete's who took so long to seat you,

And left you to stand in the doorway,

With her stringy red hair and her thousand-yard stare,

In her mind, she's the Princess of Norway.

As she takes down your order, she's crossing the fjord, her

White stallion spits foam like a madman.

Many Vikings have died trying to take her as bride,

But her heart is reserved for a bad man.

Quote: Rich fantasy lives.

Somehow she survives in a world she contrives.

Inhibited husbands and frustrated wives

Lead rich fantasy lives.

That guy from IT ressurects your PC

With a boredom he barely suppresses.

Though he rarely converses, he has more universes

In his head than you've got addresses.

He wargames through weekends, leads armies and legions.

He doesn't care how well you putted.

He's browsing reality's infinite palette, he's

Seen yours, and yours doesn't cut it.

Quote: Rich fantasy lives.

He quietly thrives in a world he contrives.

Techno-drone insects in cubicle hives

Lead rich fantasy lives.

We're piling up fears, but we're out of frontiers.

Some need to escape, but there's nowhere.

Can't go to the Moon, at least any time soon,

But an inner-space trip costs you no fare.

So don't be unkind to a wandering mind,

Just say it again if we missed it.

Some whispering poem was calling us home

To a place we know never existed.

Quote: Rich fantasy lives.

Our peace-bonded knives and our hyperspace drives.

Until that steam engine to Hogwarts arrives,

We have rich fantasy lives.

Rich fantasy lives.

Our quests and our tribes and our Babylon Fives.

Until something better than this world arrives,

We'll lead rich fantasy lives.

Rich fantasy lives.

-Rich Fantasy Lives by Tom Smith and Rob Balder. The lyrics are taken from Tom Smith's website here: http://www.tomsmithonline...cs/rich_fantasy_lives.htm , a recording of the song is available
for downloading for free on this page of his site: , and
a youtube video of the song is here: .

I was thinking this might fit in to the Haruhi steplet. I'm not quite sure what it would do. My thought was that it might be able to reverse reality
alterations that Haruhi has made, returning them to mere fantasy, or triggering them and causing them to run amok. No matter what though, I do think that
playing this song anywhere near Haruhi would cause something drastic to happen.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

That's more than a little ironic -- the IT guy verse could almost be describing how the Walk got started.

It's also more than a little melancholy to me; which I suppose makes it perfect for Haruhi. Hm. It would be deeply ironic if Doug were able to act as the reality anchor in the face of Haruhi's abilities...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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