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The Dark Side of the Scoobies
The Dark Side of the Scoobies
I recently discovered the Buffy-Inuyasha crossover A Slayer of Nightmares. The early-to-middle chapters of this offer a look at a post-Chosen world with multiple slayers headed by the Scoobies. Many fics are set in such a world, but few look at this from the point of view of non-human or partly-human people just trying to make their way in the world without making trouble.
The slayers are police for the supernatural world, and they are greatly needed. However, they are secret police. There are no trials, no due process, and the sentence they hand out is almost always death. They are not acountable to anyone but themselves. Under such circumstances, would not all those demons, half-demons, and magic practitioners come to fear the Scoobies? Not as criminals fear the police, but as any population fears an untouchable death-squad given authority over them?
This is a difficult subject to deal with in a story, as the Buffy-verse doesn't offer any obvious and practial ways to make the situation better, but I would be interested in seeing more fics take a shot at it.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.

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