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Lettuce+Rogue Bunny=Teaser
... once again proving that I have yet to keep a schedule where updating is concerned. *hangs head in shame*

Slowly returning remembrance, with each of those most recent memories biting like jagged little pieces of rusty blade.
The sort of sensation that one would rather never feel, even metaphorically.
There was the smell of something burning permeating the air, sharp and acrid and full of hints to the primal parts of the brain.
Then came the other senses, with a melange of coppery taste in her mouth, pins and needles all over, and the sound of high pitched whistling wind.
A metallic crash sounded, predated by a short and exceptionally ugly sounding tearing.
Eyes opened and immediately closed as they were overwhelmed with light, but she kept trying, and blinking, and finally forcing them open with sheer will and momentary desperation.
A stray thought came to her, seemed to bypass the rationale altogether, and was voiced in a wondering whisper of:
"... am I dead?"
Surprisingly, there was an answer.
More of a sigh than an answer, really. It helped her eyes focus, somehow, and soon shapes were appearing out of the brightness. Enough feeling had returned to her body that she could tell she was sitting somewhere, and ...
Panic gripped her momentarily when she felt restrains, hands moving to fumble at getting loose from whatever they were only to fail due to a still lingering clumsiness.
"Oi, calm down, you'll hurt your hands like that," came from one side, even as she was gripped by the wrists and halted in her scramble to get loose from. "You want to do something like this."
There was an accent she couldn't quite place to the voice, though the level tone helped inject at least a little calm into the situation. Very little, though, considering what her most recent memories were telling her, and that she didn't know where she was, _why_ she was restrained - although, there were quite a few theories about that floating around in her mind, some involving men in white coats and neat little padded rooms - or very much else for that matter.
Whoever the person who'd grabbed her wrists was, they were were being moved again, ending up with both hands flat on something metallic just above her midsection ...
"There's a clasp just slightly below your fingers. You'll want to pull it."
After a moment of considering if this wasn't some sort of ploy, she resigned herself to the action and moved her hands, then pulled.
A faint click, and part of the restrains seemed to slither down to whatever that ... buckle ... at her midsection was, while the other retracted said buckle to one side.
That had felt almost like ... seatbelts?
Bright spots still danced in front of her eyes, but there was enough clarity by now that she could begin to take stock of her surroundings.
A technological mess of blinking red light, smoking electronics, and twisted metal. She was in a seat of some sort, the closest comparison she could make being to that of an aircraft.
Definitely not what she'd expected from an afterlife.
Metal shrieked behind her, and a gust of wind blew through the confines, doing away with the burnt smell. The air was hot, though, or at least warmer than she expected it to be.
She rose up slightly, turning her head towards the source of noise.
There had been a door of sorts, in the steel of the chamber's 'wall' - she could tell because the frame was still there. The actual door seemed to have been removed from it, in a manner that didn't lend itself to gentleness apparently. The edges of one side of the 'frame' were warped, bent and twisted as if having been subjected to excessive force.
Whatever was outside was invisible to her, mostly due to the awkward position, but also because it was markedly brighter than what here eyes had now adjusted to. Which, she realized with a start, meant that the 'chamber' was rather dim.
Standing in front of the open portal, peering outside, was the assumed source of the voice she'd heard, and owner of the hands, though making out anything about the person wasn't made any easier by the light streaming in from outside.
The notion that maybe, just maybe, she wasn't actually dead penetrated right there and then, making her freeze for a moment before another thought crossed her mind.
Like an electric shock making her synapses light up all at once, pumping adrenalin through her veins and bringing words to her lips.
"Natsuki!" she exclaimed, eyes wide, head jerking around in frantic effort, eyes scanning. Not finding what they were looking for, then focusing on the first source of information made apparent to them. "Where is she?! What did you do to her?!"
The first detail she could make out of the only other person present was a pair of blood-red eyes staring at her.

Hnn. Yeah, something like that. No worries. We'll be moving away from angst and foreshadowing and into the thick of the action soon enough.
Also, have an inspirational image, just because 'tis exceedingly nifty.
Mezame and Duran Shoukan are pwning my soul.
teaser material:
"There are no continues, no second chances, no resurrections or eleventh hour dei ex machinae. Not here, not now, not for you. Not this time!"
"That's alright. I'm just going to make sure to take you with me."

ETA: Damn you! Damnyoudamnyoudamnyou! I know it's not going to get released over here, but damn, now I want it to!

When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Also, have an inspirational image, just because 'tis exceedingly nifty.
Oh, my, yes, indeed it is.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
just deserts

"Whatever you're doing, I don't think it's working," I frowned. It wasn't, but it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and pay notice for some reason. "And I hate to break it to you, but I don't know anybody going by that name."
She was staring at her hands as if they'd just betrayed her.
Right. Whatever.
Wondering about that was the last thing currently on my 'to do' list.
Prioritizing was something necessity had seen me learn in the past, and right now the mysterious appearance of my 'guest' was the last thing I was worried about. It may have roused my curiosity, but that was shelved and saved for later.
Momentary self-preservation was far more important, there and then.
I went about taking more careful stock of damages, yanked the tertiary data core before setting the rest on the digital equivalent of slow-boil, and pried open an access hatch that hadn't been warped into an unrecognizable mess.
"Where is this?" I heard. Looking over one shoulder, I saw my passenger had made her way to the hatch I'd forced open, and was squintingly looking over the revealed landscape.
Not that there was much to look for, other than sand, sand, and, oh yes, more sand. Add some rock formations in the distance, maybe.
I turned back and proceeded to remove some emergency spares from the compartment. A set of power cells, the basics you needed to try and field-rig a gravitics node replacement, and so on ... not much, but enough to be useful. Even if the way things stood was far from the cases they originally been intended to serve.
"A desert," I said, stashing the lot inside a duffel.
"I can see that," she deadpanned back. Still sounding unsteady.
Honestly, it would have been easier if she could just blow up and we'd have us a bloody row. Then we could pick up the pieces and move on from there, instead of trying for the strong, silent, and vaguely sociopathic treatment.
Too close to how I tended to act myself, come to think of it. Left to my own devices, I'd just as soon not bother as I would go and try to do something unreasonable. Considering the frantic sort of energy the girl had acquired as soon as the name 'Natsuki' had crossed her mind, nevermind lips, the latter was a distinct possibility.
I thought back to the eerie sensation I'd gotten when I felt her mind snapping into focus.
Alright, so maybe she's already tried 'unreasonable', and it didn't work.
Oh, to hell with it.
"We don't have the time for this. In case you didn't realize it yet, we just flashed down from orbit on wings of fire in this little miracle of science, and from up there it looked like somebody was fighting a war down here. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not going to be staying around here for whoever runs shop around here to find me."
"... even if I believed you, how exactly is walking that," she gestured sharply to the sands outside, air shimmering with the heat on the horizont, "supposed to be anything other than suicide?"
In for a penny, in for a pound.
I stepped past her, hopping down the two or so feet from the now open hatch and onto the sand. After making sure the duffle was secured to my body, I turned my back to the desert and released. Felt like stretching a metaphysical muscle, really.
"Did I say anything about walking?" I said as the four blades of my own 'wings' flashed into being.
Otome Zwei took this off standby, at least enough for another segment.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: just deserts
And we get to see Shizuru do a full Warner Brothers jaw drop, complete with elastic impact with the ground...
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...

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