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[RFC] Being You is Deculture
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture
Got a bigun' here.  Bit over 18,000 words.

Really, this is two chapters, and I'm going to be divvying it up as such into two posts here.

For our first bit here, we have an early meeting between the Meltrandi and the crew of the SDF-1...

The very next day I received a surprise: I was to report to the bridge as soon as possible.  There, the bridge crew along with Captain Gloval was waiting for me.

“Girls,” I heard Misa saying to the Bridge Bunnies as I walked through the door, “what you see and here today will be classified on a need-to-know basis.  What Lieutenant Junior-Grade Grimm will be saying will seem very strange, but you should not speak of it to anyone else.  The most important thing to remember is that Mr. Grimm is a loyal member of the UN Spacey.  He swore the oath, and he’s upholding it.  Do we understand each other?”

I went to the Captain and stood at sharp attention.

“Lieutenant Junior-Grade Grimm, reporting as ordered, sir.”

“At ease, Mr. Grimm.  You are just in time.  Before, you said we should try to parlay with Miz Azonia, yes?  Well then, the time to parlay has come.  And I feel it is best that you speak with the woman.”

“Are... Are you sure about that, sir?  Last time I don’t think I had that much of an effect on my audience.”

“Nonsense,” said the Captain.  “We spoke with your three other friends earlier yesterday.  They were quite keen on this mission, not only in the service of their people, but to see for themselves what you were talking about.  You have made an impact, Mr. Grimm.  And it is time to see if you can work your magic once again.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good.  Now stand over there.”  I took two steps over so I stood in the middle of the bridge, just forward and to the left of Captain Gloval’s spot.  I knew that this way, the attention would be focused on me, but it would be clear that the man just behind me was my superior.

“Good man,” said Gloval.  “Claudia?  If you would please?”

“Yes sir.  Signaling the command ship.  Receiving a handshake - channel now open.  You may start when ready, Mr. Grimm.”

I nodded and took a breath to steady myself.

“Hail, Commander Azonia of the Doronu Squadron.  Lieutenant Junior-Grade Grimm wishes to parlay on the behalf of the SDF-1 Macross and its crew.”

I heard a faint tick as the holotank at the front of the bridge came to life, showing Azonia up close.

I hadn’t seen her this close before, but now... I was surprised by how young she actually looked.  She couldn’t have much older than Misa.

“So, this is the Micronian that I have heard so many rumors of?  And he deigns to speak with me?  How flattering.”  She chuckled as I felt my face heat up.  “Well, at least you’re fun to tease.  In all honesty, however, I am rather interested in the Micronian that has made a fool out of Budolza.  I will parlay with you, Micronian, but only if you tell me how you relieved my superior of his hand.”

I looked to Captain Gloval briefly and he nodded, motioning with his had to continue.

“As you wish, Commander,” I said.  I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to feel for the power that lurked within my soul.  It has been a fickle thing, coming out only when my emotions are at a peak.

Katherine?  Can you help me?

Yes, Gar-kun.  It’s very hard if you don’t know how to look for it.  It thrives on your heart.  Think of Minmei.  Think of Minagi, Achika, Yuki, and Yume.  Think of Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, Mihoshi, and Ryoh-ohki.  Think of your mother, Queen Funaho and your Birth Mother.  Think of Queen Misaki when she hugs you.  Think of your father, Emperor Azusa, when he smiles at you with pride.  Think of Seto as she grins when you amuse her.

And think of me, because I have always been here for you, and I always will be.  You are my first and only love, Gar-kun, and I will keep you forever.

Think of everyone you love and want to protect.  This is the impetus of our power.  All of our love and all of our righteous fury, distilled until it takes form.

Only a short moment passed, but it was enough.  All of my love, hemmed by my rage against a universe that wanted to take it all away from me.  The very essence of our eternal war against entropy.

Except that I had the cheat that turned it all inside out.

“Well?  I am waiting, Micronian.”

I opened my eyes and everyone gasped as the brilliant white energy coalesced in my right hand.

A Lighthawk Wing.

“I apologize for the delay, Commander.  This is something I’m still learning to do.”

Azonia stared wide-eyed at me and at my Lighthawk Wing.

“What is the nature of this?” she asked, in awe, but still aware that she needed to learn everything she can.

“This is a part of my soul, Commander.  I know that may sound ridiculous to a pragmatist such as yourself, but it is real.  It can be quantified and measured.  A construct of pure energy that I can form into whatever I need, be it an unbreakable shield or a mighty weapon.”

“So, that is how you did it.  And can others manifest this ability?”

I shook my head.  “I am special among all Micronians, Commander.  I am an interdimensional traveler from an alternate version of this universe.  I would be shocked if there were anyone here that could do this.”

Azonia was still marveling at the Lighthawk Wing, but then she shifted into business mode quite readily.

“Very well then, Micronian.  You have satisfied my curiosity.  For that, I shall gladly parlay with the Micronian Hero known as Lieutenant Junior-Grade Grim.

“What is it that you want?”

“Thank you kindly, Commander.  We wish to proceed to our homeworld and make landfall so we may reprovision, make repairs, and exchange personnel.”

“Oh?  And why should we allow that?   Our orders are to keep you from leaving, and I intend to follow those orders to the best of my ability.”

“Respectfully, Commander, we don’t really intend to go anywhere.  That planet is our home.  And we only reverse-engineered this ship and refitted it so that we can protect it.

“Besides, our fold drive was destroyed when we made the mistake of performing a space fold at the very surface of our planet.”

Azonia looked at us in shock.  “You Micronians are fortunate to even be alive!  How could you do something so foolish!?”

I shrugged.  “In our defense, Commander, it wasn’t like as if the Supervision Army left an instruction manual for us to read.  Besides, for our purposes, it worked.  The intent was to draw Commander Breetai’s fleet from Earth.  We simply wound up going a little farther than we intended.”

Azonia raised an eyebrow.  “Oh?  And how much farther was that?”

“We intended to arrive at the far side of our moon.  Instead, we wound up a fair distance outside the orbit of the eighth planet in our solar system.”

Azonia laughed.  “Then I dare say, Micronian, you certainly succeeded in drawing Breetai away from your world.  However, I only have your word that your fold drive is inoperative.  How am I to know this for certain?”

I then looked to Captain Gloval.  “Sir, perhaps we can extend an invitation to a small boarding party?  I seriously doubt that there’s anything about the construction of this ship that they don’t know about.”

“That’s quite a bold move, pilot.  Why are you so certain that it poses little intelligence risk?”

“They’ve been at war with the people that made this class of ship for thousands of years.  I’m sure that at some point in time they’ve managed to take at least one intact.  And besides, it might present more opportunities to promote our culture.”

“That sounds reasonable.  Let us discuss this idea further, shall we?”

I nodded and then turned back to Azonia.

“Madame Commander, we are willing to accept a boarding party to allow you to ascertain the status of our fold drive.”

“Interesting.  And I assume that since you returned Breetai’s men so readily that anyone I send to your ship will come to no harm?”

“They will have our full hospitality, Commander.  We’ll even provide them a good meal for taking the time to come out here.”

Azonia gave me a mildly surprised look.  “What do you hope to gain out of this, Micronian.”

“Madame Commander, I only hope to gain friends.”

She gave me a consternated look at that.  “Us?  Friends with you?  Why should we?”

I gave Azonia a small, but genuine smile.  “Maybe you should visit us and find out.”

“I could not possibly leave,” she said flat-out.  “However, I can send someone that I trust to give me a straight answer.”

I looked to the captain and he nodded again.

“We’ll allow a party of four.  We can understand if they were armed, but only to a reasonable extent.  We have no desire for trouble, and I feel that applies to you as well.”

Azonia chuckled.  “Apparently you don’t know us too well, Micronian Hero.  Trouble is exactly what they call upon me to handle.  But don’t worry.  I’ll make sure that my Meltrandi behave themselves.  Be ready to receive my boarding party in three hours.  Azonia out.”


In two hours, a Quel-Quallie scout ship accompanied by a pair of Quedlun-Rau arrived in one of the SDF-1’s larger landing bays.  I was with Dr. Lang, Captain Gloval, and Misa Hayase to greet them.

The hatch on the Quel-Quallie opened and a Meltran in an armored vacuum suit stepped out, looked down at us, then set a large container down in front of us.  The container opened like a clamshell and then out stepped three miclonized Meltrandi females wearing long, purple smocks cinched around their waists, tied with simple belts.

Two of them were not terribly remarkable - attractive, but in a somewhat homely way.

But the one that stood out was none other than Milia Fallyna herself, with her regal face and long forest-green hair that fell gracefully to her waist.  And when she spoke, it was with an imperious, though very lovely sounding contralto voice that fit her like a glove.

“Aviatrix Leader Milia Fallyna requesting permission to come aboard.”

“Granted, Aviatrix Leader,” said Captain Gloval amiably.  “I am Captain Bruno J. Gloval of the SDF-1 Macross.  With me here is Dr. Emil Lang, our Chief Engineer.  With us also is Lieutenant Misa Hayase and Lieutenant Junior-Grade Garrick Grimm.”

Milia’s eyes lit up at that.  “Ah.  The Micronian hero that we have heard so much about,” she said as she stepped over to examine me closely while I returned the favor.  “Hmm.  The rumors exaggerate.  You hardly seem like some devil of a Micronian on the surface, but your eyes tell a different story.  Tell me, Hero.  How would you go about facing me in a battle.”

I inclined my head and said, “Honestly, I’d cheat.”

Milia’s eyebrow went up at that.  “And how so?”

“I’d goad you into pursuing me into a confined area, and then set off shaped charges to take you out.”

She blinked at that.  “Indeed.  And what makes you so certain, Micronian?”

“Well, unless you’re a fantastic actress, Miss Fallyna, I can tell by your countenance and bearing that you are a very prideful person.  You would pursue me with such monomaniacal focus that you would fail to take into consideration that I may have laid a trap for you.

“I know it may seem cowardly to you, but you need to remember: when you’re fighting for your own survival, anything goes.  There’s no room for pride when your life is on the line.  Remember that taking pride in one’s accomplishments is a fine thing, but excessive pride leads to arrogance.  As we Micronians say: ‘Pride goeth before the fall.’”

Milia glared at me.  “So noted, Lieutenant Junior-Grade.”  She then turned to everyone else and said, “We are wasting time here.  Let us get this over with so I can go back to my former size.”

Misa raised her hand suddenly and said, “I’m sorry, but I must insist that we find you three some proper attire first.”

“Excuse me?” said Milia imperiously.

Misa looked around, sizing up the situation, then stepped closer to Milia and beckoned her over.  Milia was confused, but did so anyways, leaning over for Misa to whisper in her ear.

Suddenly, Milia flushed brilliantly.

“My attire is sufficient!” she snapped.  But then, she thought better of it, then said, “On the other hand, it probably would cause a misunderstanding.  It may be best if we were attired as you are so no one reacts poorly to our presence.”

Captain Gloval nodded.  “Indeed.  Worry not, Aviatrix Leader.  We shall make haste.”


Haste indeed.  Fifteen minutes in the women’s end of the uniform shop had them properly fitted to their liking with the help of the autotailor.

“I must admit,” said Milia as she moved around in the uniform, testing to see if it at all limited her range of movement - hers being the short skirt version of an officer’s working whites.  “This uniform is well designed despite its appearance.”

And then she checked how secure her bust was using her hands to see how far she could move them, causing me to bite my lip and the other men to turn away surreptitiously.

“Particularly your support garments.  I have never experienced a fit this accurate while maintaining such strong support.

With a worried look, Misa leaned over and whispered in Milia’s ear once again, and once again she flushed brilliantly.

“Of course,” she said, and then set about to move things along.  “Captain, I believe we are to look at your engine spaces?”

“Indeed,” said the Captain.  “Doctor Lang will guide us along as we tour the engine spaces, and then afterwards we shall retire to a short lunch before we send you on your way.”

“Hmph.  Under other circumstances I would balk, but so long as you’re feeding us, then it will be fine.”


As we went through the spaces, Dr. Lang was the consummate professional, identifying all the components of the engine systems and how they had been repaired after the crash landing, and then the conspicuous absence of the fold drive.  Of course, the technicians had questions about what we had built in its place and I had to assure Dr. Lang and Captain Gloval that they had absolutely no capability to replicate our efforts.

I caught Milia yawning at one point, and she came over to me and quietly demanded:

“How are you not bored with this?”

I shrugged.  “Would you believe that before I became a fighter pilot that I was a maintenance technician with aspirations of becoming an engineer?”

“That’s preposterous!” said Milia in shock.  “How can a mere technician hope to become one of the elite?”

“That’s kinda your guys’ fault.  If the Zentradi had not hounded us so, then we wouldn’t have to resort to recruiting civilians.”

“Civilians... You mean those people from before?”

“Yes.  Non-combatants.  Our situation was dire enough, though, that we had to get the manpower from somewhere.  And a lot of these people were pretty upset about their home getting shot to pieces.”

“And they decided just like that to suddenly become warriors?”

“Yep.  Though we had to train them at first.”

Milia shook her head in amazement.  “And to think that you have given old man Breetai so much trouble.”

I raised an eyebrow.  “‘Old man’?”

Milia grinned.  “Do not misunderstand me, Micronian.  Breetai is among the select few Zentran that I would trust to not screw up an operation.  It is why he had been trusted in tracking this very ship I have suddenly found myself on... and yet you were his downfall.”

“I don’t think he’s out of the running quite yet, Miss Fallyna.”

“And what is that?  The way you address me?”

“A polite recognition of you as a young female.”

“Hmph.  And if I was older?”

“Then I would use Miz instead of Miss.”

“Well, I will admit that I am young.  But do not let my age fool you, Micronian.  I am the ace of aces among all Meltrandi.”

“And I’ll readily acknowledge that.  No offense, Miss Fallyna, but I would sooner touch an exposed power coupling than willingly get into a straight-up fight with you.”

“Admitting to cowardice?”

“No.  I’m admitting that I’d know that I’d be in a fight that I cannot win and retreat until I can strengthen my position so I can win.  A great general among my people once said, ‘The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fear of disgrace, whose only thought is the protection of his kingdom and the service of his sovereign is the jewel of his kingdom.’  Retreat may mean you’ve lost the battle, but it does not by any means translate to the conclusion of a war.”

“An interesting philosophy.  Tell me, Micronian, do your people possess more about this philosophy on war?”

“More than you might imagine.  We have entire libraries on the topic.”

Milia gave me a shocked look, then seemed to school herself back into her dispassionate imperialism.

“If this is the case, then you people are certainly more than you appear and it would be no small wonder you’ve given Breetai so much trouble.”  She then looked me in the eyes and said, “I will warn you now, Micronian.  Should I be fielded in battle against you, I will seek you out so I may see for myself what kind of warrior you are.”

“I’ll do my best then to be a pleasant surprise for you then, Miss Fallyna.”


Boy, Max was gonna have his hands full with her.


At last, the tour was over, and the two technicians addressed Milia.

“Aviatrix Leader: It is our findings that this ship has absolutely no capability to perform a Space Fold whatsoever.  The necessary components are indeed missing, and we saw no power trunks that could possibly feed into a hidden system.  Additionally, we have been able to ascertain the Micronian’s reasons for reconfiguring this ship prior to any combat.”

“Oh?” said Milia.  “Well, don’t keep me waiting.  Out with it, Technician.”

“Yes Ma’am.  The reason is that the main weapon of this type of vessel is known to draw its power from the reactor by way of the fold drive.  With the drive missing from this ship, the Micronians have devised a clever use of the modular construction of this Gunship to bridge the gap between the Main Gun System and the Main Reactor.”

“Very well done, Technician.  I will report these findings to Commander Azonia and make sure that you are commended for your work.”  Milia then turned to the rest of us and said, “Now, I believe you said that there would be meals waiting for us?”

“We did indeed,” said the Captain with a twinkle in his eye.  “But not here, of course.  We have something special set aside.”


We drove through town once again, but with a much different destination than the landing bays: The Nyan-Nyan.

As we all entered, I heard an all too familiar voice cry out:


“Stand clear, I got this!” I warned the Meltrandi, who had all tensed.

They watched in surprise as Minmei came running at me and then jumped, only for me to intercept her flying leap and spin her around until her momentum had been canceled out.

And then came the shocked gasps as she reached up and kissed me.

“Wha...  What manner of behavior is this!?” cried out Milia.

Minmei turned to grin impishly at Milia.  “It’s called kissing, and you should try it sometime.  I’d lend you my Gar-kun - he’s a very good kisser - but there’s already a line of girls waiting for him~!”

There were a few snorts, guffaws, and giggles from the people who were officially in the know about that particular matter.

“But why would I do something so... disgusting!” replied Milia in revulsion.

“It’s only disgusting if you do it with a guy who you think is disgusting.  Maybe you’d like someone like Max over there?” she said coyly, pointing out Maximilian Jenius, who blushed and gave a sheepish wave.

“I... WHAT!?” cried out Milia, positively agog.

“Do you think he looks gross?~” wheedled Minmei.

“I... I don’t know what to think!”

Minmei then sighed dramatically.  “Oh well, I guess you just haven’t awakened your Woman’s Heart yet.”

“My WHAT!?  I have no idea what that is supposed to be!  Let alone whether or not I have one!”

“Silly!” accused Minmei.  “Of course you do!  You can’t be any older than me, and you definitely look like a woman~.  I bet you’ve felt it already and you just don’t realize it yet!  You heart suddenly starts pounding and your chest feels hot and your head starts to feel so light~.  Oh, it’s such a heavenly feeling!  It makes me feel like I could fly~.”

“Heavenly?” said Milia weakly.

“Hmmm~,” replied Minmei wordlessly.  “It happens to me whenever I’m in Garrick’s arms.  I wish we could do more than just kissing...”  And here, Minmei screwed her eyes shut and bit her lip as a shudder ran through her body, “nnggghhhh~!”

Milia and the others looked terrified, but they were also so flushed that I swear you could see steam rising from their heads.

I don’t think I looked any different myself - I was utterly appalled by this sudden display of eroticism!

“Okay, that’s enough vamping from you!” I said as I steered Minmei straight over to an open set of tables that had been pushed together for us.  “Not only are you freaking them out, but that is WAY more information than others need to know.”

“I don’t think so, Gar-kun~,” said Minmei coyly.  Her face suddenly became deadly serious and I was reminded of how she looked at me after the first time she kissed me, only this was less ‘If you didn’t enjoy that then so help me...’ and more ‘I am giving THE LAW here - none may violate it without incurring my never-ending wrath’.

How the hell is it that the women in my life become such frightening creatures - both beautiful and terrible at the same time?  I couldn’t help but feel like My Ladies were all going to topple entire empires with nothing but beautific smiles on their faces, and they would do so without me ever directing them at all.  (It doesn’t help matters any that this sort of thing turns me on like a locomotive.)

Minmei went on, “Even if you have me at a very troublesome crossroads, I am not about to let anyone think that I’ve lost any interest in you.  I want them all to know how you make me feel - mind, body, and soul... and so they’ll understand just how much this is tearing me up inside when I finally make that choice.”

And that right there was The Performer aspect of her persona - this was going to hurt her either way, but she already made up her mind to channel her heartbreak through her music and show the entire world the hole in her heart.

It took a very special person to do that - to stand in the view of millions and millions and, with all the love and hurt in their soul, cry out, ‘Here is my heart!  See how it bleeds from my loss!  See how it burns with my love!  Know all that makes me who I am and why!’

The only one among my other fiancees that I think could pull it off was Yuki, and only because of the sheer degree of ‘zero fucks given’ in her personality.

Yuki and Minmei were gonna get along like a house on fire.


It was the the same thing all over again.  We all watched gleefully as Milia and her two charges had their minds blown by the fine offerings of the Nyan-Nyan.

“And you Micronians eat like this all the time!?” cried out Milia.

“Eh, yes and no,” said Roy.  “Judging by what we found in the cargo holds, field rations are field rations, no matter where you go.  But as long as we’re home, we try to enjoy it when we can.”

“Well, I hope you’re ready for the big finish~,” said Minmei with an evil gleam in her eyes.  “I’d like you ladies to know I made this one myself, because I know just how much a girl loves her sweets~.”

The dishes were brought and my eyebrows shot to the top of my head.

“Tiramisu?” I said, looking at Minmei in surprise.  “When did you learn to make tiramisu?”

Minmei made a show of buffing her nails blithely.  “Oh, you know.  Chinese restaurant in trendy Yokohama.  It was only natural, especially since mother and father were leaning on me so heavily to take over the place so they can retire.”

“What is this... Tiramisu?” asked Milia.

Claudia cracked a grin and said, “Practically an orgasm for your tongue just waiting to happen.”

Misa gasped, scandalized by her friend.  “CLAUDIA!”

“...Do I even dare ask?” said Milia apprehensively.

“It’s nothing bad,” said Minmei reassuringly.  “In fact, you might say it’s one of the best things in the universe!  Just try it - I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

Milia looked a bit doubtful, but given her very recent experience with the previous fare, she must have figured that she didn’t have much to lose at this point.

She took a small bit from the corner of the confection with her fork and then brought it to her mouth.

She suddenly froze and her wide eyes glassed over.

It was the same look that Misa had on her face when she tried the coffee I got from Joe’s Donuts back in Canterlot - like as if all of creation was suddenly laid out before her for just an instant.

Almost painfully slowly, Milia swallowed and then visibly shuddered.

She slowly stood, as though she was afraid her legs wouldn’t support her, quietly asked where the privy was, and then disappeared into the back, wearing a stunned look the entire way.

Not one person at the table DIDN’T have a confused look on their face until Minmei suddenly spoke up:

“Okay, I know Mom’s recipe is good, but I’ve never seen anyone actually get off on it before!”

You could almost hear the clicking sound as the relays in everyone’s head closed all at once.  Slowly, all our eyes turned to Claudia, who suddenly had a deer-in-the-headlights look on her face.



Strangely, it was decided that Claudia was the best candidate to go into the ladies room and both explain what the hell had just happened to the poor Meltran, and also coax her back out.  Really, once I thought of it, I couldn’t think of anyone better.  Claudia was not only very well versed in...  well, ladies matters, but was also a gentle, mothering soul despite her occasional lewd jokes that she’ll crack with a wink and a smile.

When she did manage the feat, though, Claudia preceded Milia and leveled a look at all of us.  It was a thunderous glower that promised great pain and suffering for anyone that even looked at Milia in a funny way.

The situation was still awkward as we packed what remained of the food into to-go containers so that Milia and her charges could spread a little taste of what we have.

But once we made it back to the landing bay, Milia had regained most of her composure.

“I would like to extend Commander Azonia’s gratitude for your cooperation, Captain Gloval.  With this information, I am sure that she will permit your transit to your home world.  With an escort, of course.”

“Of course,” agreed the Captain.

“What of these clothes, though?” she asked, fingering the uniform blouse tentatively.

“Yours to keep, Miss Fallyna.  A souvenir, if you will.”

Milia nodded and then saluted smartly and said, “Request permission to disembark.”

“Granted, Miss Fallyna.  As our mariners of old would say, Fair winds and following seas.”

Milia chewed on that for a moment before inclining her head.

“Same to you as well, Captain.  Alright, technicians.  Into the travel pod.  The sooner we get back, the sooner we can be macloned again.”

Once the travel pod was closed and the Meltran pilot buttoned up inside the Quel-Quallie, Max finally spoke.

“I hope I get to see her again sometime.  It’d be nice to talk to her.”

I patted Max on the back, silently hoping that he’d get that chance.


“Report, Aviatrix Leader.”

“Yes Ma’am.  The technicians have concluded absolutely that their vessel has no ability to enact a transit by dimensional fold.  Additionally, they’ve been able to ascertain the reason they transform the ship prior to combat.”

“....  Interesting.  I can only imagine the chaos this would cause within the ship whenever they perform this transformation.  And what of the rumors that they have people who have no place on the battle field?”

“They are apparently true, ma’am.  They have an entire complex within that ship that is dedicated for their use.”

“But for what purpose?” said Azonia thoughtfully.

“Apparently they serve as providers of leisure time for their soldiers.  I was granted the opportunity to partake of their food.”  Mllia then flushed.  “It was... very different from our own.  In a good way.”

Azonia’s eyes narrowed.  “Aviatrix Leader Fallyna, you are hiding something.  That is highly atypical behavior for you.”

Milia actually looked somewhat apprehensive - the change from the overconfident and arrogant Quedlun Rau pilot would have shocked Azonia if not for her military bearing.

“Commander,” she then said in a low tone.  “I would prefer that I speak of this confidentially.”

Azonia, this once, permitted herself to raise an eyebrow.

“In my ready room, Aviatrix Leader.”

Milia saluted sharply, and then turned on her heel to the Commander’s office, but waiting for Azonia herself to enter first before following.

Once the door snapped shut behind them, though...

“Explain yourself, Aviatrix Leader!” said Azonia sharply.  She would expect such behavior from a newly decanted meltran, and not the well drilled prodigy before her!

Slowly, Milia explained what had happened; the sensations she experienced, and then Claudia’s own explanation to her about how that part is very special to females, and that they can derive great physical pleasure from there.

“I... I see,” said Azonia, stunned by this news.  “I’d heard rumors of such things.  Quiet whispers in the bunks when I was younger.  But to hear of it like this?  And that Micronian food did this to you?”

Milia nodded.  “The one who claimed to prepare it says that it is a special food not often served.”

Azonia rolled her eyes at that.  “I can see why!  Crazy Micronians.  What is your impression of them, though?”

Being put to a serious question was a welcome change of subject for Milia, and she went on without reservation.

“They are very much like the Rau squadron I was in before I was promoted to leading my own under your command.”

“How so, Aviatrix Leader?”

“There is an astonishingly high degree of comradery among them.  Though I had witnessed some heated exchanges between members of the opposite gender, for the most part they get along well with each other.  Almost to a disturbing point.  Especially the Micronian Hero.”

“Elaborate,” said Azonia.

“He and the young female that made the food... apparently they’re partners of some sort.”

“Partners?” repeated Azonia in confusion.

Milia nodded.  “Yes ma’am.  It was quite strange, but they seemed to share some kind of bond that was...  Well, from how they behaved it was almost like they could hear each other’s thoughts.  Though this may simply be that they know each other well enough that they are able to perfectly predict the other’s thoughts and actions.”

“How very strange.  I can almost see why Budolza might think them dangerous.  So far, though, I’m getting the impression that while they are indeed dangerous, it is not to we Zentradi.  Summarize, Aviatrix Leader: What are your thoughts on them as a whole?”

“They are indeed dangerous,” stated Milia with absolute certainty.  “But as you said, not in the way Budolza thinks... request permission to speak freely, Commander?”

Azonia frowned.  “Granted, Aviatrix Leader.  What is on your mind, Milia?”

“There is something about this that is incredible wrong, ma’am.  Breetai had been instructed to capture the gunship intact, yes... but these Micronians have been able to inflict wildly disproportionate losses to his fleet.  And this while having rebuilt that Gunship from the keel on up to suite their needs and tastes.  And this entire time, they profess be on the defensive.  And their actions bear this out thus far.  They never push their advantages any further than they absolutely must, and as of late they have even been attempting to extend a hand of friendship towards us.

“I will make no issue of it, ma’am.  I live for the fight.  I love it more than anything else.  And I dearly wish to test myself against their best.  But at the same time, I find myself pondering what it would be like if we did accept these Micronians as friends.  If it would be such a bad thing.  How would we be hurt by this?  Especially when these Micronians show every sign of being able to restore even the most heinously damaged capitol ships to full functionality.  And even more so, build completely new weapon systems that leave us reeling from their potency.”

“You speak of the anti-ship missiles they used in the opening salvos against Breetai?”

“Yes ma’am,” said Milia with a nod.  “I know how precious our dwindling supplies of such missiles are.  What if we suddenly had a source of those missiles once again?  That alone, I feel, warrants further pursuit of an alliance with the Micronians.  And, I worry, that Budolza is an irrational fool.  I have a strong suspicion, Ma’am, that we have yet to see the full potential of the Micronians, and that they already have tricks up their sleeves that are beyond our imagining.  And that trick, I worry, might be our very undoing if we push them to the brink.”

Azonia nodded.  “Your concerns are very much my own, Aviatrix Leader.  I have been pouring over the combat data that we received from Breetai before coming here.  They have something we lack - something that I suspect that we have lacked for a long, long time.  And I think, as you have said, that this will be our very undoing - but only if the Micronians are pushed into it.  We have far more to gain from befriending them.”

“Have we gone mad?” said Milia, the worry clearly evident in her voice.  “Are we actually considering the idea of defecting to their side!?”

“Not yet, Aviatrix Leader,” said Azonia.  “That would be tantamount to suicide and foolish.  At least, not unless the Micronians have shown us something that will give us the edge.  Their ability to fully repair ships and create new machines of war are promising, but I will not yet throw my lot in with them.  Not without something that would be the key to undoing Budolza.”

“What of the strange abilities of the Micronian Hero?” asked Milia thoughtfully.

“...That is compelling, but it’s not quite enough.  For me to seriously consider such a dire act, they would need to show us a weapon that could devastate entire fleets.”

Milia nodded.  “I understand, Ma’am.”

“Good.  Do you have anything else for me?”

“No ma’am, only a question for myself.”

“I suppose you’ve earned that.  Go ahead, Aviatrix Leader.”

“The Micronian Hero professes he is not the best among them, that the blue haired one is truthfully a far better warrior than he.  Can we confirm this?”

Azonia grinned.  “Seeking out a proper challenge, Aviatrix Leader?  I can abide that.  I will have my archivist review the data Breetai gave us.  You will have your answer later tonight.  But all the same, I want you to exercise caution in dealing with them.  They have already proven themselves to be wily foes.  And I have no wish to lose someone as valuable as you are.”

“I understand, Ma’am.  Recent events have been... humbling.  You have my thanks, Commander.”

Azonia nodded.  “Dismissed, Aviatrix Leader.”

As Milia left the ready room and proceeded to her quarters, she thought of the tiny package of Micronian food that was waiting for her.

She looked forward to enjoying it, this time in privacy where she could enjoy herself without being embarrassed by how her body would react to that enjoyment.

She also gave consideration to what Azonia had said before about furtive whispers in the bunks during the night-cycles.  She had heard such whispers herself before.  She had thought such things unbecoming of a warrior... but now?  Now she reconsidered those whispers in an entirely new light.

She wondered, with a small thrill of anticipation and fear racing up her spine, just how much of what she had heard actually works.


Azonia granted us passage.

I could only imagine how Kamjin was taking this.

I could only imagine how the bridge on his flagship was filled with utterly sulfurous Zentran oaths.

And I can only imagine the look on Azonia’s face when Milia told her everything.  That is, IF she told her everything.

But regardless, everyone was glued to the nearest observation points, watching as Earth grew closer and closer until the Pacific Ocean was all we could see.

“All hands, be advised.  We will be touching down in ten seconds.  Please watch your footing.”  Minmei and I looked into each others eyes and we squeezed the other hand.  “Touchdown in five... four... three... two... one... TOUCHDOWN!”

There was only the slightest jump in the decking under our feet, and everyone cheered.

Within minutes, there were opening airlocks everywhere and soon the ocean breeze was flowing through the interior of the ship, stirring trees and loose bits of paper everywhere.

People everywhere cheered, laughed, and cried.

For some, the occasion was a bittersweet one.  There had been a lot of loved ones lost over the last several months.

Many others, though, were simply happy to be back home after so long.

And then, of course, there was the burning question everyone had on their minds - how long would it be until they could walk on Terra Firma once more?

I honestly wished I could answer that question.

But all questions got cut short as an entire squadron of Valkyries had shown up.  But not to make sure we were fine.

They were here to make sure that no one left the ship.

It starts...  *Evil Grin(tm)*

Working on getting the next chapter up right now.

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[RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Black Aeronaut - 07-09-2017, 02:15 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by BLHarrison - 09-18-2017, 10:40 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 11-21-2017, 11:37 AM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 02-26-2018, 12:30 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Norgarth - 05-28-2018, 07:11 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 05-31-2018, 10:56 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-03-2018, 11:38 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-03-2018, 08:55 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Rajvik - 06-10-2018, 06:02 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Norgarth - 06-10-2018, 01:43 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-10-2018, 05:57 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-27-2018, 04:50 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-28-2018, 04:37 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 06-28-2018, 09:22 AM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-28-2018, 08:34 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Norgarth - 06-28-2018, 08:32 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 06-29-2018, 08:18 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 07-02-2018, 01:49 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 07-02-2018, 02:30 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 07-03-2018, 07:08 AM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by itsune9tl - 07-06-2018, 10:45 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by itsune9tl - 07-07-2018, 09:39 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by itsune9tl - 07-07-2018, 06:06 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 07-09-2018, 01:55 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Norgarth - 07-18-2018, 02:40 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Black Aeronaut - 07-31-2018, 05:52 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 08-01-2018, 05:04 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 08-01-2018, 02:24 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 08-01-2018, 06:23 PM
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RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Rajvik - 08-02-2018, 07:21 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 08-04-2018, 12:22 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 09-01-2018, 08:38 AM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 09-02-2018, 01:07 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Rajvik - 09-04-2018, 07:36 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 09-05-2018, 05:29 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 09-06-2018, 06:25 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 09-07-2018, 03:03 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by Rajvik - 09-07-2018, 07:16 PM
RE: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 02-07-2019, 03:18 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by ECSNorway - 07-10-2017, 06:52 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by itsune9tl - 07-10-2017, 10:49 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 07-12-2017, 04:47 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 07-13-2017, 12:47 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 07-19-2017, 05:09 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by itsune9tl - 07-20-2017, 03:09 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by robkelk - 08-20-2017, 05:36 PM
Re: [RFC] Being You is Deculture - by itsune9tl - 08-20-2017, 06:50 PM

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