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Maybe this belongs in Fenspace, but...
Maybe this belongs in Fenspace, but...
...this is where I've been posting links to genuinely interesting articles.
The first evidence of another universe has (possibly) been seen.

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Re: Maybe this belongs in Fenspace, but...
A very interesting article, that, but it has a few inconsistencies with the article it is referencing. In the interest if the truth, while this article (Has the first evidence of another universe been seen?) claims:
[The hole is not actually devoid of matter, only has far fewer galaxies and galactic clusters than normally found in a comparable volume of space. It is estimated that the hole has about 20 to 45% less galaxies than normal, which contributes to it being colder than other volumes of space.
the article it is referencing ( Astronomers Find Enormous Hole in the Universe ) says:
Astronomers have found an enormous hole in the Universe, nearly a billion light-years across, empty of both normal matter such as stars, galaxies, and gas, and the mysterious, unseen "dark matter."
Regardless, this is a very profound discovery.[Image: smalldarksideoc5.png]
"Nothing really exists, but really, nothing exists."

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI

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