Bob Schroeck Wrote:"For those who want Tropes to be fun again"
I was trying to think of something along those lines. That's PERFECT!
Perhaps we could use it as a (unofficial) tagline, at least for a while? Just an idea.
All The Tropes Wiki Project, Part II
Bob Schroeck Wrote:"For those who want Tropes to be fun again" I was trying to think of something along those lines. That's PERFECT! Perhaps we could use it as a (unofficial) tagline, at least for a while? Just an idea.
You had all of it, just two words extra. I did nothing but take those words out.
On a different tack: We really need to implement something like YKKTW again. I was just trying to see if we had a trope for somone sipping whiskey or other liquor, coughing, and then rasping out, "smoooooth". I couldn't find anything, but it seems to me like something too obvious not to already be in the tropebase... if only we had a critical mass of users already... -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. Bob Schroeck Wrote:You had all of it, just two words extra. I did nothing but take those words out. In the meantime, I have added the darth wiki template to all the Darth Wiki pages I could find with my bot, but if any of those pages or darth wiki related categories are missing the template, do let me know, as well as any display issues. I have also added some gadgets for administrators to make the lives of everyone with sysop privileges easier. One last final note for my fellow admins: It seems we've finally attracted the attention of those loathsome internet vermin known as "spammers". The Orain guys already block most of it, but some of those idiots may still manage to slip through. If you check the user talk pages of suspected spammers, you'll find some links to backtrace their IP address (CheckUser is reserved for Orain staff, but they will perform that task for us on request), and if they show up on any spammer blacklists, go ahead and block them anywhere from 2-4 years. The Orain staff have asked we report any particularly persistent spammer IP ranges to them to handle, so if you notice a lot of spammer IPs in a similar range, go ahead and report it in IRC or on Orain Meta.
Can we rename YKTTW? I mean, it's cool that it's an informal title -- and one of the few that survive on TVT. "You Know That Thing Where" is fun. But:
Bob Scroeck Wrote:... YKKTW ...I'm not the only one who has trouble typing it. I can never remember the initials, and always have to think of what they stand for. And even then, it makes my fingers do funny things on the keyboard. We're talking about making it a namespace -- something like YKTTW:$pagename, so they don't show up on the search, but can easily be moved into place. GethN7 suggested "Trope Workshop:", which I like but he still favors "YKTTW:". We can just have a namespace-wide redirect, so that both would work. Any other ideas on a name? I know I don't have strong arguments against "YKTTW", just weak ones, but there's something about it that just bugs me. -- ∇×V
You know, I like that idea, Brent. And we can always set up a redirect for "YKTTW", can't we? So it can be both, more or less.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Do I donate through that link I see in the "Orain Meta" paragraph on the ATT homepage, or is there one specifically for ATT that I haven't found?
----- Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING. DHBirr Wrote:Do I donate through that link I see in the "Orain Meta" paragraph on the ATT homepage, or is there one specifically for ATT that I haven't found?
Thanks for thinking about donations. From what I understand, it will make the difference between just operating and expanding site capability.
I blogged on the copyright issues surrounding TV Tropes and All The Tropes. Things have gotten ridiculously complicated on that front, and I'm trying to explain it from the beginning in as clear as possible of a format. And it goes into detail about how a copyright skirimish, potentially launched by anyone who has ever edited TVT, could lead to both our sites being removed from the Net. By the way, I know TVT folks read this board. Guy, if you are interested in de-escalation, please consider giving me an email or phone call. And please, please, get a lawyer to help straighten out your copyright mess. We can disagree on policy, but I don't want copyright infringement to harm the commons. -- ∇×V
I just approved the membership of a name I recgonized from TVT, Anime Addict, who requested specifically so he could contribute to this thread. Let's see what happens.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Welcome to the forum, Anime Addict! I look forward to reading what you choose to add to the conversation here.
-- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Yes, welcome Anime Addict.
Though I suspect he might want to complain about how we deleted Troper Tales and use parentheses everywhere. Just FYI: some things are things you dislike. Other things are objectively awful. Troper Tales was one of the latter things, with a far over 90% crap rating. I'd be willing to bring them back if someone voluntered to cut all the bad ones (the ones that aren't tales (having plot) but just random thoughts about their lives). All works may be notable, but all events in daily life are not. The parentheses thing he have a point on, though -- we do use too many of them. -- ∇×V
In unrelated news that you might wish to be aware of, potholes are visible even under spoiler tags. I noticed this on a wiki walk that ended at "Cradling Your Kill". Not particularly concerning, but it's something you may want to look into if you have a empty night.
--- The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself." >Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Actually, the spoiler thing happened because I was messing with the spoiler markup. It's been wrong 2 days already, but it takes 3 days to refresh the cache, so it will be another day before it's fixed.
Spoilers should work like on this page once the code updates. I hope you like the change. We should eventually develop gadgets to disable all spoilers, or to reveal all spoilers on the current page. Once I figure out how to actually make a gadget, that is. -- ∇×V vorticity Wrote:Spoilers should work like on this page once the code updates. *Morgan screams in terror* So, it's fail-unsafe for someone blocking javascript from, some random number at cloudfront, or with it entirely disabled. Nor will there be any indication that there's even supposed to be a spoiler in that case. When it is all enabled, it's very easy to accidentally reveal spoilers that one may not have wished to see, given how large some of them are. In conclusion, aieeeeeeee! ... Uh, so, honestly I don't care about spoilers at all, but I'm sure there's someone out there who does who would have run into this soon enough. On spoilers in general, I think we need to do something about "it's so much of a spoiler, both the trope name and the entire example have to be spoiler-blocked". I can accept the idea that sometimes the trope name is a spoiler in and of itself, but there ought to be enough visible in the example that someone who has seen the event in question can tell that they have. -Morgan.
Okay, guys, relax a bit. It's bad form to jump on a new member, especially before their first post. AA, your opinions are welcome here and will be accorded every respect.
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Okay, so that's a Big NO on the spoiler css? I'll revert them before they're live, then. Note that you could also diable them with user css of .spoiler, .spoiler a { color: white!important; background: white!important }
But... I need to figure out a robust way to deal with them in multiple places. I wish CSS actually had class-to-class inheritance. -- ∇×V
Okay, my take on the spoiler code and the spoiler idea proposed by Morganni -
Spoiler code: We really need a way to have both the template AND the Common.css changes we implemented be done in CSS. Vorticity's changes work fine on my localhost save for the template, which uses HTML. (We'll probably want to make a secondary template for testing purposes as well. Vorticity: I propose any further testing be done on your sandbox page(s) with me testing it on my localhost test wiki. Once we have a fully working template/Common.css that we can toggle (I can write the gadget once we have decent code), we can then deploy that on your test page as an example of the finished product instead of having to worry about buggering up existing pages. Once it's satisfactory, then we can propose the implementation of the new code here and we can ask the Orain guys to force a server refresh to make it work in one go. Spoiler policy: On TV Tropes, they punish people for hiding spoilered trope names, which I don't support, so while I don't entirely reject Morganni's logic, I don't want us to get as anal retentive as TVT.
Yeah, I would like to keep some spoilers.
Other than that, Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2014! ('cause I'll be gone for two weeks.)
I will note that I hate, with a burning passion, tvt's use of transparent text to hide spoilers. It's flat-out impossible to read on Chrome or on a tablet.
-- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
If you don't mind me asking, other than those pages banned from TVT, are there any other pages that ATT could restore? Stuff like, for example, the Title Bin? I'm just curious to know.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I have a Christmas present for you all:
ALL THE TROPES NOW HAS TOGGLEABLE SPOILER CODE! I'll be deploying it as a gadget you can tweak in your user preferences in a day or two, but it will work instantly (you'll want to purge your browser cache at least) and affects all spoilered text. The spoilers will default to ON by default, but you will be able to disable that in your user preferences very soon. NOTICE: After some live testing, if you disable the spoilers, it should take around 10-15 minutes for it to affect your global settings, due to Orain's server cache refresh cycle, so don't be surprised if the effect is not complete and/or immediate even after purging your browser cache. It works instantly on my localhost after a page refresh since I don't have a lot of server traffic to take into account, but on the live site, it does work, but with a time delay. Please report any other errors when/if you see them. Also, we have a WIP alternative hovering spoiler gadget we're working on, but it should not be used at this time until we remove the the (WIP) from the gadget.
I would like to announce that I've ported Wikipedia's "asbox" template over to ATT, tweaked it slightly, and used it to create three new templates, {{workstub}}, {{tropestub}}, and {{creatorstub}}, which are what you are probably guessing they are -- specialized Wikipedia-style stub notices for works, tropes and creators respectively. If you see a page which you feel is too short, put the appropriate template on it, just under the {{work}} or {{trope}} template. In addition to displaying the relevant "this is a stub, please expand it" message, it also puts the page in a "stubs" category.
Just a little something for you all tonight. Edit: The next morning, my typos are far more obvious to me... -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Since I haven't seen a lot of error reports yet, I assume my new toggleable spoiler code works pretty well
![]() By New Years (though I will strive to get it done ASAP), we will have another new feature. Preloaded page templates for new pages. These templates will put down the basic layout required for most pages and will even put down some basic categories to save everyone a lot of work when creating new pages. I already plan to support most to all of the usual pages from both the trope and work templates, and I can easily add new templates as required. I was unable to get an extension for this feature, so I have fallen back to using MediaWiki:Newarticletext, which means every time a new page is started, you'll see a box much like the trope/work template with a list of clickable options for the page you want to create, and all you'll have to do is click on the one you want and the appropriate page layout will be preloaded for you, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks.
Mm. While I'm hipdeep in templates and learning the coding thereof, I wanted to kick off a discussion of what a creator template ought to have. Right now we're using the {{work}} template for creators, but we really ought to have a specialized one for them, and the first step in creating one is asking: What subpages are appropriate for creators, and what aren't? And are there any types of subpages we don't have right now that creators should have?
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
Well, here's my take on what subpages a creator template should have:
YMMV - No. This applies to works, not creators Radar - No. This applies to works, not creators Quotes - Yes Funny - TVT seems to have something against this, but I think this is fine (as long as the page is about the creator themself, their works get their own pages) Heartwarming - TVT seems to have something against this, but I think this is fine (as long as the page is about the creator themself, their works get their own pages) Awesome - TVT seems to have something against this, but I think this is fine (as long as the page is about the creator themself, their works get their own pages) Fridge - No. This applies to works, not creators Characters - No. This applies to works, not creators Fanfic Recs - No. This applies to works, not creators Nightmare Fuel - No. This applies to works, not creators Analysis - No. This applies to works, not creators Tear Jerker - No. This applies to works, not creators Headscratchers - No. This applies to works, not creators Trivia - No. This applies to works, not creators WMG - No. This applies to works, not creators Recap - No. This applies to works, not creators Ho Yay - No. This applies to works, not creators Image Links - A maybe on this. Memes - No. This applies to works, not creators Haiku - A maybe on this. Laconic - A maybe on this. |
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