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My Hero School Adventure is Wrong, As Expected (OreGairu/My Hero Academia).
Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived

SB, reader mode

It's an SI, but told from the POV of another character.

It's a NaNoWriMo project. Two chapters up as of this posting.
Royal Ward chapter 67 went up just before Halloween. EDIT: And it's now marked "Complete".
In the Forest of Dean, epilogue 1: (HP -Deathly Hallows AU)
Hermoine Granger and the Swiss Tournament
In the Forest of Dean - epilogue 2 (HP - Deathly Hallows AU)
Distress Calls Can Go A Long Way (Worm/Mass Effect).
In the Forest of Dean - epilogue 3 (HP - Deathly Hallows AU)
Cross Purposes 3 (A Brane of Extraordinary Women, Bionicverse).
In the Forest of Dean - epilogue 4 (HP - Deathly Hallows AU)
Relic of the Future (RWBY, Complete).
In the The Bare Squadron Discord, Blake Skies Wrote:AND WE'RE BACK


In notes to the deviation, Blake Wrote:The climatic battle begins. Don't really have much to say here, but oh boy, we're almost there folks.
Hermione Granger and the Swiss Tournament (Potter spy fic).
In the Forest of Dean - epilogue 4 (HP - Deathly Hallows AU)
Distress Calls Can Go A Long Way (Worm/Mass Effect).
The Way Home started in 2015. We got the last chapter on November 15, 2021.

The Way Home (Detective Conan/Magic Kaito (And bits of Kingdom Hearts and Yu-Gi-Oh, just because.)
My Hero Playthrough (My Hero Academia/The Gamer/other).

At Least I'm Not Cliffjumper, Chapter 29

Who wants some unhinged murder attempts from a fallen authority figure?
n the Forest of Dean - epilogue 6 (HP - Deathly Hallows AU)
Cross Purposes 3 (A Brane of Extraordinary Women, Bionicverse).
The Adventures of a Super Family (DC AU).
In the Forest of Dean - epilogue 7 (HP - Deathly Hallows AU)
The Villain Wrangler Vol 2 (That's the Marvel edition, not connected to DC's Vol 1 save by premise) has a new chapter, which is mostly following up on the first, and also setting up for the future.

Also, Alivaril has made a thread for a new entry in his Sanctioned fic-cluster, with a fork of QA as a young girl in a xianxia style cultivator setting, this time without direct contact to Taylor/Dreamer. Threadmarks link (SV)
A Kernel of Truth - worm/fairy tales

Taylor, like most children, thinks there is a monster in her closet. Unlike most children, her solution is to teach it manners with a baseball bat.
Nostalgia, by Chris Schumacher.

Has this been recommended here before? Well, whatever, it's the best Nenefic out there, hands down, no contests.
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