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Update Thread 40: I'm Running Out of Clever Names
RE: Update Thread 40: I'm Running Out of Clever Names
Is it that time already?

An Introduction To Dragon Biology, 17th Edition, Oxford University Press, 1793 Wrote:Given the variation across the breadth of dragon biology, it is ultimately self-defeating to speak in anything more than the broadest of generalities on the topic of draconic senses, as there are specific types and breeds and even individuals with exceptional versions of each of the main senses.  However, broad trends can still be observed. 
Dragons tend to have high visual acuity, especially for low-light environments: the majority of dragons are trichromats, but one genetic line possesses a mutation that grants them tetrachromacy, and another line being bichromatic but with exceptional low-light vision (highly prevalent among Boulder-class dragons).
Hearing nearly universally manifests in a wider range than that of humans: the common range reaches down to 15 cycles per second and up to 22,000 cycles per second, with some lines having greater or lesser limits, the lowest limit ever documented being 3 cps.  The majority but not totality of draconic communication conveniently happens in the same vocal range as available to humans, but dragons use the lower-frequency ranges for long-distance communications.  While only simple information can be communicated using this method, historically it was used for navigation to and from nests and over long distances.
Smell is significantly more acute in comparison with humans, with some lines having acuity on par with canine bloodhounds, but all dragons are highly sensitive to scents…

Yes, mothers, A Thing of Vikings is kicking off its spring-summer cours! In Constantinople, Inga opens Channels of Communication to Wulfhild, Gudmund and Sophia. On the shores of Loch Niss, Kerr continues his run from Mac Bethad's men. Back in Constantinople, Snotlout Sigurd and Fishlegs talk about the changes in each other's lives. Nearby, at the future site of a Dragon Mail station, Hiccup needs or at least wants a distraction, but instead, he gets some things to consider. Out on the steppes, Drago has a chat with a chieftain. In Constantinople, Sigurd watches Hiccup's party move on, and Hiccup looks back, both of them reminded of the day Snotlout left Nidaros. In Vedrarfjord, Esther works on the Eirish census, then takes a break and gets some news from Normandy. At Chandax, on the isle the walkers call Crete, Toothless discusses the mysteries of walker biology with his flyer friends, until they hear something that has them grabbing their walkers (except those whose eggs are too big to be safe where they're going) and taking flight, much to Hiccup's befuddlement. In the chief's hut on Berk, Stoick and Spitelout discuss the Sigurd situation. And we finish up in Crete's White Mountains, Toothless compares the nest-call the flyers heard with another that Stoick hadn't known he was hearing, and Hiccup finds out what the dragons were following...

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RE: Update Thread 40: I'm Running Out of Clever Names - by Mamorien - 04-07-2019, 04:19 PM

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