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Tales of the Legendary/Riot 6.1: First Date
Tales of the Legendary/Riot 6.1: First Date

Alice emerged from the bases entrance portal, looking around the lobby of Riot 6.1s headquarters. Even after joining the Legendary, she'd still come here
regularly, often just to talk with her friends in the Supergroup. Using that knowledge, she rapidly guessed just where her target was, and went through the
medbay into the control room.

As expected, she found Inyme sitting at the main computer terminal, browing through the groups database. Alice looked at her for a moment, taking in the sight
of Inyme in the jumpsuit she'd come to use as her 'out of armor' wear (Alice still hadn't managed to get the dimensional wandered to understand
the concept of fashion. It was quite cute actually). "Reading up on potential enemies?" she asked with a smile.

"Pretty much," Inyme replied, adjusting the slight glasses she adopted out of her armor.

"Be sure to read the Legendary's files too... They've got more info then Riots," the catgirl noted

She nodded. "What're you doing around here at the moment?"

"Looking for you actually," Alice said, as Inyme looked up, eyes moving to the Archers shoulder and noting a distinct lack of talking cat.

"Really?" she asked, curious.

Alice smiled, wishing for a moment she hadn't figured out how to dim the magical glow from her eyes, as it would have hidden the rather nervous look on her
face. "I was wondering if you might wanna go catch a movie or something..."

"...I guess so," she replied, a slighlty blank look on her face.

"Friday?" Alice asked. "Around seven?"

"Sounds good."

"Great! See you then," she smiled, heading back out towards the teleporters with a slight spring in her step. She bounced past an amused looking
Ifrit, who turned to watch her leave. "Hmm," she said, sipping her coffee. "What brought her here?"

"She wanted to know if I was free to see a movie on Friday," Inyme said, not looking up from the terminal that had all her attention again.

One of Ifrits long ears twitched in curiousity. "Really?"

"Yes," the darker woman replied. Ifrit looked at her for a moment, then laughed softly in understanding.

"Ah, there's something you still haven't learnt about our world," she grinned, sitting down.

"Hmm?" Inyme said, looking up

"She was asking you out," she said

"...yes?" she said, as if she'd comprehended that perfectly fine and what was the problem again?

"On a date," she chuckled.

Inyme tensed, expression shifting to poorly concealed surprise. "...oh," she managed after a moment.

"Ah, you know that word," the guardian spell joked.


"And you look like you're not sure what to make of it," she said, leaning back in her chair and studying her. Despite the relaxed look on her
face, Inyme could easily sense the focus behind it.

"I....I'm not. I know this is not unusual, but I....I'm unsure of what's expected of me," she admitted.

"Well, that depends on what you want to do about it... She likes you."

"I knew that," she said, clearly missing the concept again.

"In the romantic sense," Ifrit clarified

"...oh," she said softly, drawing a soft smile from Alices psuedo-mother. "...what do I do?" she wondered.

"Well... how do you feel about her?" Ifrit asked.

"She makes me feel different....than any of you do...I haven't felt like this...ever. I don't know what it is," she admitted, honestly. Her
mind drifted back to the night Alice had trusted her with the secret of the Rikti's origins, of the catgirl falling asleep in her lap, that sleepy kiss...

"... Something wrong?" Ifrit asked, noticing the other womans expression shift slightly

"It's nothing," she said, a hand straying to her cheek unconciously. " it okay for me to tell her yes when I don't....know for

"I'd consider telling her you're not quite sure," she said. "You two have always been pretty honest with each other, no reason to change

Inyme thought about that, then nodded. "Okay...thank you."

Riot's leader held the smile for a moment. "Either way... be careful with her."

"...careful?" she asked, confused.

She leaned forward, a stern expression forming. "She means a lot to me. If you hurt her..."

"I wouldn't!" she blurted out suddenly, before her eyes widened at the uncharacteristic explosion as if it'd been another person.

The stern look faded to a satisfied smile. "That answers the question for me," she said, standing up.

Inyme blinked at her again, her mouth somewhat open and it seemed to Ifrit that the helmet's protection of her body might not be the only reason
Inyme'd preferred to wear it in front of people for so long. She smiled at the expression, pattting the girl on the shoulder as she headed out. Inyme
frowned as she watched the winged figure depart, not sure if that'd gone as well as it could have, but not really sure why.

Ifrit smiled as she stepped into the workshop, placing her coffee on a shelf and pulling out her phone. She HAD to tell Nene about this.


Messages In This Thread
Tales of the Legendary/Riot 6.1: First Date - by Matrix Dragon - 08-08-2008, 08:56 AM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 08-08-2008, 09:29 AM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 08-08-2008, 09:57 AM
[No subject] - by Wiregeek - 08-08-2008, 03:26 PM
Start of a beautiful friendship - by Rev Dark - 08-08-2008, 03:39 PM
[No subject] - by Matrix Dragon - 08-08-2008, 04:43 PM
[No subject] - by sweno - 08-08-2008, 09:06 PM

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