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Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
This isn't totally the proper place, but I did want to make just one comment.
The problem with Akane is the series she comes from is a slapstick comedy, and a lot of fanfic writers don't want to write that. The problem then, is that she's hard to write in a serious fashion. That is to say, if you take away her over the top (supposedly funny) violence, what kind of character is she, and how does she act? Most writers seem to be end up answering "Not much of a character at all" and deciding to just write her as she is in canon (or worse).
Except that she isn't that violent, canonically. I own about half of the series in manga form, and I've gone through it, and her violent over-reactions come at a rate of slightly less than one per volume. She is, as the mangaka depicted her, not anywhere NEAR as violent as many fanfic authors depict her.
As to comparing Asuka and Akane, that's even easier. We know why Asuka is messed up, because of her mother. We know she was terribly traumatized by it, and now she acts the way she does.
We know no such thing about Akane, whose reason for acting like she does mostly boils down to 'the mangaka found it funny'.
Actually, we do know this. Akane also lost her mother, in tragic circumstances (probably from disease, rather than the worse situation Asuka faced, but still). The loss left her father an emotional wreck and left her with basically no life - Kasumi and Nabiki were taking care of everything for the family, so all that was left to her was to carry on the family's martial arts legacy. With her father in such bad shape, however, she had no one to really learn from, which is why her skill level is so far below Ranma's.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Ranma / NGE cross... pretty good writing. Ranma gets sent into his favorite anime - NGE - in the role of Shinji... Watch him grow and mature here ... whenever wakes up again

*rolls eyes* Oh dear. It's Ranma the Uber Self Insert!
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
The Book of Naruto
this one is very silly.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Purpose Built to Not Feel Guilt. Pure Crack!

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
This is a crossover not even my twisted mind would imagine:
"An excessively random encounter" by JoanieTB. It is, in fact, a very brief crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Ghastly's Ghastly Comic (description here).

--The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Buffy / Lois and Clarke
Re: Cat-Tales Sidestory
A fellow by the name of NIGHTSTALKER has started a Cat-Tales sidestory that looks good. Learning Curve.
Court Martial
Something I found leading off another recommended fic...
It's an older fic, but I didn't see any previous mention of it (but my search-fu has been shown to be weak).
Court Martial
The summary
Blockbuster was murdered ... and Nightwing was "involved". What happens when the superhero community finds out.
A VERY good fic in my opinion.
Re: Court Martial
Something I found leading off another recommended fic...
It's an older fic, but I didn't see any previous mention of it (but my search-fu has been shown to be weak).
Court Martial
Damn you. Because of you, I've lost entirely too much time hooked on that ridiculously good fic, and I'm not even a fan of DC comics.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Drakensis, you didn't tell us about the delightful Naruto one-shot you posted on your FFN page last week, "A Calculated Legacy." To the rest of you, go check it out.

-The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
The Summoning YYH A summoner doesn't quite get the king of demons she was expecting.
And Unexpected Awakening, one of those Obi-Wan in the past fics. An older, struck down by Vader Obi-Wan.
Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
"Harry Potter and the Evil Summer Vacation" by Meteoricshipyards. A very funny one-shot in which Harry is accidently sent to an Evil Overlord convention.
--The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: Yet Another New Fic Reccomendation Thread
Thundercracker's Glory
In which Thundercracker is introduced to the delights of parenthood when his orphaned niece is sent to Earth and into his custody.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
"Crimson Beyond Blood That Flows..."
So what if Naruto has the Nine-tails traped inside him? Sakura has just discovered she may well be the Enemy of All Who Live.
A Different Voice by Irrational Pi.
Re: "Crimson Beyond Blood That Flows..."
Hmm. now I am picturing Naruto with the hikari-no-ken.
Piratical Fic
A couple of short PotC:AWE continuations that tugged my heartstrings...
turn your sail (never say we die)
As Vessels at Sea
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of all this weirdness."
Ori bashing
This one is a hoot and a half. Give it a read.[Image: happy.gif]
....Are the Ori by Aesop
"I did NOT escape! They gave me a day pass."
One of the funniest fics I've ever read, and also one of the best portrayals of female characters in Naruto. It's currently undergoing revision, 'new' chapters can be found here:
Re: Suiren
Must concur, this is an absolutely gorgeous story. Eagerly awaiting more.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
New Bobmin sotry
called Wizards Fall... it's a oneshot, but a fairly long one...-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: New Bobmin sotry
The Great Landscaping Crisis or what would happen if someone ever actually taught Naruto Bunshin Daibakuha.Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
Couple's therapy
Noncrossover Ranma whiplash crack. There are bits of it that are only as cracky as normal Ranma. Then there are the other bits - and the mood of the thing *ricochets*.
It's also really, really good. The only actual faults I can see are a couple of cases of moderate character bashing and the fact that it's unfinished. We get most of the major plotlines mostly complete, and the major climax of the piece, but there's a chapter or two of good solid wrap-up left to go, and the last update was in '04.
EDIT: Also, just so you know, it's not at all safe for work. I'd have mentioned that earlier if I'd not been so utterly sleep-depped. Apologies.
A couple of interesting crossovers
Sakura and Tom Riddle's diary. It's in the hands of someone who's professionally paranoid.
Faith, Duo and Sasuke. Trapped together.
Rorschach's Blot has a new fic
On his yahoo group CaerAzkaban , Rorschach's Blot, author of Make a Wish is releasing a new fic called Thief. Chapters 1-30 are in the files section and in the messages section the chapters are up to 41.
This is a very funny fic that I highly recommend.
Re: Rorschach's Blot has a new fic
A Ranma/Chrono Trigger cross... it's amazing what you find when you go back through old links. I remember enjoying this story, but not what it is about.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

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