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Sailor Moon... What are the good Fics?
Re: More reccomendations...
Just as a matter of courteousness to provide links, please. Its rather annoying to have to track down all the recommendations... regardless of thread.
The ROFL threads are laced with such annoyances. If I have to search for a story myself it takes some of the willingness out of my efforts and means Im more likely to ignore it.
I realize its your second post but its not a good habit to have when recommending stuff.
Re: More reccomendations...
Just as a matter of courteousness to provide links, please.
And if you need help making a link, the "link" button to the left of the edit box makes it as simple as making sure you just cut or copied the link from somewhere else a moment ago.

-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as "City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow"
Re: More reccomendations...
*Chris skulks in quietly.*
Sailor Moon: Shieldsman
*Chris just as quietly skulks out.*
Edit: Wow, I killed the thread.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"
Re: More reccomendations...
Sailor Moon: Guardians of the Star
Wish I could've found a better URL than an archive copy but meh what can ya do

PS This is my 1st post since I lost my old username(and ezboard chewed up my account before I remembered it) I used to go by pakmanx11 or pakman if anyone remembers
(Edit by Bob: Fixing link markup. Not sure what was wrong with it, as just opening it up in edit made it work right, but at least it's fixed, right?)
Re: More reccomendations...
Edit: Wow, I killed the thread.
Not by a long shot. Two days' dormancy is nothing compared to its previous period of hibernation.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: More reccomendations...
PS This is my 1st post since I lost my old username(and ezboard chewed up my account before I remembered it) I used to go by pakmanx11 or pakman if anyone remembers
Well, then, welcome back!

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: More reccomendations...
Shades of Grey and it's sequel, Shades of Darkness, by Aaron Nowack. Very good stories, with intriging OC's.
I'm glad you enjoyed those stories!
Since links were not provided:
Shades of Gray
Shades of Darkness
A warning, though: the story is incomplete and on hold, and unlikely to be resumed any time in the near future.
Aaron Nowack

Aaron Nowack
Re: More reccomendations...
Ah, sorry. I was in a hurry at the time.
Mad Tea Party

Touch & Go Carousel seems to have been removed from the site; if anyone wants a copy, I have it on my HD.
Crossovers and Self-inserts
I like mostly crossovers and self-inserts so...
Title: Nuke 'Em Till They Glow!!
Author: Benjamin A. Oliver
Status: 10 chapters and ongoing
Source: Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, DragonBall, Monty Python, etc
Comments:A self-insert into Sailor Moon and it is a doozy. Basically take Sailor Moon
and add an overly violent, psychotic, explosion-loving Atomic Starlight Knight, more
Monty Python references than you can shake a dead parrot at, bad puns, crossovers with
with ranma, robotech, DBZ(level 10 super sayjin?), and an arbyfish. Shake, stir, frappe
and leave congealing in the back of the fridge for a couple years and you'll get this
fic. It is great, it is funny, it is a good read.
By the same author is Terra in Tokyo...
Essentially a rewrite of NETTG!!
Incomplete with 10 chapters on the website (though didn't Benjamin Oliver release a chapter 11 on the FFML?)
Title: Youma Blues
Author: James Sheldon?
Source: Sailor Moon
Status: 10 chapters and stalled
Comments:Jedite recruits a human.
Title: Sailor Moon: Omoi
Author: Strike Fiss or
Status: ongoing with two complete books and one ongoing book with prelude and five parts.
Source: Sailor Moon
Comments:The author's earlier chapters are nothing much, but I've really enjoyed the developed writing of his later chapters.
Title: Destiny
Author: Gabriel Blessing
Status: Completed
Source: Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2
Comments:Gabriel is very good at writing emotions. "Destiny" deals with the characters
having to deal with their own destinies. And how two different people do it.
Title: Finishing What You Start
Author: Gabriel Blessing
Status: Completed with a prologue, 7 chapters, coda, a side story, and a spamfic.
Source: Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2
Comments:This is another Sailor Moon/Ranma crossover. This story, as the title states,
is about determination to finish what you start.
Title: The Dance of Shiva
Author: John Biles
Status: Complete with a prelude, 18 regular chapters, and the final chapter/epilogue.
Comments:An epic mega-crossover with the emphasis on "mega". But mostly is Bubblegum
Crisis, Tenchi Muyou, Sailor Moon, Kimagure Orange Road, and Patlabor. It is beautiful. Great ending.
Title: Black Moon Rising
Author: John Biles
Status: Complete
Source: Dance of Shiva
Comments:A continuation/sequel for "Dance of Shiva" by the same author.
Title: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever
Author: Mark MacKinnon
Status: Ongoing with 20 chapters
Source: Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon
Comments:It is a sequel of this author's Cast A Long Shadow. Where an alternate Ranma, sole survivor of his universe manages to get into an very alternate Sailor Moon-verse. A bit ecchi seeing how there are apparently few social taboos on sex.
I saw Sailor Nothing being recommended. If you like that one, there was another along the same lines.
Title: Cynic
Author: Django Wexler
Status: Complete
Source: originial
Comments:Another great dark magical girl story. And Mr. Wexler is a published fantasy author.
Title: Sailor Moon: Gray
Author: Django Wexler
Status: Complete
Source: Sailor Moon, Unforgiven (whatever that is)
Comments:What do the Sailor Senshi do with their time after they've finished saving the world?
-Freddy Isnot

"You are now graduated from newbie and are just clueless. Consider that a compliment."
Re: Crossovers and Self-inserts
Link to the previously mentioned Ozzalos. His "The Best of Times" is another high-quality Ranma/Smoon crossover, incidentally.
edit: right. fixed.
Re: Crossovers and Self-inserts
Youma blues
>Title: Youma Blues
>Author: James Sheldon?
>Source: Sailor Moon
>Status: 10 chapters and stalled
>Comments:Jedite recruits a human.

Just for the record 'James' is no part of my name.
The problem with Youma blues as a fic of mine, really, is that by the time I'd put out ten chapters I'd discovered the Manga and could no longer be satisfied with writing from the anime, and my standards had improved; I'd re-write it to be more coherant and hence, be able to tollerate it -
- but if I rewrote it, it wouldn't have the same story at all.
re: Youma blues
It remains one of the most original concepts I've seen in SM fanfiction.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: Youma Blues
I couldn't find an author name so I put down my best guess, hence the question mark next to author name. Do you have a perferred writing handle that I can put down? I really would like to update my file with correct information.
Also, the link for Youma Blues is an old one. I realized too late. Corrected link is:

Freddy Isnot
-Freddy Isnot

"You are now graduated from newbie and are just clueless. Consider that a compliment."
Put it under 'Gamlain', please. It's what I have on everything else I've written ^^.
..come to that I should release something soon. Huh, guess that means I'll have to actually finish a chapter. ^^;;;;;
Title: Together Again
Author: C. Richard Davies
Status: Incomplete with two complete books and a partial third. Each part will have six acts
when complete. Currently on the second act of book three. Three side stories.
Source: Mega-crossover
Comments:Sailor Moon crossovered with Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force, Tenchi, Dirty Pair,
and Ranma 1/2 for starters. Too many more to list. Written in script format. Serious with a little humor.
~Freddy Isnot
"Doctor, if a Klingon were to kill me, I'd expect nothing less than an entire opera on the subject."
~Odo, Deep Space Nine: The Way of the Warrior
-Freddy Isnot

"You are now graduated from newbie and are just clueless. Consider that a compliment."
Re: ~
Title: Together Again
Let me second this, and add my vocal regret that I did not think to include it in my earlier post(s), though it is a megacrossover and not what I was thinking of when I was wracking my brains and my bookmarks for SMoon fics.
I'd also like to note with a little smugness that in the incomplete Crystal Millenium section, Chris was so kind as to write cameos for Peggy and myself -- the bookseller and his lightning-throwing wife in the second act. As if the names weren't a giveaway...

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Youma Blues
Hey, gamlain, do you have Youma Blues up anywhere else on the web? I can't download .doc files at work and wanted to read that story.
Re: Sailor Moon... What are the good Fics?
Mike Koos had some good Sailor Moon fis (and some other good ones based on other anime).
His site hasn't been updated for quite a while , unfortunately.
'A Call to Action' Ranma and Akane discover that Nabiki has a secret, relating to her old friend Ami Mizuno. (incomplete, 6 parts done)
'Thanks for the Memories' is another interesting one (2 parter, complete)__________________
The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. - George Carlin.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Re: Youma Blues
Epsilon, If you can access .rtf at work then I have a copy at made from the .doc file.
Re: Youma Blues
Unfortuneatly not.
Thanks, anyway.

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