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Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Bride
Quote:What if "The Power the Dark Lord Knows Not" is Harry's girlfriend, one of the Powerpuff Girls?
Don't you mean, "the Powerpuff the Dark Lord Knows Not"? What happens after he's formally introduced to her?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:Don't you mean, "the Powerpuff the Dark Lord Knows Not"? What happens after he's formally introduced to her?
Once the introductions are finished, then]it's time to duel in front of a live audience.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: Morganni wrote:

So I was catching up on ConScrew. In one of the rants, there was a link to this...


Those are pretty cool. I can totally see those. Heee.
The Power the Dark Lord Knows Not, Take Two!
What if "The Power the Dark Lord Knows Not" is a college degree from Illuminati University (

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
What if "The Power The Dark Lord Knows Not" is...

a Sailor Transformation Crystal?

"By the power of Magic and Friendship, I am Sailor Potter!"
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
lol (@ wiredgeek)

(to stay in topicSmile

What if "The Power The Dark Lord Knows Not" is...

Computer hacking

"Do you wish to play global thermonuclear war?"
I just repurposed Voldemorte into the place of the Big Bad from Hackers, and caught an image of Harry Potter
frolicking in a pool with Angelina Jolie, and Voldemorte in that pimp-ass suit, on a skateboard, and..

ERROR: IRQL_Not_Less_Than_Or_Equal - Press F1 to reboot poster.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
An NGE/Getter Robo fusion.
From what I've seen (Shin Getter Robo:  Armaggeddon, and some of New Getter Robo), piloting a getter machine more or less requires a certain measure of spit and vinegar and/or being a dangerous lunatic... along with having deep resolve and willpower.  Shinji's got the 'scream' part of 'push the levers and scream', but he's missing most of the spit and vinegar.  Dangerous, fight-loving Shinji would be fun, though, so transpose Ryoma onto Shinji.  Rei's got none of that whatsoever, so add the necessary elements from Go (from Armaggeddon), who is similarly quiet ('horseshoes and hand grenades', as they say), and hammer to fit.  Asuka you can nearly leave as is, at least superficially.
Set it in an AU Getter Robo universe.  The 'evangelion' is a fusion of the essential properties of evas (neural interface, AT fields, etc.) with getter machines than pure evas--biomechanical probably.  Makes more sense than an Evangelion, in a world with getter machines running around, and it's cool besides--plus, then you can posit a relationship between getter rays and something important later on.  Anyway, call it 'Neon Getter Robo E' (since Getter Robo E sounds too much like a regular Getter Robo) or something--a nice Getter-y name with some NGE flavor thrown in.  Throw Shinji, Asuka, and Rei in getters 1,2, and 3 respectively.   Have Professor Saotome (and possibly Michiru) assinated in the backstory by SEELE's or Gendo's actions (for some evil reason or another) and the original getter team alive, with operation getter machines (Shin would be interesting and dangerous) for extra chaotic fun.  Have them fight, like, a billion angels instead of the number in NGE--and never mind sense, as the purpose of a Getter Robo story is more to be awesome than make sense.  Stir, and leave sitting 2-4 minutes until cool.  Name it something Getter Robo-y, like "Neon Getter Robo E vs. Shin Getter Robo" and serve. Two great tastes that go great together!
Not that I'm someone that has seen any of Getter Robo.... but wouldn't the self adapting and community upgrade feature of the Angels make them have to
be able to compete with the end mechs of Guran Lagan? Which means they run out of non slagged areas of the planet by episode 9 or so.

It seems that this is a poorly executed 'crossover' than one that shouldn't be. It also grates that after Guran Lagan people think you can't
have a one on one fight that is awesome.
You might enjoy Getter Robo.  I recommend Armageddon.
Actually, I was thinking it'd start from 1-on-1 battles and graduate from there, you'd need more than Evangelion had to manage that on any kind of scale.  And I haven't seen Gurren Lagann.
And what's wrong with running out of non-slagged areas, precisely?  Again, doens't necessarily have to make sense.
Also, it hasn't been executed (well, possibly in the 'put to death' meaning of the word), let alone poorly (unless you mean 'put to death', in which case I think I killed the idea excellently), although I get your gist.  But, since it is a bad idea, it Should Not Be, right?  Correct? Two great tastes that go great together!
Gurren Lagann is the Epic mecha anime of this time in history. No filler. Suprize plot twists that make sense. awesome battles.. Developed side charicters.
The ending was the ending it needed. Gurren Lagann is everything a series should be. They actually added an extra episode rather than follow standard
length. The end battle is something that can actually produce crossovers without needing plot devices.

Eva Angels have a specific format that makes them different from most Kaiju swarms. First is that they learn from their mistakes collectively. When you kill
one... the others upgrade to compensate for how you killed the last one... and don't forget previous lessons. Sachiel is a pretty standard Kaiju with good
wepons. But failed becuase you could grapple it. The 4th used energy limbs so you couldn't grapple it and not get shredded. Ramiel decided this whole
melee thing wasn't working and turtle with a main gun. Ramiel's failure was its inability to dodge. The angels tried nuking them from orbit...
Sabatoge, extreme enviromental conditions and a decoy... Every Angel tried some thing different. Everyone was a different challenge. I could go through the
list, but I think that much is clear.

The reason that kind of enemy is a terrible idea to fight in swarms is it upgrades the next batch for everyone you kill. So by the third swarm you'd be
forced to swarm yourself invent new super weapons largely different attack methods with each battle. The planet would get slagged if the main characters held
out for any length of time at that level.

First this is technically a fusion, so not a crossover, but that is a weasel smack down method. Pointing out its not a crossover. Why I said its a poorly
'executed' (quotes as it theoritical) is that it fails, not becuase of the inherently conflicting storylines (that I know of). Not because the series
couldn't (nessessarily) go together... not because of it just being a mind meltingly, bad idea (see previously suggested lemon)... it is poorly executed.
Meaning the idea fails from the way it is done... not because the series would (nessassarily) mesh badly. It is the way you suggested they combine. The angel
dropped in basically whole sale (even if they are shrunk down).... the Eva not existant really.

It is easy to combine the things. 3 pilots of the Eva's could end up as the 3 pilots a decade later. Tokyo 3 could end up as the base for the Getter Robo
and the Evas (post episode 23) as the disturbingly powerful home defense. Hell, Give Shinji his S2 (or all the Evas them) and the Getter Enimies are sqished,
diced and mangled. Considering the mecha in Getter are listed as around 38 meters tall... and using the height I found in one of the Eva manga (300 meters)
size wise there is no comparison...

Hell a crossover formatt where the Getter team is based in Tokyo 3 and both an Angel and the enemies that attack in Getter series attack at once and tear each
other to pieces could be hilarious. Give Sachiel a bit of the spotlight. Have the Getter fodder enemies as the expendables (instead of the UN) during the
first episode (both enemies have terriblely linked attack scheduals). Have Getter be there instead of Jet Alone... both series can run at roughly the same
time... the Getter is near useless vs. Angels but just what they needed for the Dinosuar Empire.

You could also do a crossover where the The Getter Team runs into a big nasty they can't kill... so they lure it to Tokyo 3 where the Evas are unmothballed
and the pilots of the Evas have to come back into the field to deal with the Uber mech. Make it post episode 23, no movies or the last 2 episodes, and you can
do a 10-20 years later thing... where the Dinosaur Empire or whatever just didn't see the Eva and Angel war.... they decided they could take the humans
after the ice continent blew up.

The crossover itself can be done... probably well... its the specifics of your set up and the idea of fighting billions of Eva Angels that fails. Hence: Good
idea... bad execution.
The Hellmouth isn't under Sunnydale High, it's under Ohtori Gakuen...

Welcome to your new school, Buffy. Hope you kept up your sword skills. And don't upset the girl with the pink hair...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
While examining the life of her creator's son an android discovers her life mission. To look after the next generation and be the greatest teacher ever. I

Great Teacher Nekomusume

All juvenile delinquents best straighten up and study hard, or teacher may have to take you out back for some befriending.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Recently, I've been playing SE's recent Nintendo DS RPG, "The World Ends With You".

It occurred to me that the "entry fee" concept was rather similar to something which occurred in Tsubasa Reservoir.

Then I thought of something with much more interesting (or perhaps disturbing) possiblities... TWEWY/Death Note.

L and Light would probably fit right in...

So would the crew from Persona 3.

Really, fighting monsters in a normal city setting, in a contest unseen by anyone not part of it? Sounds like the Dark Hour to me, but all the time!

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Bring the World Revolution...

Code Geas and Revolutionary Girl Utena.

Now with added manipulative bishonen.
Love Utena

Instead of the vacant, abandoned dormitory, Utena (and later Anthy) take up residence at a nearby boarding house that used to be a hot-springs resort, managed by one Keitaro Urashima.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote:Love Utena

Instead of the vacant, abandoned dormitory, Utena (and later Anthy) take up residence at a nearby boarding house that used to be a hot-springs resort, managed by one Keitaro Urashima.
Ah, yes - the flip side of]one of Bob's ideas.

Mind you, there's no reason they couldn't be merged into a mega-crossover that should not be.

Except for the fact that Keitaro has to be in two places at once, that is...

No, wait - I momentarily forgot about Kaolla's brother. There's no reason Love Utena and Revolutionary Girl Shinobu couldn't be merged into a Mega-Crossover That Should Not Be.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Stargate and BTVS

Where the BTVSers find out that their magic is really the remains of ancient alien technologies

Witchcraft? Ancient gene resurfacing in more evolved forms

Demons? Aliens from interdimensional wormhole portals.

The Hellmouth? Something explained by quantum theory and perception. It appears to be a white hole power source.

Where a Mayor turns into into a giant snake? He's tapped into the dormant Ancient unexpressed gene powers and turns himself into a giant snake.

Incantations? Activation codes.

I just want to see a story where the BTVSers do not have magic and instead mistake advanced alien technology for magic instead of the other way around.
Given that Buffy/Stargate is one of the most frequently-done crossovers that I see popping up on Twisting The Hellmouth, I wouldn't be surprised if your
wishfic hasn't already been written, Kentmagus...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Hmmm, in Kenkmagus' idea, I bet the SGC would be rather interested in Willow. Her talent for magic would probably translate into a fairly stong Ancient
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
So, I'm sure some of us have been following 'The Phoenix Blade', where Kagome gets some serious training and power-ups before heading back through
time to Inu-Yasha et al.

Here's a thought.

What if modern-day Kagome lived in the Village Hidden in Tokyo? Kunoichi!Kagome and demon buddies, and of course there are Hidden Villages in Inu-Yasha's
time, too...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
All I can see when you say that is that Tokyo is counted as a 'Hidden Village' only because the last group who called them on that got overrun by a
literal million ninja.


Quote: Demons? Aliens from interdimensional wormhole portals.

That is actually what demons are in BTVS anyway.
Reply ... ew-004.jpg]This one.

(Thank you for not doing this, Bob...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:BGC2040/Pulp Fiction


I _LIKE_ that one.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

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