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Have we mentioned Crouching Tigger, Hidden Dagon yet? Milne/Lovecraft seems to me to be a natural fit here.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
The Wanderer
And for some reason, reading that title, I thought of Hobbes in place of Tigger...
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Pixar's Cars directed by Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Fantom of the Opera
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Andrew Lloyd Webber's Robotech: The Sentinels: Fantoma of the Opera
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Quote:robkelk wrote: Pixar's Cars directed by Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Fantom of the Opera
...wasn't that the villain of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie- or at least his alias?
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
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Something literally just occurred to me (so of course I came straight here to share it with you mugs): Warehouse 13 is literally a storehouse of Noble Phantasms -- artifacts which have taken on the power of legend. So now we know where Gilgamesh's "Gate of Babylon" really leads....
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And since we're all here already....
"Dresden-san, we need your help."
"MY help? You drag me out of Chicago, toss me on a plane --which was really damned stupid, by the way-- and flew me past the monsters by about five thousand miles, just to drop me in the middle of this steaming jungle, and NOW you ask for my help?"
"No, Dresden-san, you misunderstand -- we know what you did in Chicago, on Halloween night several years ago. We need you to do it again, merely... on a larger scale."
I boggled at the Japanese scientist for a moment, then looked around the huge cavern we were in. The cavern I only now began to realize was the ribcage of a creature so enormous that, at a conservative estimate, it could have stood up and looked the upper floors of the Hancock Building in the eye.
"...Hell's bells...."
Why, yes, I did see the new Godzilla recently. Why do you ask?
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Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote: Sailor Mars
Yang Xiao Long
Recca Hanabishi
Princess Azula
When you need a planet not just destroyed, but rendered into a fine white ash...
There fixed that for you.
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05-31-2014, 09:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2018, 09:10 AM by Bob Schroeck.)
Did somebody say something about needing a planet destroyed?
(Didn't spend very much time on this - didn't even change the default Victoria4 face, which is why they're facing away from the "camera." If you really want to do a better job: V4 ×2, cloud image on a plane, outfits from here, weapons and "platform" from here and here, long hair from here, and you can probably find a better short hair than the one I used if you have more than two hours to spend on the image.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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I still have a Lina Inverse/Dirty Pair meeting ideas bouncing around, but with no real plot to go from there it lacks substance.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Worm and Puella Magi Madoka Magica.....Yes! There's people doing it but Taylor in the Kyuubey role......NOPE!!!
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Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote: I still have a Lina Inverse/Dirty Pair meeting ideas bouncing around, but with no real plot to go from there it lacks substance.
It lacks substance because Lina and the Angels already blew everything up.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Oh come on, a Slayers/Dirty Pair cross isn't *that* hard. Here's something I wrote in script fic form, because I'm feeling super lazy.
Quote:Anchor: And now we go out to our correspondent Cory Emerson, who has a report on the explosive new pair of WWWA agents.
--The vid screen cuts to a woman with blonde hair up in a perm, going for a vaguely punk look. Definitely a gonzo journalist.Cory: WWWA's second most controversial team of Trouble Consultants, the Lovely Slayers consists of two mysterious women: Lina Inverse and Amelia Tesla Wil Seyruun. Despite the fact that they have no genetic or cybernetic enhancements, they literally exploded onto the scene, becoming the WWWA's most powerful agents. But their past remains shrouded in mystery. I caught up with them during their recent visit to Alderaan, all thanks to the news division that *once again* gave me this kind of assignment.
-- Cut to a pair of girls on the couch, about age 18. While the hotel room behind them looks futuristic, the women themselves wear styles that look positively medieval and perhaps even magical. (i.e. anime default clothing)
Cory: Thanks for agreeing to the interview.Lina: No problem!Amelia: Any opportunity to promote justice throughout the stars!Lina: As long as it doesn't involve singing.Amelia: But you were good at it, Miss Lina.Lina: No, just no.
Cory: You seem pretty relaxed for an interview; a welcome change from the Dirty Pair. I'm going to start with the question that everyone's been dying to know -- where in the universe did you come from?Lina: Wellll, if you wanna get technical, we come from the Red World into this this place, the Black World. But the basic idea is that we come from an alternate dimension.
Cory: An alternate dimension? How did you get here?Lina: We were sent here by the power of a great enemy, as we fought him in our home plane.Amelia: If you hadn't have cut through space-time with the Ragna Blade, you mean.Lina: What, was I supposed to just let that fragment of Shabranigdu destroy the world?Amelia: Mr. Zelgadis always said to be more careful when you swing that spell around.
Cory: You mean like *magic* spells?Amelia: Yes, Miss Cory, we come from a world full of magic.Lina: And I am that world's greatest sorceress.Amelia: And no one can dispute that because they're all in the other world.Lina: And this world's greatest sorceress too, now that I think about it.
Cory: That's a little hard to believe. You aren't using some 3WA supertechnology?Lina: Don't believe me? How about a demonstration. 100% all-natural magic, no plasma tech involved! * a orb of orange light grows in her hands * FIRE... BALL!--A sphere of flames grows as it travels across the room, reaching the far wall of the hotel suite. It engulfs a desk and chair in a corner of the room, and causes all of the magic smoke to leave the built-in data terminal.
Amelia: Miss Lina! Couldn't you have used a light spell?!Lina: Yeah, well... What's the point of being a celebrity if you can't trash a few hotel rooms?Amelia *looking abashed*: Anyway, we found ourselves in this world, battered but victorious.Lina: And without any money.Amelia *sadly*: And without Mr. Zelgadis and Mr. Gourry.Lina: And *thankfully* without Xelloss, too.Amelia: At least this world doesn't have the rampaging monsters, either.Lina: That eliminated our main source of income though, with the lack of monsters to beat up and take their stuff.Amelia: For the protection of the people, of course.
-- A ribbon of black smoke wafts by the camera.Cory: So how did you end up with the 3WA?Amelia: Noble spirits like us were naturally drawn to the job of the Trouble Consultant.Lina: And since we didn't have any other prospects for adventuring jobs -- a girl's gotta eat, y'know. *camera cuts to footage of Lina scarfing at high speed, Amelia at medium-high speed* We heard about the incident -- before the last one -- at Elenor City, and thought, hey, I can do that!Amelia: Didn't you want one of their spaceships, too?Lina: *laughs* Well, you never know when a warm set of phaser banks will come in handy.
Cory Emerson: So the Dirty P... Lovely Angels were a major factor in you joining up.Amelia: Of course! We were inspired by such strong women promoting love and justice!Lina: We only joined when we found out that we weren't actually required to wear outfits skimpier than Naga the Serpent's "clothing".Amelia: Or the official garb of the Crown Princess of Seyruun. *shudders*Lina: Not that we aren't totally sexy in those outfits... but I'm not gonna give it away for free, boys. *wink*
Cory: It is quite a change that the WWWA is now represented by someone other than big-breasted Lucien upgrades.Lina: Yeah those two were always too... wait a minute! You're not implying something about me, are you?
-- A 3-inch orb of orange light begins to glow in Lina's handsCory *excitedly*: No, no! I was just... talking about your natural beauty.Amelia: True natural beauty comes from a pure heart. That's why I have more than Miss Lina.Lina: *glares*
-- While Cory speaks, a file footage plays showing a giant mechanical monster attacking a space elevator complex, followed Lina Inverse chanting atop a rooftop mouthing the words DRAGON SLAVE. A large explosion takes out a quarter of the city, followed by the tension of the space elevator line snapping -- the tension in the line splitting a nearby arcology in twain.
Cory: But there are people making comparisons between you and the Dirty Pair, especially after the incident at Spica IV. Lina: That wasn't our fault!Amelia: Yeah, what kind of evil monster incorporates kidnapped cyborgs into a weapon's structure?Lina: There's no way we could have known that all of those disappearances were related.Amelia: Such an evil plan is completely unforgivable!Lina: When you see a kaiju-class monster destroying a city, you have to take it down with everything you got.Amelia: And I swear, on my honor as a Princess of Seyruun, that this evil will be destroyed from this world!
Cory: Yes, but the loss of life figures were still extraordinary.Lina: Maybe you're right, we should have let the local military handle it, *sarcastically* oh wait that's right, someone reprogrammed their flying tanks to shoot at *us*.-- Footage plays of Amelia bringing down a heavily armored hovertank with a Ra TiltAmelia: Besides, it was the enemy's fault that anyone got killed at all, so they're basically entirely to blame.Lina: Attagirl.
A low beeping noise starts.Amelia: Hold on. *answering her earring comm*: What's that Zel? *listens intently*Cory: Zel?Lina: Zelgadis is our MUGHI -- the somewhat intelligent monster-looking thing that follows us around.Cory: Ah.Amelia: It looks like we have to go. Lovely Angel is reporting an incident on the southern continent, and they're requesting backup to investigate the syndicate.Cory *suddenly startled*: Wait, they're here too?Lina: Yep, big operation. I assume you've heard of the Phibrizzo crime syndicate?Amelia: Come on Miss Cory, we need to show you how a true-hearted WWWA agent works.Cory *starting to look sick*: No, no, not again. *pleading* Please.Lina: Besides, I hear that there's a really great sushi place down there, you'll love it!Amelia: We deserve way more screen time, for promoting justice!Lina: And showing off for cute guys.Amelia: Yeah!
Cory: That's all for Part 1. Upcoming in Part 2, where I go against my better judgement, (thank you network!), I get deep into the story of the Alderaan incident, and somehow survive to tell the tale. That's tomorrow night.
Anchor: Thanks Cory, fascinating stuff. Next up, sports. It's been an exciting week in Rollerball, hasn't it Stu?
Cory is from the Adam Warren DP comics. CC-BY 3.0 if you care to use any of it, ClassicDrogn.
-- ∇×V
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I like it, but my plan basically revolves around the Lovely Angels being sent to chase a criminal who fled to a world that fell out of contact long enough ago that no one is sure when it was actually IN contact and placed under quarantine when rediscovered due to the vast number of variant races that seem to have developed by unknown agents or means, and the dangerous abilities wielded by the inhabitants. They got picked for the job due to previous experience with strange powers during the Affair on Nolandia. Thus, it's the Pair going to Slayers-world and passing off their technological gear as magic, not the other way around.
That said, once the immediate adventure is over, can you see Lina NOT wanting to explore entire other worlds full of treasure glittering forlornly, with no one to claim it? Evil threatening, with only those poor over-worked Trouble Consultants to take it down? All-you-can-eat buffets that haven't permanently banned her and her companions? Especially if it takes place in the time frame immediately after the Mazoku barrier goes down, stalling the Overworlders/Darkstar plot by the expedient of Gourry taking the Sword of Light with him and whatsisname the Ancient Dragon guy having stowed away or followed by some other means with the Spear of Light as well, to continue his vendetta against Filia and Xelloss.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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More than two posts in a row about a crossover means it isn't a Should Not Be.
Harry Potter and the Sparkly Vampires
Just because so many of the trite, derivative works in the last half decade have been based off of one of these two.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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If you want to make it should not be again, I guess I could suggest Dirty Slayers the Drama.
I was actually planning on posting this yesterday, but I got a bit carried with someone else's crossover idea. Quote:The girl in the sailor suit sighed, and tucked a vial containing three rose-colored crystals into a pocket of her pleated green skirt. She couldn't believe that she, of all people, had gotten picked for this madness. She looked over to her supposed ally, who was somehow even weirder than her normal company. He too had dark hair; but his was unruly in a way that belied his typical restrained, militaristic personality.
He glanced ahead, and remarked, "Stay close, Miss Higurashi. This is a very open area, and it will be very difficult to identify threats in such a large crowd."
"Ooo...kay?" As if the Knightmare Frames flanking the arena weren't protection enough, she decided. Besides, the dangerous part was tomorrow.
Finally, it was their turn. The two teens, still in their school uniforms (which they had been assured would earn them some fandom, especially given her nice legs) strode out to meet a crowd in the wildest, most ridiculous costumes ever. The announcer introduced the pair, "Now presenting Kagome Higurashi and Sousuke Sagara, contestants representing Area 11 in the 74th Hunger Games!"
It could be worse. I was thinking about choosing Shampoo and Tenchi.
-- ∇×V
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Quote:the accidental sensei - due to some poor word choice and
unfortunate timing, anko gets team 7 and kakashi is stuck demonstrating
summoning to academy students...
So I misread that as, "The Accidental Senshi," which I'm going to call a Should Not Be. While I can kinda see a possible good crossover where one of the ninja is called into the Sailor Moon universe, I'm not so sure about being pulled the other direction. "You're training children to be killers for hire? Starting even younger than we were when we were called to be senshi? And I thought Beryl was despicable!"
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
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I've been on something of a Transhuman kick recently, but I tossed this idea away because I couldn't see it not going W40K levels of grim-dark.
Even Jail Scaglietti needs a Firewall in some places...
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Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote: Would she even survive orientation? Taylor is... not exactly the type to step forward and assert her place in a pecking order. I suppose if you started her there well before canon so she had some semblance of a self image to start off from, but then you're pretty much just running a Taylor-shaped INO through the Worm setting, and might as well use a full OC or outright main-character-swap instead.
Hmm I don't know actually, if you yank Taylor just after she gets Dinah home, but before Echidna she would be past the worst of her suicidal stuff and wouldn't be on the save-the-world schtic. At that point the biggest problem is why she would bother attending, 'thou I'm sure you could solve that with liberal application of Reasons.
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* Clarketech
* Coil is playing around again
* Skidmark's shady new drug
* It's a Cauldron conspiracy
Pick one?
Now that I think about it though, for all she's ascended to memetic badass territory I can't think of much in the way of "Skitter insertion" stories, like the "Ranma gets dropped in X" that was so popular for a while and is still seen now and then.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Guys, take it to Should Be...
As for a Should Not Be: Robinson Clouseau
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Ross Van Loan
Screw the power of Love on Barsoom...
06-18-2014, 01:15 PM
John Stewart of Mars is winning the fight with the power of Satire!
The Wanderer
One of those "because they're apparently the only two characters with this same name" deals:
On the one hand, Moist from Dr. Horrible.
On the other hand, Moist von Lipwig.
Filed under "should not be" because just offhand, I cannot think of any possible way to make this combination itself (as opposed to something else you do with a story in which this combination happens) the slightest bit interesting.
Ross Van Loan
The Rocky & Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show. ...make a moose with blond hair and a tan!
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Quote:Ross Van Loan wrote: The Rocky & Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show. ...make a moose with blond hair and a tan!
It's been *done*. (And one of the fringe theaters in my hometown actually put it on stage a few years back.)