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(07-15-2021, 03:37 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ] (07-15-2021, 01:10 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]I see we have those ugly padlocks on protected pages now...
Where? I don't see them.
This template is where I noticed one. It might just be on the template pages, maybe.
Okay, I see it on the template.
Rob, got rid of the ugly padlocks, all I had to do was comment them all out in the Module config.
This should work for any other images served by templates that use Lua Module config files
Anyway, unless anyone else has an idea for a bot policy idea, I think what we got is ready to be voted on. That said, we need to draw up a basic form for bot job requests for real, decide where to put all this, and I'll be happy to roll up my sleeves and handle those jobs Rob wanted as soon as the ink is dry on our new rules.
While I have no problems with a page that starts with a "please format your request like this" layout under which requests are just typed in, we all know from long experience that if a user has a chance to ignore such a thing, they will. Is there a way to do an actual fill-in-the-blanks submission form with required fields that will automatically alert the staff to the request? (EDIT: I should probably know this, but I'm so much a content guy that I've only made the barest looks under the hood.)
(07-16-2021, 07:24 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]While I have no problems with a page that starts with a "please format your request like this" layout under which requests are just typed in, we all know from long experience that if a user has a chance to ignore such a thing, they will. Is there a way to do an actual fill-in-the-blanks submission form with required fields that will automatically alert the staff to the request? (EDIT: I should probably know this, but I'm so much a content guy that I've only made the barest looks under the hood.)
Well, the thing about bots is that the user is going to want to inform us. According to the proposed rules, any unauthorized bot job is grounds for immediate permaban, and thus the onus of the new rules would encourage them to flag us down. Wikipedia talk pages have a notify style template to give people a heads up someone wants their attention, we could include those for active staff in the boilerplate for the request to ensure staff sees it.
Also, Damian Yerrick has a salient question worth some thought:
(07-16-2021, 07:24 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]While I have no problems with a page that starts with a "please format your request like this" layout under which requests are just typed in, we all know from long experience that if a user has a chance to ignore such a thing, they will. Is there a way to do an actual fill-in-the-blanks submission form with required fields that will automatically alert the staff to the request? (EDIT: I should probably know this, but I'm so much a content guy that I've only made the barest looks under the hood.)
Meta has a "request a wiki" form. Maybe we could ask them what we need to install to make our own. EDIT: No, wait - their form appears to go to email, not to a wiki page.
(07-16-2021, 07:58 AM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ] (07-16-2021, 07:24 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]While I have no problems with a page that starts with a "please format your request like this" layout under which requests are just typed in, we all know from long experience that if a user has a chance to ignore such a thing, they will. Is there a way to do an actual fill-in-the-blanks submission form with required fields that will automatically alert the staff to the request? (EDIT: I should probably know this, but I'm so much a content guy that I've only made the barest looks under the hood.)
Meta has a "request a wiki" form. Maybe we could ask them what we need to install to make our own. EDIT: No, wait - their form appears to go to email, not to a wiki page.
Well, they have archives of what they used before they switch to the current format, looking at those could give us a skeletal template to flesh out.
Also, the proposal for grandfathering in all existing bots and their owners and granting all their owners rollback rights should be officially included in the proposal because that is going to be needed for guys like Damian, who otherwise would be cut out of the currently proposed bylines. I have added a proposed clause to address this as an amendment to rule 7.
Meanwhile, in other news, I suggest we keep a close eye on new user Flowersnf, whose first few edits strongly hint that they are Cwf1997 under a new name.
(07-16-2021, 02:07 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]Meanwhile, in other news, I suggest we keep a close eye on new user Flowersnf, whose first few edits strongly hint that they are Cwf1997 under a new name.
I was about to point that out, and ask whether anybody had asked the Stewards for a Checkuser yet...
Not yet, but I was debating whether to do so or let them submit a few more edits for comparison first.
(07-16-2021, 03:39 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]Not yet, but I was debating whether to do so or let them submit a few more edits for comparison first.
Same. BTW, please check your social profile to confirm something. I did this, but I want to make sure it works with another person.
I sent you a private board message. Please message me back privately if you got it, then view your profile in a private tab to make sure all messages marked private are not visible to the public.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see, as I almost never look at my social profile page, but it does look different in an incognito window -- and the private messages aren't there, either.
(07-16-2021, 08:27 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see, as I almost never look at my social profile page, but it does look different in an incognito window -- and the private messages aren't there, either.
Then our PM system actually works, which is good. Also, got your reply.
Flowersnf made a few more edits which looked almost identical to the kind of stuff Cwf1997 routinely did; I left them in the mod queue and
asked for a checkuser. In return I was asked for more info on
why, which I wasn't aware I needed to provide... <sigh>
(07-17-2021, 04:45 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]Flowersnf made a few more edits which looked almost identical to the kind of stuff Cwf1997 routinely did; I left them in the mod queue and asked for a checkuser. In return I was asked for more info on why, which I wasn't aware I needed to provide... <sigh>
Moderation is a bit of a double-edged sword. While it protects us from vandals and socks, none of the edits can be checked unless we make them public, ironically enough.
If possible, we should let a few with no grossly obvious issues through, while denying the rest, just to give the Checkuser request a baseline of comparison.
Also, got some other business finished, going to try drawing up a basic form for the bot request proposal for our use once we adopt it in a few days.
I've let a couple through that had no major issues. Still have two more left in the queue that I want to check on before I let them through, in case I need to make immediate fixes.
Here's how the basic idea of the bot request page is going to work
First, we will have two pages for archiving and keep requests An "As Needed" bot jobs page, and a "Constantly Running" bot jobs. If any page gets too long, we can simply archive its contents and start another.
It will be similar to this, but in the All The Tropes namespace:
I will be drawing up a boilerplate for the proposed pages soon.
Isn't the All The Tropes namespace locked down so that only admins can update pages in it?
The namespace itself? No. I had to go in an individually lock all the pages. For some reason we couldn't lockout the entire namespace. I don't remember why.
And now for something completely different.
While updating our instructions on how to add an image to a page, I reminded myself that we only have two Infoboxes so far: Book and Episode (recap).
I'm thinking the next Infobox should be Franchise... and, since I make the Infoboxes, well...
What do we want in it?
Title, Image, and Caption are built in to the code - every Infobox gets those. On the other hand, they don't count toward the maximum 99 rows of possible headers and fields combined. Everything else is open for debate.
A list of works in the franchise is a given. How many do we want to be able to list, to begin with? The absolute minimum is three, for a trilogy, but Trilogy Creep is a thing (with a trope page)... And, as mentioned above, there's a maximum of 99 rows, so loading up the list of works would make it impossible to add other lines if we forgot something.
Central Theme and Elevator Pitch are on every other infobox. I'm thinking that we should be consistent.
Do we want to list the franchise's Creator? It makes sense for trilogies, but not so much for Expanded Universes - especially the merchandise-driven EUs.
And what am I forgetting that should be included?
I think maybe we should leave the list of works out of the box. But how about a list of media?
Creator is good, with instructions to set it to "multiple" for shared worlds, perhaps? We'd need that for film franchises anyway -- there hasn't been a film with a single creator in a century or more.
And on another topic entirely, a (new) user with the (Arabic?) name أحمد has tried to create a
template entitled "Submit an edit request/preload", which is currently caught in our moderation queue. Because the coding of the template looks like some stuff I've seen on Meta, I was wondering if this person was a Miraheze staff member, but no, he appears to be
a new user less than a few days old.
Anyone have anything to offer before I reject the edit?
And before I forget again, Flowersnf has four edits -- including two page creates -- still in moderation. I may not get to them soon, but they need to be evaluated, even if Flowerboy turns out to be Cwf.
(07-19-2021, 01:01 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]And on another topic entirely, a (new) user with the (Arabic?) name أحمد has tried to create a template entitled "Submit an edit request/preload", which is currently caught in our moderation queue. Because the coding of the template looks like some stuff I've seen on Meta, I was wondering if this person was a Miraheze staff member, but no, he appears to be a new user less than a few days old.
Anyone have anything to offer before I reject the edit?
This person's
very first edit appears to be an attempt to change how the wiki works. Without gaining consensus, obviously, since it's their very first edit.
They must think that they're in charge. "Impersonating a mod" is grounds for a warning on the first occurrence and a tempban on the second. (And if they are a mod, then paragraph 1 of the Policy for Wiki Staff applies.)
EDIT: Unless this is something that Geth requested for the bot pages...
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