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Hey, folks. Sorry I vanished for the weekend, but we had friends visiting from upstate NY for the first time since the pandemic. And then family stuff. I'm only now sitting down to look at the wiki.
...and just before I had to crash very late last night, I discovered that Cwf1997 is and has been indulging in Small Name, Big Ego levels of self promotion. Over the weekend he created
a page for a YouTuber named Christian Frates, who oddly has the same initials as him, and who is apparently wielding the awesome power of his unheard-of
2700 subscribers to cause Colbert Bumps for any number of films and other works.
It's not XM78 levels of obnoxious yet, but we should curtail this behavior before it gets that bad.
(06-14-2021, 07:12 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]...and just before I had to crash very late last night, I discovered that Cwf1997 is and has been indulging in Small Name, Big Ego levels of self promotion. Over the weekend he created a page for a YouTuber named Christian Frates, who oddly has the same initials as him, and who is apparently wielding the awesome power of his unheard-of 2700 subscribers to cause Colbert Bumps for any number of films and other works.
It's not XM78 levels of obnoxious yet, but we should curtail this behavior before it gets that bad.
Well, we could add this to the page - the explanation is accurate - and see whether anybody complains:
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Christian Frates [ wrote his own IMDb Mini Biography entry] less than five years after performing in his first listed role.
EDIT: Also,
* [[In Case You Forgot Who Wrote It]]: IMDb says that ''Christian Frates' Star Wars Impressions'', ''Christian Frates' Cartoon Network Impressions'', ''Christian Frates' Adult Swim Impressions'', ''Christian Frates' Voice Swaps'', and ''Christian Frates: SnooPINGAS in 100 Voices'' were all produced and directed by Christian Frates in 2017-2018.
RE-EDIT: Also...
{{cleanup|The first two versions of this page about Christian Frates (born in 1997) was written by [[User:Cwf1997]]. Additional viewpoints are requested.}}
Y'know, if I've spotted that much to add in that short a time, I may as well just add them in.
I didn't even get that far before I augered in last night. Thanks and I have to admit I'm looking forward to his reaction.
I am in the meantime thoroughly purging any case where he claims his massive following of hundreds is responsible for multiple Colbert Bumps of already-popular and far-from-forgotten works.
I'm thinking we jumped the gun on giving Cwf1997 automoderated and autopatrolled. I'm seriously considering taking them away again.
And I meant it when I said we -- meaning I -- was going to go through his edits to make sure he's not misusing other tropes. It's going to take me a while, but I've got a low tolerance for that. We inherited enough crap from TVT, I'm not going to tolerate home-grown crap.
(06-14-2021, 08:28 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]I'm thinking we jumped the gun on giving Cwf1997 automoderated and autopatrolled. I'm seriously considering taking them away again.
When I give somebody automoderated, I leave a message on their Talk page. Here's the boilerplate that I use, replacing NAME with the UserID:
Quote:Automatic Moderation
Hello NAME!
We instituted moderation of posts as a result of the Great Miraheze Spam Flood that affected multiple wikis in December 2020. Most people's edits and image uploads will not appear immediately, the way that they would on Wikipedia... but, now, ''yours will'' - no more waiting for a moderator to approve your edits.
This is a privilege given for consistently good edits and being a Troper in good standing, not a right. Congratulations!
{{FlowMention|NAME}} {{FlowMention|Labster}} {{FlowMention|Looney Toons}} {{FlowMention|GethN7}} {{FlowMention|QuestionableSanity}} {{FlowMention|Derivative}} {{FlowMention|SelfCloak}}
Nobody's ever complained about the wording that I used there.
"This is a privilege given for consistently good edits and being a Troper in good standing, not a right."
If we need to take it away from someone, so be it.
I wish I'd thought to do something similar.
I just did, since he used the wrong trope again... after you gave him that warning.
If he does it again, remove the autopatrolled bit from his account.
This isn't the first time I've had to put two license templates on the same image.
Does anybody have time to code a template? Pass it one argument - the year that the copyright expires in the USA - and display a box saying "[[File:SemiPD-icon.svg|thumb|50px]] This file is in the Public Domain in Canada but remains under Copyright in the USA until {{{%1}}}. It will be used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US copyright law."
(If not, I'll do it next month...)
EDIT: Never mind, I just did it. Template:SemiPD
(06-15-2021, 08:22 AM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]I just did, since he used the wrong trope again... after you gave him that warning.
If he does it again, remove the autopatrolled bit from his account.
If you haven't been back, well, I found several others. If you haven't done it already I'll do it when I get to the wiki while eating lunch.
I decided to make it clear to our resident bad editor he needs to quit making terrible edits or we will File 13 as many as we have to until he gets it right:
Seriously, we don't exist to clean up every single mess he makes.
...and it looks like we may have frightened poor, delicate Cwf1997 off. One edit of his has been sitting in the mod queue for hours and he's done nothing else since then.
EDIT: Or rather had, last time I looked, which was a few hours ago. Someone may have actually dealt with it by now.
No, it's still sitting there.
I suppose I should do something with it - I did say that "this moderation can take up to a day to happen" in the sitenotice, and it's been a day and a half now.
EDIT: Oh, God. He's still doing it. Rejecting the edit and leaving a note on his page.
"Still" might be overstating it. I think he's fled the site, either out of embarrassment or because he thinks he's being persecuted. That was the only thing he'd edited in nearly two days, after all.
(06-17-2021, 01:29 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]"Still" might be overstating it. I think he's fled the site, either out of embarrassment or because he thinks he's being persecuted. That was the only thing he'd edited in nearly two days, after all.
He wants to act like a special snowflake, I couldn't care less.
There is a similar idiot I had to deal with on the FANDOM wiki:
The Kiwi Farms had fun laughing at this fool, and I don't blame them.
I don't care what someone's excuses are, you make a point to annoy the people whose mercy suffers your presence to edit because you think you can wipe your butt with the rules, you have no excuse, and to borrow a phrase my father likes, we can and should "drop the hammer" on anyone who makes a point of this.
Some people seem to have gotten in their heads we are some anarchist paradise that is an "anything goes" troping site, not an alternative to TV Tropes with less censorship but still has rules, and those who cling to the former delusion tend to be the biggest troublemakers, and they can suck it up or go away if they resent being called on the carpet for breaking our more lenient yet still firm guidelines.
I noticed while adding the infobox book template to our page for "Hearts in Atlantis" that we already have Category:Works by Stephen King.
I'm 99% sure that I can update the infobox book template so that it would add "Category:Works by {{{author|}}}" to the page if Author is specified.
Should I?
It would create a lot of redlinks on Special:WantedCategories - the template is on 471 pages and counting - but it would also automate the creation of those indexes.
EDIT: I'm asking because I'm tempted to do this, even knowing it'll create a lot of work.
RE-EDIT: Although the index categories would be easy enough to create, being all the same:
Quote:[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]
[[Category:Works by creator]]
[[Category:Index Index]]
RE-RE-EDIT: I think I've convinced myself to do this.
And done, including creating the new categories created by existing uses of the template.
Quote:* Works by Isaac Asimov (1 P)
Either Isaac Asimov only wrote one book, or we have some page classification to do...
EDIT: I've added the category text to the very end of the new-page template drop-down menu.
Cool! Thanks, Rob!
EDIT: Surely we could come up with some way to automate populating any uncreated category in the form "Works by X" with the index template...
I think there might be an extension for that. Remind me tomorrow to look, please.
I'm starting to think we need a page header for the pages that describe multiple works. I'm seeing a lot of them, not all tagged with the category, while adding "infobox book" to book pages.
Agreed. I've been thinking of making one for months but have never gotten around to it.
(06-18-2021, 01:03 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]I think there might be an extension for that. Remind me tomorrow to look, please.
If I remember to, I will.
In the meantime, I realize that with very very few exceptions, every category page is the same, so if there is some means of automating the process, why don't we just auto-create them all? Even if it's a script that fires just once or twice a day, it'll still save us all a certain amount of work.
Well, I'm global banned from FANDOM now. I asked SelfCloak to take over for me, and have filed an appeal (it will take a few days for them to get back to me). If it's not accepted, so be it, but here is why I was banned:
20:27 Kimberton Message Wall contribs block deleted page User blog:GethN7/My position on rules, both that I follow and I expect others to follow (Anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric, exclusionary content)
Here is a copy of the post in question that seems to have earned my block, which I filed an appeal for:
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