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I have completed a mockup of the boilerplate for bot job requests, please see the source for technical notations on each section.
This is for as-needed bot jobs, the constant job will use a modified template without the start and end times but otherwise will be similar.
We will have one page for "as needed" requests, one for the constant ones. Once pages get too large, they will have the excess spun off into an archive page. I propose we add links to filing a bot job request to the sidebar in Troper Tools and on the recent changes menu links with links to constant and as needed bot jobs pages.
I rejected the above edit Rob, that was by someone other than me and not a proper fit for our project.
And Flowersnf I'm absolutely convinced at this point is someone sock dodging a ban and needs a boot.
Update: I have updated some of our gadget code for CharInsert and HotCat, will be adding code updates for other gadgets that need it soon.
In regard to flower-sniffer, I'm willing to drop the hammer if everyone else is agreed, even without a checkuser from the stewards.
If no one has warned our Arabic user yet, I'll do that when I shut down for the day on my work machine and switch to my personal machine later in the evening. (Might be a while, I'm grilling dinner tonight, probably before anything else.)
The mockup of the bot request form looks good, but I'll give it some thought and see if I think of anything else to add.
Arabic user has been warned.
I suspect everyone agrees the sniffer is to be banned, but I'll give folks until tomorrow morning to object. In the mean time I'm letting his edits accumulate in the mod queue.
And Geth made his opinions known already, so that's three votes.
Isn't it so terribly convenient when the people you want to keep out are so terribly obvious about who they are? And the only way they can hide who they are is to stop doing the stuff that got them kicked out in the first place? In which case they are doing what we asked them to originally, which they refused to do...
Can someone who's not on an employer-provided machine and VPN please check out the new page "18yr old Asian Porn Virgin Begs to get Gangbanged! Bondage,DP,bukkake!" created an hour ago by HornyLikeIAmA14YearOldGirl and determine just what is going on there?
(07-20-2021, 01:11 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone who's not on an employer-provided machine and VPN please check out the new page "18yr old Asian Porn Virgin Begs to get Gangbanged! Bondage,DP,bukkake!" created an hour ago by HornyLikeIAmA14YearOldGirl and determine just what is going on there?
It's legit work, and while pornographic, it can be troped.
And yeah, that is the actual title.
Edit: Hi Nerdshamer:
This weirded me out too, but it does fall within the site remit as a tropable work, bizarre as it is. Whether we should allow it is another thing entirely, but so long as they keep relatively objective and the editing doesn't go into obvious typed with one hand territory, I see no reason, per our own guidelines, to refuse it.
It can't be worse than XanderMartin, and god knows I've been planning on doing a page for The Opening of Misty Beethoven for as long as I've kept a list of pages to create. The title just threw me because it looked like it had been cut-and-pasted from a catalog without regard to removing descriptive text after the title proper.
EDIT: And yes, hi, Nerdshamer... you shouldn't feel you have to lurk (unless you're already here under a different handle).
I'm assuming this is a Japanese work - and they've been getting some long titles in the last half-decade or so. This particular title takes a lot of the mystery out of the work, mind you... which might be on purpose.
Echoing the hello and invitation to take part here to Nerdshamer, and I'll add a suggestion to read
this Wikipedia page. Hiding these works just makes them more attractive to some people - shine a light on these things and the fascination level drops off.
EDIT: By the way, one can shame a geek, but one can't shame a nerd.
It's one of the things that they don't have in common. So I'll take your screen name as one of those ironic-hipster things.
Nerdshamer is just like most other people on KF, they snark at everyone from their perch on the internet and are happy to stay there for the most part.
Kinda grateful, always said I appreciate having critics unlike TV Tropes. May not be a member of the Farms anymore (and have no intention to return), but if they want to keep watchdogging, well, we have nothing to hide.
Agreed. Somebody has to watch the watchmen, after all.
(05-16-2021, 05:53 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]I seem to recall that somebody was worried about updates to ATT being copied over to TVT without attribution. Is this still a concern?
Because, if it is, we should create a page for George P. Burdell, based on what his Wikipedia page says he's accomplished, and see what happens. Of course, anybody clicking through our page to his Wikipedia page will see why they shouldn't copy the ATT page over to TVT...
A propos of nothing, I just discovered that Princeton has (had?) its own mythical alumnus,
Adelbert L’Hommedieu X. Hormone, class of 1917:
Quote:Bert to his old classmates, a rogue, adventurer, and infinitely loyal son of Nassau. ... Hormone lived in Bali, where he ran a bar (he taught the house band to play “Old Nassau”). His biography included some mundane details for plausibility: He had red hair, had roomed in Edwards Hall, and had been in constant trouble with the deans for undergraduate rowdiness. His letter, which Smith wrote, appeared in the Jan. 17 (1936) issue of the Alumni Weekly: “I won’t bore you with my wanderings since leaving Princeton. I’ll just mention a few highlights. In the fall of ’16, following a night with a crowd of Limey sailors in a Marseilles bordello, I woke up to discover that I was a private in the Foreign Legion.” After adventures in Africa, Australia, and Malaysia, he lost two digits in a sailing accident, reaping an insurance payout that he used to open his Balinese bar.
The article is a fun read, and I'm thinking of adding him to the Invented Individual page.
I have made a slightly modified boilerplate for constantly running bot job requests:
Aside from this, I cannot think of any further adjustments. If we can put this to a general vote, all we will need to do is create a page for our new bot policy (or redo any existing one), establish one page for making new as needed requests and one for constant bot jobs, then we can start putting this new policy into practice if the proposal is greenlighted.
Had the post-vaccination sleepys today. My boss told me to take the day off. I got about halfway through the list of pages still using the "Related" template -
here's what I didn't do.
(Yeah, I did about 30 pages or so. As I said, I had the post-vaccination sleepys today.)
(07-21-2021, 05:50 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]Had the post-vaccination sleepys today. My boss told me to take the day off. I got about halfway through the list of pages still using the "Related" template - here's what I didn't do.
(Yeah, I did about 30 pages or so. As I said, I had the post-vaccination sleepys today.)
I'd personally love to enable the feature globally, but last time Miraheze tried to enable the server software to make it work globally, their servers crapped out. So yeah, remove all instances but keep the template just in case we may need it in the future.
By the way, heads up: entitled snowflake HDev411 who thought it was his right to nag the admin staff to approve his edits right fucking now appears to have decided to use a brand-new account to get around our unreasonable refusal to hop to and obey his every command. Keep an eye out for GoldD954, which hasn't edited much yet but shows the same general interests as HDev411.
EDIT: I have to admit I am wary of anyone with a user account name that looks like one generated by our favorite spammers. Combined with his insistence that we fasttrack his edits over anyone else's, I'm expecting him to turn out to be a particularly clever spammer just waiting for us to let our guards down.
EDIT 2: I'm not 100% certain that GoldD954 is the same person as HDev411, but as soon as I'm satisfied that they are, I'll be pointing out the multiple accounts clause in "How We Do Bans Around Here" to both.
(07-21-2021, 10:02 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, heads up: entitled snowflake HDev411 who thought it was his right to nag the admin staff to approve his edits right fucking now appears to have decided to use a brand-new account to get around our unreasonable refusal to hop to and obey his every command. Keep an eye out for GoldD954, which hasn't edited much yet but shows the same general interests as HDev411.
EDIT: I have to admit I am wary of anyone with a user account name that looks like one generated by our favorite spammers. Combined with his insistence that we fasttrack his edits over anyone else's, I'm expecting him to turn out to be a particularly clever spammer just waiting for us to let our guards down.
EDIT 2: I'm not 100% certain that GoldD954 is the same person as HDev411, but as soon as I'm satisfied that they are, I'll be pointing out the multiple accounts clause in "How We Do Bans Around Here" to both.
I have a fairly good idea who were are dealing with. They appear to have a good grasp of our manual style, are spamming similar edits as the previous account, and analysis of the two accounts shows an overwhelming amount of overlap between the two.
This guy seems to be one of two things. Some idiot from FANDOM who thinks we'll let them do the same here they did there (which I couldn't stop on FANDOM because they lack Moderation and refused to include it when I asked to prevent this sort of nonsense). Either that, or someone who, while smart enough to figure out our manual of style, appears to be someone from TV Tropes (likely kicked out because he decided to make a fool of themself there too) who thinks we will be pushovers by comparison.
Either way, I'm going to put on my mod hat, reject the edits from second account, and let them know to quit trying to sockpuppet, Moderation makes that useless, they can either wait in line or we will kick all current and future accounts out on their ear.
Bob, on ATT Wrote:I'm sure it will be easy for you to find another troping wiki that will immediately recognize your unique and supreme position among Nature's creatures, and will automatically crown you king as soon as you register.
We should make a list. If this user actually has been tossed from TVT, ATT, and Tropedia -- and I have no evidence of that having happened -- then IIRC there's only one troping wiki left, but they might not know about it.
Yeah, but I think it has a "one entitled asshole" limit.
I'd like to propose adding this extension:
By itself, it would provide us a SEO boost by automatically parsing the opening lede of a page for search engines and has functions to strip out templates and other things so our public facing search results show actual page content. If Miraheze can ever get CirrusSearch working again, when paired with the RelatedArticles extension, it would also make that look much more attractive with a nice blurb describing the page links. On it's own, it would not cause us issues in any way regardless.
Finally, I hope I don;t sound impatient, but I believe we might want to vote on the bot policy soon, as unless we missed something, we've ironed out most to all known issues at this point. Once we have it approved, I'll be happy to turn Gethbot loose fixing things you guys would like to have done.
(07-22-2021, 04:30 PM)GethN7 Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to propose adding this extension:
By itself, it would provide us a SEO boost by automatically parsing the opening lede of a page for search engines and has functions to strip out templates and other things so our public facing search results show actual page content. If Miraheze can ever get CirrusSearch working again, when paired with the RelatedArticles extension, it would also make that look much more attractive with a nice blurb describing the page links. On it's own, it would not cause us issues in any way regardless.
As long as I don't have to add anything to pages for it, I don't mind...
(07-22-2021, 04:30 PM)GethN7 Wrote: [ -> ]Finally, I hope I don;t sound impatient, but I believe we might want to vote on the bot policy soon, as unless we missed something, we've ironed out most to all known issues at this point. Once we have it approved, I'll be happy to turn Gethbot loose fixing things you guys would like to have done.
Has it been up in its current form for three days? That's the rule of thumb for tropes; we may as well be consistent.
I think it has; regardless I'm in favor of it.
Meanwhile, what I came to the forums for. At some point in the last hour or two, my diff pages started displaying some kind of dropdown tool labeled "Browse History Interactively" that spans the width of the page and lets me compare versions with sliders? Why the hell am I seeing this? I didn't ask for it. It's not something in my preferences that I can turn off. How do I get rid of it?
Likewise, the top right corner of every page now has a very sloppily placed "Last updated X units ago" notice -- also since about 90 minutes ago. It's a link that takes me to the page history. Again, I don't seem to be able to turn this off in my preferences. I don't want this, why am I seeing it?
(07-22-2021, 06:24 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]I think it has; regardless I'm in favor of it.
Meanwhile, what I came to the forums for. At some point in the last hour or two, my diff pages started displaying some kind of dropdown tool labeled "Browse History Interactively" that spans the width of the page and lets me compare versions with sliders? Why the hell am I seeing this? I didn't ask for it. It's not something in my preferences that I can turn off. How do I get rid of it?
Likewise, the top right corner of every page now has a very sloppily placed "Last updated X units ago" notice -- also since about 90 minutes ago. It's a link that takes me to the page history. Again, I don't seem to be able to turn this off in my preferences. I don't want this, why am I seeing it?
That was me doing testing, thanks for the reports, will disable them.
Since not all of our skins are as easily accessible for certain features like Vector, I was testing those extensions to see if they compensate for issues on skins like Monaco, which has some scrunched-up button ideas. Unfortunately, the cure is worse than the disease, so removed.
Was testing these to be exact:
Provides a visual demonstration of the page revisions in a sliding graph-like format.
Provides a link to the LastModified time of a page, was seeing if it would add more visibility for page history checking on some of our alternate skins.
Didn't really help and looks like crap on Vector.
I was, however, successful in fixing some issues on the Monaco skin where it had some Main Page overlap and looked overly scrunchy.
I apologize for any issues, but there is no easy way to see how they would look without enabling them, and I promised earlier I was going to do some fixes to a lot of things, including readability, CSS/JS code, and other things. Regardless, if this caused any trouble during the brief period I enabled these, I apologize.
One thing that remains enabled is Description2, as mentioned above. I did try to enable a fix for Tabs that makes them look better on mobile skins, but it has issues with certain page layouts, so disabled.
MobileTabs is not a bad idea, but it will definitely affect two pages that will need some fixes to look best on both Mobile and Desktop views. I have a localhost copy of the wiki I can do further testing on and will provide a copy of a mockup of what the fixed version would look like before making further changes and enabling this again, as both the Community Portal and Main Page will need to be modified to play nice with this, but once they are, it will fix busted tabs on mobile view, which is the default for all Tabs enabled pages.
You can see a sample of the fix on the developer page here for now:
Sorry, Geth, didn't mean to spaz at you.
I've been undoing Cwf1997 damage all afternoon and evening and it's been getting to me. How did we let so much utterly incoherent text get added to the wiki? The man wrote so poorly it's hard to believe he was the native speaker of English he claimed to be. It starts at the smallest things -- he apparently had no grasp whatsoever of what prepositions mean -- he would use them interchangeably, as though they all meant the same thing and the choice of what to write was purely artistic or something. And it just gets worse from there.
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