Other People's Fanfiction
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- In the Pirkinning (2 Replies)
- Neko-Neechan (17 Replies)
- Lost His Bottle (3 Replies)
- [Con] [Info] Call for Fanfic Panelists Anime Central 2007 (1 Reply)
- Retropunk Mechanics! (42 Replies)
- Plot Ideas That Are Just Wrong (17 Replies)
- ITS ALIVE!!!! (0 Replies)
- A Bleach oneshot (2 Replies)
- [Naruto] Softness (5 Replies)
- Ninjin, a B5/???? Crossover Short (6 Replies)
- So, I've been reading In Nomine stuff again (0 Replies)
- [Kyuubi Chronicles][4th]Den of foxes (1 Reply)
- A completely different resource for world building (3 Replies)
- Nice little resource for world building (3 Replies)
- Miss post, nothing here. Move along. (6 Replies)
- [Kyuubi Chronicles][3rd]Foxes Wild (6 Replies)
- Into the pool (61 Replies)
- Soul Mismatch Error (5 Replies)
- BWAH!!! New Eyrie! (18 Replies)
- Coup de Main (12 Replies)
- looking for a fic (3 Replies)
- Cliffs Notes for the ending of That Fic (9 Replies)
- Mark Doherty Lives! (4 Replies)
- FFML (3 Replies)
- Crossovers That Should Not Be, Take 2 (491 Replies)