The SOS-dan's founder and God-Empress
I saw that and couldn't help but think of
Haruhi Empress of Dune...
Guess. ^_^
Sorry, you got me on that one.
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
GEEEEZE! Why don't you go and have some COFFEE with some CREAM in it or something?!? [/Freakazoid]
I do believe that the "mystery cross" is Nanoha. Which iteration? I dunno. But it's Nanoha.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
I was considering the Lovecraftian elements and overtones in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" (more notable in the latter, particularly Illyria and the Deeper Well), when my mind made a sudden connection:
"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth." --H.P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror" (Emphasis added).
Add to this the fact that a certain group of monks were called the "Order of Dagon."
Now let's take a second look at Dawn
--The Twisted One"Welcome to Fanboy Hell. You will be spending eternity here, in a small room with Jar-Jar Binks and Dobby the house-elf."
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your
I do believe that the "mystery cross" is Nanoha. Which iteration? I dunno. But it's Nanoha.
Pin-pon! Circa A's Epilogue, when they're the right age to be in the same school as Haruhi anyway.
is a magic user.
Nanoha might not
herself be a trained, practicing shinobi, but her father was and siblings
And Fate really
is someone's true, literal clone.
The best part is, though, that having the TSAB notice Little Miss Closed Space and send those three to investigate makes
perfect sense.
Ja, -n
"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Damn, I missed it. I'd completely forgotten about Hayate (waah!).*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
'Desu Ex Machina' - Rozen Maiden/Ghost in the Shell:SAC - Motoko Kusanagi gets an odd case delivered to her appartment, with the oddest miniature cyborg body she's ever come across stashed inside.
'Irresponsible Magical Girl Nanoha' - Nanoha's first full deployment at the TSAB takes her on board their other latest aquisition - a destroyer and crew that seem to have the devil's own luck on their side, as well as a nutter of a captain. She comes out of the whole ordeal a changed woman. But ... changed for the better, or changed for the worse?
'Guns of the Immortal' - Sousuke Sagara has a secret. Some thirty years ago, a bit after he turned after sixteen, he was served something that didn't quite agree with him. Or was that, agreed with him too well? Now the eternal man-child who'd never known anything _but_ war joins Mithril in an effort to fulfill a contract and stop a thousand wars. With ... varying degrees of success.
'Magical Girl Technical Tessa' - Teletha Testarossa. Project F. Precia Testarossa. Her, more or less, mother. Sousuke Sagara. Pissed off beyond belief that someone is apparently after his commanding officer. Explosions to follow.
'Clare: Codename 47' - Hitman/Claymore crossover, where the Claymore are genetically engineered assassins in a steampunk sort of world. One of them breaks free of her conditioning and minders, before declaring war on the organization that made them.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
... Okay, I had a post written here, and then I accidentally closed the window it was in. >< So, this post will be less cool than the original one.
Partial cast list for Haruhi Tonelico - Melancholy of Elemia:
Lyner - Kyon
Aurica - Yuki Nagato
Misha - Mikuru Asahina
Shurelia - Haruhi Suzumiya (It should probably either worry you that Haruhi can cast Ar Tonelico... or kind of be a turn on?)
Jack - Itsuki Koizumi
Krusche - Tsuruya (Being given the chainsaw either because she's the girl who laughs all the time, or in spite of it.)
Claire - Mori-san (This might be even better if Aurica was Mikuru.)
Spica - Imouto-chan (Possibly age progressed?)
When did Ryoga get into her universe? And what did she to do him?
Maybe he's upset about the fair Tsuruya being forced into an engagement with a girl like Haruhi Suzumiya.
Haruhi 1/2 - two episodes in, Haruhi stops responding to hot water/cold water, claiming that 'changing gender is boring'
I'm not sure about this... In the novels, it seemed like it was highly unusual for Haruhi to notice when she'd edited reality... and this I don't think she could possibly miss. (Also, I can't imagine gender changing ever being boring. '.' )
"Haruhichu!" What's the crossover with here?
"Revolutionary Girl Haruhi" - You could just turn Kyon into a girl. You wouldn't be the first person to do it. '.'
Personally, I think Haruhi as Utena and Yuki as Anthy would have possibilities. The fact that I think they'd look good in the outfits is a definate part of this, I admit...
(While I'm thinking about it, I'd really like sometime to see art of movie-Anthy dressed in tv-Anthy's rose bride dress and vice-versa...)
-Morgan, thinks that covers everything... sigh.
"Mikuru-chan molested me! I'm... so happy!"
-Haruhi, "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
---(Not really)
Sakura Crisis: When the AD Police aren't enough to deal with the Rogue Buma, the army sends in the Imperial Floral Assault Division.
Full Metal Combo: Ed and Al are teamed up with another duo of State Alchemists, Sousuke and Tessa for an undercover operation in an exclusive finishing school.
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
When did Ryoga get into her universe? And what did she to do him?
For the former, I don't know. For the latter... if Haruhi is God, then EVERYTHING is her fault!
"My name is Ryoga Hibiki. You created Jusenkyo, Saotome Ranma, and the concept of a lack of sense of direction. Prepare to die."
"Haruhichu!" What's the crossover with here?
Kamichu!, a delightful 16-episode anime (of which only 13 episodes were aired in Japan, so buy the DVDs from Geneon for the entire series).
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
"My name is Ryoga Hibiki. You created Jusenkyo, Saotome Ranma, and the concept of a lack of sense of direction. Prepare to die."
Too long...
"My name is Ryoga Hibiki. You killed my sense of direction. Prepare to die."
(Speaking of crossovers that should never be made...
Princess Bride 1/2, anyone?)
-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
"I'm gonna kill Pop for engaging me to this Humperdinck putz!"
-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
"Ungwateful child! It's wuv! Twue wuv!"*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
"He's only mostly a girl. If he was completely a girl, there'd be nothing left to do but buy him some support bras"Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Kuno: "That scoundrel Ranma defeat me? Inconcivable!"
Nabiki: "You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."__________________
I bet that if you cooked an elephant, you'd have a lot of leftovers.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Cologne: "I'm not a witch, sonny, I'm your great-grandmother-in-law."--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make
anything explode.
"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth." --H.P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror" (Emphasis added).
Add to this the fact that a certain group of monks were called the "Order of Dagon."
Now let's take a second look at Dawn
Interestingly, that actually gets touched upon in a fic called
Quickened by P.H. Wise.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Ranma: Now hand over the Nannichuan!
Genma: What Nannichuan?
Ranma: Okay Ryouga, tear his arms off..
Genma: Oh, you mean THIS Nannichuan_______________________________
We're definitely playing this game wrong. I thought Vampire was supposed to be a game of personal horror, not about ninja magic-carpet airstrikes at night.
- A friend after playing a session of Dark Ages Vampire.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. THERE IS ONLY WAR!
-Same friend.
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
This Crossover That Should Not Be is technically an extension of a Crossover That Did, In Fact, Happen In Canon.
Chikyuu's most deranged mad scientist, the preeminent designer of superpowered androids, has just finished upgrading his greatest creation...
"That bastard Gero stole all my research. Well, he can't complain if I steal his back! JINZOUNINGEN #21, ARALE MARK 2, ACTIVATE!"
"Mou... why do I still need glasses?"
"Because meganekko are CUTE!"
DOCTORSLUMP Z: The Penguin Saga
... Sweet jumping kami, that's BRILLIANT! Can I use this, Evil Midnight Lurker? PLEASE!? It even ties into my backstory for why Gero appears earlier than he should, a quarter of the way around the galaxy!
(big, quivering, soulful puppy dog eyes)
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
For the next 72 hours, Itachi intoned, I will slap you with this trout. -
Spying no Jutsu, chapter 3
"In the futuristic taco bell of the year 20XX, justice wears an aluminum sombrero!"
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
She was supposed to attend the prestigious Hogwarts, but was turned down at the last minute.
Forced to wander the streets of Hogsmeade, she fell in with a band of witches who acted as a detective agency.
Daphne Greengrass In The Brilliant Blue
-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Daphne Greengras
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
... Sweet jumping kami, that's BRILLIANT! Can I use this, Evil Midnight Lurker? PLEASE!? It even ties into my backstory for why Gero appears earlier than he should, a quarter of the way around the galaxy!
(big, quivering, soulful puppy dog eyes)
I just can't say no to The Eyes. Go ahead.
And if you can throw in an explanation of just why Kami-sama tried to destroy technological civilization, I'll be
really impressed... ^.^
Speaking of detectives named Daphne....
Just saying, there's already a Fred in canon and a dog that can talk in certain circumstances named after a certain star...
My brain just melted.
Hagrid is as shaggy as you could ask for, and Hermione would round out the set... put 'em in the Mystery Anglia and you're good to go.
"How the hell did I do that?"
"So you see, the Death Eater is none other than..."
(unison)"Mr Winkles the security guard?"
Also, as a really random thought... the schemes, chase scene, capture, and denoument are all really formulaic... almost as if there was some infectious meme afflicting the badguys that had to be driven to completion.
"Pinky! Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"Well, I think so Brain, but if Shaggy's a policeman, then why would he be high on pot all the time?"
...and, on that note, a crossover of Revolutionary Girl Utena with Pinky and the Brain as the greek chorus.
Also, as a really random thought... the schemes, chase scene, capture, and denoument are all really formulaic... almost as if there was some infectious meme afflicting the badguys that had to be driven to completion.
Aaaaand, I just crossed
A Mircale of Science with the aforementioned HP/Scooby Doo cross, and I got headsplodey.
Standing confidently in front of the massive display matrix, Hermione turned to grin at Harry, the flickering red light from the laser cascade backlighting her in a most disturbing manner.
"So you see, Potter, I cannot be stopped, I cannot be contained! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979