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(04-18-2023, 11:10 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks to nocarename for passing on a link to her Mastodon account, by the way, even if fanfiction doesn't seem to be part of her hobbies anymore it's good to know she's still around and apparently a lot healthier than most 9/11 WTC responders have ended up.

No more fanfiction indeed, but she never stopped being active in her journal at https://camwyn.dreamwidth.org/
We've secretly replaced the Knight Industries 2000 with the Knight Bus. Let's see whether anyone notices.
Beverly Hillbillies 90210
(04-20-2023, 08:18 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]We've secretly replaced the Knight Industries 2000 with the Knight Bus. Let's see whether anyone notices.

We've switched the Knight Bus with the Magic School Bus. Let's see whether anyone notices...
Our American Cousin Vinny
Today we've swapped Bruce Lee, Bruce Wayne, and Bruce Banner for the cast of Monty Python's Bruces sketch. Let's see who notices first!
The Terminator of Endearment
(04-18-2023, 11:10 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: [ -> ]
Camwyn (camwyn@mstdn.social) Wrote:Was watching #AgainstTheRopes on Netflix the other night. Realized something:

- In #Dune the Fremen battlecry is 'ya hya chouhada', right?
- and that means 'long live the fighters'?
- would that mean, then, that it could also be rendered as 'viva los luchadores'?


Thanks to nocarename for passing on a link to her Mastodon account, by the way, even if fanfiction doesn't seem to be part of her hobbies anymore it's good to know she's still around and apparently a lot healthier than most 9/11 WTC responders have ended up.

nocarename is active on the Teraverse discord still
nocarename is active here, but I'd lost track of camwyn, and as far as I know the last time she posted fanfic was 2006ish. nocarename dropped a link in the other thread when I mentioned it.
Mojojojo's Bizarre Adventure
Punky Brewster's Millions
I'll just leave this here.

[Image: __aino_minako_and_artemis_bishoujo_sensh...252383.jpg]
Zone of the Ender's Game
Pretty Guardian of the Galaxy Sailor Moon
Pretty Guardian of the Galaxy Sailor Moonraker
We've secretly replaced Tatewaki Kuno's retainer Sasuke with Sagara Sousuke. Let's see whether anybody notices.
The Kunos certainly won't.
Ranma certainly will though.

Sousuke may be a violent lunatic raised as a child soldier, but he's a competent violent lunatic raised as a child soldier.
Ernest P. Worrell/Hellraiser:

[Image: Attractive+lonely+brown_8ec57d_10529728.jpg]
High School DnD, wherein devil society focused on a more recent game with a class system at once more varied and far more rigid. On the upside, there's far more puns and team strategies to be made with more options, and the need for a high-leveled devil to customize and paint their Evil Miniatures to imbue them with the power they use to connect the newly reincarnated devil to the Party makes them less likely to treat Party members poorly.

What brand of miniatures? Why, Reaper, of course! Tongue

(Yes I did make the whole post just for the Reaper miniatures/reincarnated devils joke.)
Together again for the first time: Charlie Chan, Jackie Chan, and Washuu-chan!
Wolfram Alpha and Hart
Henry Blake's 7
Henry Blake's 7 Samurai
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