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Issue #25 here.
So we can keep proper continuity, we repeat Robkelk's post at the end of the last thread:
(09-28-2022, 07:14 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]We've secretly replaced Lucius Fox with Lucius Malfoy. Let's see who notices.
Pirates of the Spanish Main:
Juan Piece
Tenchi Muyo and the Holy Grail
"That cabbit's dynamite!"
Due to licensing issues, Microsoft Gundam ("MS Gundam" for short) will never be completely compatible with Sharon Apple Macintosh.
(10-28-2022, 08:45 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]"I am Margaretha MacLeod of Clan MacLeod. And I am immortal."
A coincidence I found amusing: a historical novel about Mata Hari,
The Eye of the Lion (1964,
long before
Highlander was made), ends with one of her friends having heard that the name has become a colloquialism for
femme fatale. His response, the last words of the book, is to think, "Live forever, Mata Hari!"
Considering that one dictionary definition of "carry on" is to "behave or speak in a foolish, excited, or improper manner," the designers of that famous poster, "Keep Calm and Carry On,"
need to make up their flippin' minds!
We've switched the titular protagonists of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach. Let's see what happens next in both continuities...
Should put My Uncle Oswald in there too...
I've recently been reading a series with an adult Calvin from the Calvin & Hobbes comic working for Tony Stark, and it lead me to think of the possibility of Calvin interacting with Luna Lovegood. I think their combined weirdness could cause reality to implode in their presence.
One Piece Man
EDIT: And Shepherd, I'd really like to see a fic along those lines. Are you sure you posted that in the right thread?
(11-06-2022, 12:10 AM)Shepherd Wrote: [ -> ]I've recently been reading a series with an adult Calvin from the Calvin & Hobbes comic working for Tony Stark, and it lead me to think of the possibility of Calvin interacting with Luna Lovegood. I think their combined weirdness could cause reality to implode in their presence.
I recall a fic where a kiddified Agatha Clay/Heterodyne is taken in as a foster child by Calvin's parents, though put off at first, Calvin discovers that Agatha is both willing to go along with his imaginings (I recall her playing Junior Space Cadet to Calvin's Spaceman Spiff), perceives Hobbes, and has some really neat ideas/inventions of her own. And the aspect of The Castle that lives in her backpack approves of Calvin's creativity and willingness to do violence to anything that threatens his new sister. Can't recall if the fic eve explained how Agatha ended up in Calvin's world (and kiddie-fied)
(11-06-2022, 10:43 AM)Norgarth Wrote: [ -> ]I recall a fic where a kiddified Agatha Clay/Heterodyne is taken in as a foster child by Calvin's parents, though put off at first, Calvin discovers that Agatha is both willing to go along with his imaginings (I recall her playing Junior Space Cadet to Calvin's Spaceman Spiff), perceives Hobbes, and has some really neat ideas/inventions of her own. And the aspect of The Castle that lives in her backpack approves of Calvin's creativity and willingness to do violence to anything that threatens his new sister. Can't recall if the fic eve explained how Agatha ended up in Calvin's world (and kiddie-fied)
That was
Folie a Deux, on Spacebattles. 13 chapters between 2013 and 2019, and nothing since then. It's been a while since I last read it, so I'm not sure either if they ever explain how Agatha ended up in the Calvinverse.
A Muppet version of Happy Days, with Fozzie as Fonzie.
It's because they're both based on historical figures and public domain fiction, but the Fate Stay Night franchise and A Night in the Lonesome October do share a lot of characters . . . .
Historically, Newton's laws were shown to be incorrect because they couldn't predict the behaviour of Mercury.
I guess we know which Senshi to send to Escaflowne...
I just saw a clip from Home Alone 2 for the first time in decades, and was surprised to see Dame Maggie Smith was in it as a front desk employee at the Plaza Hotel. And all I could think of was Kevin McAllister somehow ending up at Hogwarts, seeing Minerva McGonagall, and going, "I know you!"
Tony Orlando and Dawn Summers
My Little Pony Can't Be This Cute!
Oh, I assure you, your little pony can be that cute.
(11-16-2022, 10:45 PM)Bob Schroeck Wrote: [ -> ]Leeloo and Stitch
Bob, this belongs in the other thread, Crossovers that
should be.

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